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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. BAH, We should keep it! End of, if argentina wants it we'll send 'em home again with a bloody nose.
  2. Ahhhhh Leisure Suit Larry...
  3. I always liked the old saving at the inn approach.
  4. For me Dark Messiah did. I was already a fan of Arkane studios work before DM was released, and DM was supposed to be Arx 2, it was just adapted a franchise.
  5. It only really works if you do something akin to that of the Bards Tale series, when a character is dead it is dead end of story, you can take their stuff, even revive the character 8 months later, but that character is pretty much perminantly dead, no reloading, unless you actually physcially backed up the character. Frankly I prefer that approch, but it's in no way going to help the commercial needs of any company in developing a game which will sell. Thus I am inclined to agree with Sawyer.
  6. The only games I have really ever found to be of any sort of diffculty would RTS's, and then not so much. FPS's are on the whole easier than RPG's.
  7. Okay, I'll go off the top of my head... Baldur's Gate + Tales of the Sword Coast Baldur's Gate II : SOA + Throne of Bhaal Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter Icewind Dale II Planescape : Torment Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon Oblivion + Knights of the Nine + Shiving Isle Neverwinter Nights + SOU + HotU (couple of copies infact) The Bards Tale 1 The Bards Tale 2 The Bards Tale 3 The Bards Tale Construction Kit The Bards Tale Remake Gothic 1 Gothic 2 Gothic 3 Fallout 1 Fallout 2 Diablo Diablo 2 Fable Archangel Temple of Elemental Evil Bloodlines Arcanum Wizardry Gold Wizardry 8 Might & Magic 1 Might & Magic 2 Might & Magic 3 Might & Magic 4 Might & Magic 5 Might & Magic 6 Might & Magic 7 Might & Magic 8 Might & Magic 9 Might & Magic : Dark Messiah Mageknight : Apocalpyse Arx Fatalis Ultima Underworld Ultima Underworld 2 Heroes of Might & Magic Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Heroes of Might & Magic 4 Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30 Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood Stalker UFO : Aftermath UFO : Aftershock XCOM XCOM : Terror from the Deep Mechwarrior 2 Mechwarrior 3 Mechwarrior 3 : Pirate Moon Mechwarrior 4 Wing Commander Wing Commander 2 Wing Commander 3 Wing Commander : Armada Strike Commander Half Life Half Life : Opposing Forces SiN SiN Episode 1 Counter Strike Counter Strike : Source Homeworld Homeworld 2 Warcraft 2 Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 2142 Dungeon Siege Dungeon Siege 2 I suppose that'll do... But I'm tired of typing
  8. I'll just leave the Crack heads to their crack.
  9. You'll miss them someday, I know that I have been glad I've kept my hands on things, especially when i need to referance something... The thing with games is, once they've hit budget for a few years you ain't gunna be able to get your hands on it again, unless you're lucky. Unless you plan to keep them for posterity, perhaps to hand onto your descendants or similar, I can't really see the point in keeping games past the point where you are unlikely to play them. I suppose eventually, if kept in good condition, they might fetch a higher price, but then you are still selling them. I'm not really playing a lot of games at the moment, and there aren't any released this time of year, so I have a bunch to play that I am either half-way through or haven't started. I might go up to my box and type them out, but that seems like a lot of effort. If folks wanna sell stuff that's upto them, I wouldn't sell a game because I hadn't played it in a couple of years.
  10. You'll miss them someday, I know that I have been glad I've kept my hands on things, especially when i need to referance something... The thing with games is, once they've hit budget for a few years you ain't gunna be able to get your hands on it again, unless you're lucky.
  11. This is not a concept I can comprehend for myself, though I see your reasoning. While I may not be playing a game at this current time there will be a time that I shall... So selling isn't something I would ever do.
  12. TOSSING! A GAME!!! TOSSING! There are words for people like you... and I can't say them here.
  13. Role Player... That's a pathetically small list!
  14. awesome wank isn't censored!
  15. Aye figured as much.
  16. Approx number? I think mines at around 300+ PC games.
  17. I think you made a wrong turn and somehow ended up on the internet. Probably, but then again... I'm tired and stressed, venting about the STUPID list made me feel better.
  18. A man after me own heart... R-Type is classic, everything from it's look, through to the music.
  19. The list like any other is irrelivant, pointless, opinionated subjective crap.
  20. Which is one of the many reasons I doubt we'll be seeing it for quite some time.
  21. So basically.... A very very very long time LOL
  22. I totally agree...
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