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Everything posted by Yunerz

  1. I'm obviously biased towards Atton, but I do think HK and Jolee are hilarious.
  2. + Atton Visas Mira T3 - G0-T0 Disciple Mandalore Thats just off the top of my head.
  3. Yep I can't read today
  4. THAT. IS. AWESOME. Do you have it in 1024x768 by any chance? I can't wait to see your Atton story. =)
  5. Oh man this takes me back, this is really sweet. Thanks Eji.
  6. ROFL The audio files are still there for THAT one? I gotta hear this..
  7. Wow thats really moving =(
  8. Aimo makes all my KoTOR fangirl dreams come true. LUFF!
  9. I know it bums you out Eji, but look on the brightside. You are making lots of KoTOR fangirls/boys very very happy with those soundclips. It also brought out the Carthaholics from out of the woodwork
  10. Awesome work, i'm digging the wallpapers w/ Evil!Atton and Carth.
  11. They'd get mauled and would have to lock threads probably
  12. Exaggeration or no, we got the short end of the stick. Visas and The Handmaiden had these great dramatic scenes with you before the Ravager. Disciple just attempts to console you (using a few of the same lines Visas does). Atton? We don't hear much out of him once you finish training him. I also don't recall much flirting at all. But you are right, the romance options for either gender leave much to the imagination. The males still get a bit more in the end though. Otherwise I completely agree with her original post. GG
  13. That would take a lot of work/time. If I had the means believe me i'd do it. But in the meantime we can only hope someone would be nice enough to do so.
  14. Eji you ROCK. Thanks so much for putting that up.
  15. omg, please tell me, what folder did you find them in? I would love to make a mix of that scene... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> /keep clicking refresh
  16. I enjoyed all their voices, but the ones that stand out above all of them are Kreia, Atton, Mira and Visas.
  17. Hahaha don't worry about it.
  18. I know, girls obviously belong in the kitchen cooking my dinner.
  19. Its pretty obvious isn't it
  20. Ehh Visas and Mira are all well and good, but my character had huge eyes and pretty hair. Vash was pretty feisty too from what I gathered of her.
  21. Dude, that was great. Thanks Eji! I'm so going to throw random objects right now. I hope it isn't asking too much to have this one also converted into mp3. I would have converted it myself if I knew how.
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