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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Yes Hooah, I can see that English is your strong suit ... "
  2. ... And so religion will continue to fulfill this role, because science will not. QED
  3. I regarded mathematics as a religion when I was in high school. It still is the only perfet science: where you can proove something conclusively. Vectors can be complex, matrices (or n-dimensional vectors, and their operations) are pretty interesting, too! Solving simultaneous equations was always a favourite: I wrote a c programm at uni to solve three (or was it four?) variable simultaneous equations ... Kaftan, you don't know how many dimensions there are ... and the point about String theory is that six of the dimensions "fold up", sort of like fractal dimensions. Don't tell me you don't believe in fractal dimensions, because they are visible everywhere around us: look at the earth from space: see the coastline? Zoom in until you can see the headlands, see the extra detail? Now, keep zooming, see the shoreline? Keep drilling down and the coastline keeps changing, keeps getting more and more variations: see the grains of sand? These are fractal dimensions (according to Glieck and Chaos theory).
  4. 1. There are plenty of religious scientists (although they are just as likely to be Jewish as Christian or Muslim, and all the religions are represented, just as agnostics and atheists are). 2. Science does not how metaphysical answers (i.e. those beyond the laws of science). 3. There is actually a part of the brain (frontal lobe, near the pineal gland, IIRC) that has been shown to become active during religious experiences, and those people with a larger section tend to have stronger religious experiences: whether this is a transceiver to god, human collective unconscious, the noosphere, or a centre for illusory stimulation for distraction is not clear. 4. If god did not exist it would have been necessary to invent him. (Voltaire)
  5. Yes. Exile is alive. Exile had no Force. Ergo, Exile survived without the Force. :D
  6. I agree. Before Malachor V, she probably was good in the Jolee Bindo sense - always asking questions, challenging the assumptions of the Jedi masters, genuinely trying to open her students' minds to new ideas. But on Malachor she found the wrong answers, and stopped asking the right questions. After that, whether as a Sith Lord or exiled from both sides, she went on to make more and more evil choices. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kreia was, at worst, amoral, not immoral and evil. Big difference, because Kreia is more a chaotic good; she seeks to save the universe from eternal slavery, shackled to the monstrously meglomaniacal Force: Kreia is single-minded, not evil. You'll see, when you realise your destiny is controlled by something else, and you are just a actor forced to follow a script written by someone else for their own benefit. ...
  7. You can't just shrug everything aside like that. What about the Exile? He was the living representation of what Kreia would have wanted for the galaxy as a whole. He had severed all of his ties to the Force, so much so that his only hope of rebuilding his connection with it was to do so through a Force bond with another being (Kreia), yet...he still lived, even without it. That was exactly why the Exile was so important to Kreia. It was proof, to her, that life could exist without the Force, that it was at least possible, which gave her hope. She had no interest in destroying all life everywhere. In fact, compassion on some level was what drove her "vision for the galaxy" to begin with, as she loathed the Force for imposing its will upon the galaxy solely to achieve some form of "balance" while letting so many die in the process. I don't even like to call her "insane" or "delusional" because all it does is take away from the point of her character and to serve as an excuse to conveniently shrug aside things she has said. Really, in my opinion, she never had any intention of or "plan" for destroying the Force. It was her personal vision for "a better galaxy", yes...her dream and hope, yes...but not her ultimate goal over the course of the game. She didn't lure the Exile to Malachor V to "use him to kill the Force". She lured the Exile to Malachor V because it was to be his "final test": Confronting both Kreia and the Malachor V from his past. Her "ultimate goal" was to die by the Exile's hands, as the final step in his training. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice theory, but the Exile's training for what?
  8. It means that you are too nice, Steve. (It's all that underestimating the evilness of others .... )
  9. The registering thing is all about playing teams from every server in the world with your team; apparently the AI / Expert system is meant to be quite clever and links up good matches between teams with varying intra-skill-levels, across all the servers. That's the big deal, also you get to be promoted to higher ranks (and you are supposed to follow the chain of command: I wonder if field officers carry handguns to shoot diserters and mutineers? ), eventually having the rank of Commander, the only individual with a total view of the battlefield, calls in airstrikes and artillery and provides the HUD waypoints for the chain of command.
  10. I still haven't gotten past the first part of the first "chapter" of Frozen Throne, even though I played Warcraft III all the way through and enjoyed it thoroughly (hence why I bought the expansion). I just find it interminably irritating having to play the wood faries (or whatever they are), with their peculiar magic and such. It turned me right off the game. Ve Hav vays ov makking yoo punktu-ate korrectly, ja? ***************************************** In other news, I just finished Beneath a Steel Sky. Lots of fun and frustration there ..! ... Takes me back to the old "verb noun" adventures, like King's Quest and Space Quest ... My first impressions (after finishing) was that the quality of the voice acting puts todays multi-million dollar extravaganzas to shame; the script and the acting and the jokes were better than just about anything I have played in the last few years, including the KotORs.
  11. I like Volo, too. Except when I don't.
  12. Vicious demoncats with nasty-sharp-little-teeth ...
  13. Yeah but this poster is not making a name in the lurk-and-post-intelligently poll.
  14. God cheats: (knows the answers befor the game starts, what you will pick, and permits you to lose). nasty I would vote for all the Final Fantasy games, but they sucked. I would like to change my favourite games. I'm not sure what to yet, though. Maybe Planetfall (read a comment that reminded me of a bit of the game and I realised why I liked it so much), or even Beneath a Steel Shy ...
  15. @Flatus: @KOTORFanactic: make your own machinima film with the KotOR engine, then you can enjoy your own KotOR universe. And we don't have to suffer it.
  16. And there is a central register of role-players.
  17. Don't forget the Alien ship that the Nostomo hears the distress call from the first film ...
  18. I wanna play god-pong ... PS I'm sure the old server would still work --- after all, it's not like the server becomes inoperable; it should work exactly as it did back when it was connected. Maybe we could start a petition. Or a writing exercise.
  19. But not cancer due to an automobile accident, or even an automobile accident due to a hot Norwegian chick with cancer ...
  20. I don't need traps, I have vicious human-eating feline pets:
  21. Automobile accident versus hot Norwegian chicks? Or cancer versus automobile accidents?
  22. It's probably something to do with the legislation on the containment of hazardous waste ...
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