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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. SURVIVAL Horror? With nannite RPG biomodification upgrades? (Is this a trick question?)
  2. And for the last blessed time, it's Nartwak, not Natwark! ^_^ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who keeps editing my posts? From now on, the Poster formerly known as Nartwak will be known as: aakNrtw (which is the alphabetised version of his name).
  3. Who just said KotOR: The Sith Lords?
  4. I'm really digging System Shock 2 at the moment, too. Will definitely be running the guantlet and trying to run the original System Shock on my XP machine ...
  5. Wasn't that bullet-time rip-off called "D
  6. No. You get a metaphorical hot poker up the blurter.
  7. ..Seemed to be able to type perfectly there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Had my sis look over it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's your answer! Have your sister submit all your dictated posts ... "
  8. if annyone should be annexed, it is sweden. poor poor sweden; norway, with our oil, can buy and sell sweden ten times! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's true. Norway is a country of comparable size (population) and geography (climate) to Scotland. They have a large income based on deminishing Oil reserves, which they intelligently decided, about a decade ago, to allocate a portion to their national savings; thus they are now the proud holders of something like a
  9. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Weaknesses? They might want to *both* be the leader. Also, Revan was the super-strategist; it would make sense that she has thought up a major plan whose intricacies no-one else could fathom and therefore had not been considered ... and that she would not be able to tell the Exile about it, for fear of failure (whether due to betrayal or incompetence) ...
  10. There was an official signature, and I wasn't told!
  11. ... Except if it was the method of choice to introduce the non-Chosen-One protagonist of the third game! Thank you. It's a pity that I've told you all about it, because now I can't sell it to them. Then what would that leave Kreia's foresight into the future? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, they'd just have someone in a cantina make some background comment about how Kreia was so twisted by her own warped world-view (or should that be galaxy-view?) that she couldn't see straight. Kreia is the one true prophet. She will inspire the Anti-Force-Sensitives to destroy the Force and restore Free Will to the peoples of the galaxy.
  12. ... And every Sith thinks you murdered (pick Revan or Exile) and every Republican thinks you murdered (pick the other one) and so the entire galaxy is after you ... and you don't even know what to do, and everyone thinks you have all the answers ... sort like Monty Python's Life of Brian meets Half-Life ...
  13. Well, I'm all for experimentation, but you have briefly touched on a lot of issues just there. For one, simply "adding one more [sC] and upping the win criteria to 19" is not a trivial impact on the game; that impacts every power. I wouldn't be confident to mess with the balance and dynamics of the game without at least measuring the impact on every power in turn. That's going to affect the break-even line, and therefore the chokepoints will be affected in varying ways, and other such concerns. It's a pretty thorny knot ... a gordian knot, I would say. Still, in a while I will feel a bit more comfortable with the original gameboard. It is not really feasible to make comparisons when the basis for the comparison is not a known quantity ...
  14. You mean .... this isn't it?
  15. It would hardly be sound diplomacy to advertise your strategy ...
  16. This is what showed up on google when I entered "metadigital daughter" A thread from this forum <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When she returns from her current gig entertaining the British amred forces stationed in Cypres, her next job is here, as a barmaid.
  17. *Braces* Pray tell, what is the Croatia variant, and why does it appeal to you so?
  18. This is what showed up on google when I entered "metadigital daughter" A thread from this forum <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's funny, because I don't remember her using that reference ... " I doubt she even knows that's my pseudonym.
  19. Both. But I am encouraging her to go back to university and obtain her Law Degree.
  20. Maybe after we've played a few normal games, so that we might be more availed of the best seismic events. I also didn't really understand what happens with normal and conflicting requests: i.e. what makes a seismic event legal and successful ?
  21. She is a glamour model, though, so I must have done something right.
  22. Oh ... hang on ..! ... No ... I guess it's within normal parameters ... yes, ... yes, we can continue ...
  23. I tried. I made her watch ESB so that the scene in Toy Story 2 was put into context, but she didn't seem to think it was worth the effort ...
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