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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Nah, alignment is too poorly defined as a consequence of it being misunderstood in the first place. There is plenty of scope for two lawful good characters to be fighting each other, for example: if an evil potentate makes a bad law, then the lawful good sherrif either: follows the law, because that's what she does, or protects the innocent, because that's what she does. Therefore, two characters of the same alignment can quite easily interpret the same situation differently and still be within their alignment. I know option A seems more lawful, and option B seems more good, but I could also argue that A is lawful-neutral, and B is neutral-good. (Assuming for the purposes of this example that the sherrif couldn't change the law; a Kobayashi Maru, is better to test ethical boundaries.) The crux is the semantics of "law": does lawful mean "obey laws of society", like democracy, or does it mean "obey the laws of God", like a theocracy?
  2. Kaftan, bide your time. Then volunteer to take the ground on a *new* gaming experience ... Cthulhu. "
  3. Sort of a decent social control programme, really ... all they need to do is work out how to transmit a real virus through the computer network ...
  4. Does that help in TOMBS ?
  5. No thankyou. But nice to see you again, Eddo. We need some more surreal topics ...
  6. I am just installing the game now ... ... so I mayn't see you all for a little while ...
  7. Which game?
  8. UML might give you what you need without making you learn a complete language: it is the language to explain programming without using the specific syntax of any particular programming language. C++ is apretty steep learning curve, although you might be able to pick up a gist in a few weeks, you will not really give yourself much with that. UML is relatively and comparitively simple in that it strives to explain the model that the programmers are trying to implement in code: if you understand that (and they should all be conversant with UML), then you can have a meaningful conversation with any programmers.
  9. Pixies is my favourite Pixies.
  10. Ah, Chaotic Neutral: the alignment of the true individual, who might just as easily watch you burn in the fire started by their stray cigarette as save you! Reminds me of the ethics of the Pirates of the Carribbean ...
  11. I guess you could even use some sort of variation for house rules and take off half of the constitutional bonus hit points for each wounding strike, rather than taking them all off every other strike ...
  12. Anytime.
  13. ... Looking for his interview on the internets, perhaps ... "
  14. Well, you did have a final boss had to be stopped, just you had to destroy the machinery rather than his own body, directly. That's just like Deus Ex ... hmmmm I might just go and lay Deus Ex now ...
  15. Superman Three was kewl!
  16. Jodo... " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!
  17. They should have hired the Lego designer to do K2, because that is a pretty amazing design considering the medium ... And they even managed to make a good likeness of Darth Nihilus, even though he only makes a guest appearance ... PS Isn't that a teeny weeny spoiler ... "
  18. Fix'd.
  19. Darwinia is coming to Steam ...
  20. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just to be clear, I'm not particularly interested in your comparison of the "historical facts" as written in two holy scriptures, more the appallingly poor taste it shows and the ineffable hypocrisy engendered in dismissing someone else's sacrosanct holy scripture as a poor copy of yours. Are we understanding yet, or do you need to insult me a bit more ?
  21. It was a series of movies AND cartoons. :ph34r:
  22. Wow! I was just teleported twenty years ago, and back again!
  23. I had forgotten about Police Quest! Geez I have spent a lot of my life playing games ...
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