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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Well, I did think that the cabbage flavour was a bad omen.
  2. You aren't going to change your mind later, are you?
  3. You'd have to build it first. Have you still got all the bricks, or have you lost some when you took some to your friends' place for the sleepover the other night?
  4. Yeah, Astro, what did you mean by that comment?
  5. "The Quest" is exactly the plot of 99.999% of all Hollywood films.
  6. When the chicken comes back in time, riding on tachyons, to run you over in her quantum gravitron powered vehicle, then you'll be sorry!
  7. The genius of Dracula is that the entire thing is written as diary entries by the various characters. From the very beginning they talk about how they've compared notes, and they can't really believe all that they have written, but just chosen present it as is. It's a very compelling literary trick by Stoker to make his own characters doubt the events of the story just as much or more so than than the reader will. I know everybody's seen the films and nobody's read the book, but I do advice it. Dracula is a classic for a reason, and it's not just because it's a good excuse for gory horror. Heck, Dracula didn't even have fangs until Christopher Lee put them on. Try watching Browning's 1933 version of Dracula with (in my opinion the best Dracula) Bela Lugosi. There are no fangs anywhere. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So that makes it a multi-perspective narrative: multi-protagonist. Assuming the subjects of the diary entries are the writers.
  8. What the hell for?
  9. Enough to reach the next level, which allows you to save versus sleep at the wheel with a bonus due to constitution against the lack of sleep broght on by the over-indulgence of alcohol.
  10. And the tailors?
  11. Honey, I shrank the Role-Players ...
  12. Your player shoots bad guys, who hide and stuff.
  13. Drop the Barbie outfit, Volo, and step away from the dresser ...! :D
  14. Just get him to say his name backwards ...
  15. I noticed they put that out there every chance they got. It sounds delightful, and could be a very good way of doing things in the future. I also think there could be enourmously different gameplay experiences each play through, given that it downloads user content (random), and you can create totally unique and difference characters each time. I'm hooked....how much longer again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Procedural graphics production is a BIG deal. Dynamic, on-the-fly rendering of objects based on their intrinsic attibutes (leg shapes that are faster, talons that allow digging, etc) provides a BIG BOOST to developers (at the expense of roomfuls of artists). This will have a psotive impact on game development, all that remains to be seen is how large.
  16. I know Bethesda's Polygon Soup can't hold a candle to Rockstar's Hot Polygon Soup, but what can you do? Yes, we'd all prefer administering the aforementioned Soup on various less angular polygons before commencing with tongueticular activities on said Soup, but that would reopen the infamous "Do female Dwarven beards tickle?" debate - and some secrets are best left forgotten. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Evidently you missed the previous discussion about the inclusion of soil erosion and bodily-fluid dynamics in Oblivion. Now if they could just make the recipe taste good, instead of burnt rubbers ...
  17. Nope, you've got the case Steve! Report back when you know more. :D
  18. Dragons are a large part of Chinese mythology (although they look significantly different), so dragons would always exist. Just different. Ditto for elves and dwarves. No halflings, though, that came straight from the mind of madness.
  19. Don't pretend that wasn't why you watched it in the first place. Saucy minx.
  20. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
  21. I'll have you know that was straight from the pages of quasi-quiddity.
  22. Does GURPS add bbq flavouring?
  23. Even Michael Ironside cannot salvage that faeces (United States feces) n plural noun waste matter remaining after food has been digested, discharged from the bowels. DERIVATIVES faecal adjective ORIGIN Middle English: from Latin, plural of faex 'dregs'.
  24. What little credibility I gave you for your poncy art attitude has just been stripped from you with that judgement.
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