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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. ... Is that the quattro or quintuple blade?
  2. Maybe Patrick decided that snakes were too bog a deal, and when he went to Finland he thought it would be easier to remove those little insects ...
  3. Didn't Socrates say that 'only those who absolutely dread of having power should have it'? (Offtopic, I know. But the thread moves too fast for me since I am also eating my lunch at the moment.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's about the size of it, in my experience. All those who become politicians are a bit of a problem: Arthur C Clarke explored the idea of a republic ruled by rota, every twelve months a new citizen was given highest executive power.
  4. Communism is a wonderful idea, in lollipop land. Unfortunately, people cheat. And power corrupts, and ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. So any practical implementation of communism will fail, because those in power will extort those not. Here's the problem. Group responsibility equals no responsibility. What incentive does the farmer, for example, have to inprove her yield, year-on-year? Doesn't matter: the farmer gets paid the same as the doctor as the street sweeper: enough not to starve. Sure, ever year the REPORT an increase, and because every one in the chain of command has an vested interest in pretending that the increase is real. Under the Tzar, Russia was a net exporter of grain. Under communism, Russia was a net importer of grain. Secondly, for the system to work, you have a principal-agent problem on the grandest scale, with all executive power centralised in one politburo.
  5. **** Trace report for Elven6 ***///// error 3465
  6. A Finnish Saint Patrick!
  7. Custom PC issue 31, p31, recommends the XFX GeForce 6800GS XXX Edition
  8. well, what sort of fun does that give us?
  9. I am seriously considering building a piece of desk-like furniture with all the phase-change cooling equipment in-built in the base ...
  10. ... And when he says boom, he means Baddabing! Baddabang! Buddaboom!
  11. Yes! the stories would write themselves ... just write a basic programme to spit out adjective, noun, verb, subordinate adjectival clause made up of adjective and noun; draw the words from a list of dirty vocabulary, and Bob's your xenogenic half-brother-fianc
  12. My Wings are like a Shield of Steel.
  13. No. World of Wonder! Or even: World of Wonderwomen!
  14. I think it is a reasonable expectation, considering where the publishers are trying to herd digital rights management towards: the various formats could be unlocked from the Blu-Ray disc, with perhaps a discount for multiple purchases. The publishers would be interested in it because it brings down the variable cost of production, with a small increase in fixed cost. Better for marketing (regression analyses, sales predictions, etc).
  15. Whatever bonds your dentures. I think the cases are an eyesore, but then again I am not in the tweenie target demographic.
  16. I think this perspective is an easy one to take because we cannot see the perspective of the big business. The effectiveness of copyprotection goes far beyond the "well it gets cracked anyways" argument, and is pretty much a guess for anyone because any numbers that get shown from the corporation or copyprotectors is automatically dismissed, and AFAIK no "impartial" study has ever really been done. There's schools of thought based on theory, but the theory is typically only supported anecdotally. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There were a shedload of copy-protection systems used for the Apple ][, I remember. Ironically one of the toughest was used for the Locksmith programme (diskcopy utility: wouldn't copy itself but would copy a disk bit by binary bit from one drive to another). There must be some actual hard figures out there, because there were people who sold software sans-protection as well as some pretty draconian methods (like the dongle used by AutoCAD).
  17. So, Sony is entering the dating game? Move over friends-reunited!
  18. Is that a PM you accidentally published in my thread? <_<
  19. Saves shaving. I hate shaving. I heard an apocraphal story about a gneder-reassignment candidate who was asked what was worse, the monthly cycle or shaving. S/he said shaving was worse.
  20. When the tiger is less hungry.
  21. the original is a GREAT film ... because it doesn't have an artificial chase mechanism and it has Lord Richard Attenborough and Jimmy Stewart giving some absolutely delicious character acting (the point of the story in general). Just watched Apollo 13. Love it. Going to watch the digitally remastered Spartacus next.
  22. What about beard-trimmers? Right now I must have a beard-trimmer. Years ago an electric razor was mandatory for me to get to work on time. Now I just have a permanent designer stubble. :cool:
  23. Hmmm ... *thinks* this might actually be a viable revenue stream ... a way to make money out of weird fetishistic behaviours, by providing literature of questionable taste, whilst excusing it as a "harmless" rehabilitation and method for recidivism prevention ... and these losers will pay TOP DOLLAR for their brand of smut ...!
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