I have no fillings. At all. (I had one, on a baby tooth, for a couple of months before the tooth fell out, naturally.)
I have had my wisdom teeth out. As the jaw hardens with age, and specifically after the twenties, I had them out before they were a problem (it was evident on the X-ray that the top two were going to be impacted), and I had them all out (even though the bottom two had a good prognosis; no need to have extra teeth, especially as I have all my originals intact!). I had them out as an in-patient, because I'd heard far too many horror stories about people having their mouth split open as the dentist tried to gain purchase. (My brother woke up with a sore chest: the dentist had put his knee into his chest to help extract the teeth.)
The operation was in the morning, I had loads of Pethidine and a jump-start of Nitrous-Oxide for the procedure, then I had loads of other opiates (that were difficult to come off over the next few days), I was discharged in the afternoon and then went out. :D