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Frog Man

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About Frog Man

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist


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  1. Nice! Was just reading about blade feast in another topic on here. Awesome stuff. I guess a concern would be that you can’t get Engolio for quite some time right? The hanging sepulchers are tough …
  2. Long time no see all! It’s that time again, I’m ready to go back to the Deadfire. Will be doing a POTD run. I’ve never done the archetype of the big nasty 2hand warrior guy who smites waves of foes with his giant sword. Would appreciate a build suggestion! All classes/multiclasses on the table, but would like to use a 2hand sword.
  3. Are we back?? IM THINKING WE’RE BACK
  4. one more question - does the unarmed build work with tuotillo's palm or the magran shield? or should i stay with just fists
  5. Bo - thank you for generosity and wisdom!!! Now the only difficulty is deciding between those two awesome builds. A few quick notes: first build reminds me of an unarmed Barb build that you made work for Pillars 1 ! You must enjoy this sort of thing (I love finding ways to make fists work in this game and in others Concelhaut's touch is awesome - im finishing up a run in Forgotten Sanctum right now and Fassina has been conjuring that with a phantom and the two of them have been punching people's faces off. love that trick. wasn't aware of the grimoire swap trick! Fighting with fists - do you not get the bonuses of items taht say 'get X with weapons' - like belt of magran's chosen - +3% damage dealt as burn with weapons ? i've ALWAYS gone spirit tornado on barbs, excited to try out blood storm Again thanks for this! Excited to play an evil bastard this go around and see some of the reactivity for being a famous cannibal. If my companions or crew piss me off i'll probably eat them too. will report back and let you know how it goes!
  6. Only restrictions - no command line cheAts (still hunting achievements!) lowest level for my party as possible turn based mode only explanation - for my new playthrough id like to use Vatnir as early as possible but that damned zombie dragon stands in my way!! I usually can’t beat her unless I have a geared out lvl 14 or higher Party. So please help me kill her sooner so I can recruit Vatnir! gracias!!! edit: one more note - this doesn’t have to include cheese if just have some solid strategy I can employ to beat her. I know about interrupting Llengraths safeguard.
  7. Hey Pillars dudes - I’ve decided on Corpse-eater for my next run for the flavor <rim shot>, and could use some help making this guy powerful! I know this subclass is one of the least powerful, so can you help me juice him up a bit? I’m fine going single class or multiclass, melee range caster whatever. I’ll grab whatever companions I need to round out the rest of the party. Just thought it’d be fun to have an evil/cruel playthrough while gnawing on kith meat!
  8. So I disagree on your assumption why turn-based is more popular. I was RTWP all the way for decades (Baldurs fate, ice wind dale, pillars1), but recently I’ve tried turn based and I can’t go back. I feel like so many little actions can get lost in like 5 vs 10 people battles and turn based let’s me see (and MUCH more easily control) every action in the battle. I love getting to fully control every party member I have with absolutely zero AI.
  9. all - reposting a run idea I had from the Pillars subreddit. I’ll post OPs thoughts and then mine below that. Would love feedback and or ideas. ——————————————— (redditors post) POE2: Recommend me the best settings to have a FUN + EXCEPTIONALLY HARD Potd Run Hi guys, Seeing so many people still playing this game, as well as all the new people joining our community, I have decided to try another run of POE2. I've played this game so much and have beat it on the POTD multiple times. Solo, Various magran's challenges, Trial of Iron. The problem I faced when doing the various max difficulty challenges was that I found myself really not enjoying the game as much. I think my solo run was the worst in terms of having fun. It was literally just me, kiting, managing aggro, creating the most optimal minmax builds, and then getting a hollow victory. So this time I want your help in creating some rules that will keep the game fun yet hard af. The only things I want to keep standard is that I will be running a 5 man party (because solo is not fun), on POTD, and no tedious magran's blessings (like abydon, or woedica, which just innately make the game boring). On top of that I would like your suggestions for additional settings I should run, as well as any extra rules I should follow. This is my way of filling the void, while waiting for Baldur's Gate 3 ——————————————— (Frog man) I’m a backer and yet I’m playing another playthrough right now! Also I hear you on wanting it to be hard without mind-breakingly difficult. I’ll be watching this thread closely for new ideas, however I’ll share with you what I’m plotting for my next run - a Regular Joes run. The idea is playing through Deadfire as 5 regular old dudes who don’t have cosmic power, they just have muscles and bone and steel and grit and courage, punching whatever the Deadfire throws at them in the f***ing face. No spells. No magical classes. No named weapons or armor (best you can use is generic exceptional and superb blue gear). No scrolls. No figurines. Explosives traps and potions are all fair game. I’m cool with whatever accessories you want (rings, gloves, boots, necklaces). I’d recommend grabbing REGEN gear and heavy as **** armor since you won’t have access to healers (upgrade athletics as well!) Classes - use your best judgment. As an example, priests ciphers wizards are definitely out. Paladins and Chanters could be admissible, but I plan on excluding them to double down on the theme. Rangers are in, but I wouldn’t use ghost heart or arcane archer (too fantastical). My squad will be 5 deep and will include single classes and multi-classes of fighters, rogues, Rangers, barbs and monks. I’ll take any suggestions to up the difficulty and/or adhere more closely to the theme!
  10. Dude I’m so happy to see mother f***ers still on here discussing #motherfreakingDEADFIRE. I don’t give a crap the game sold poorly, it kicks ass. using maia and her pet right now!
  12. I’d love the ice wind dale style game that was discussed in a reddit thread awhile back (a thread that the devs said they were watching very closely). Heavy party building, combat and dungeon crawling focus. Living lands or white that wends could work well for this style of game!
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