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Everything posted by Zoma

  1. From now on, Project code name will be known as the "Me Three".
  2. MT needs an ascent. British ascent.
  3. Butcher Bay with add on and enhanced graphics it would seem.
  4. Often its always a year before the date of release. So presuming this game takes up the standard 3 years, we should be expecting some news of sort after 2 years in the making. I can only wonder if the Onyx engine will have a role to play as a core resource in the making.
  5. I will guarantee it will sell well. There's already alot of hype that Dragon Age is the spiritual successor of Baldur's Gate series with the game being penned and lead by the same designe, David Gaider. Plus its typical cliche fantasy setting that everyone could digest easily like bigmac, not some Eastern wanna-be setting. I have faith Obsidian learnt alot of things during Neverwinter Nights 2's erratic development progress. Obsidian conceded of some mistakes they made which involved putting too many eggs in one baskets during the development and an unforeseen problem of the electron engine and the core of the aurora engine being incompatible. Furthermore they said that if there are any future games involving tool editors, their highest priority would be making tool as an accessible medium for many people instead of the one in Neverwinter Nights 2. To be fair, its not entirely Atari's fault but rather a share of Obsidian's faulty management due to uncapped ambition. There were two lead designers for the game before J.E came on board which is difficult to grasp consistency in the project. They tried to add lots of classes without fixing the old ones first since they were given old Aurora build. The stripping and recreation of the graphics engine that still runs slowly for today's standard. The game was delayed for additional six months remember? Anyway. Why not? The game started off in Pen and Paper RPG format in 1987 under the name Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000:_Rogue_Trader
  6. I dunno about BG3 man. These casual gamers will have a strange mindset of claiming BG 3 to be a copycat of Dragon Age. Sheesh. Its also unlikely that KOTOR 3 would be made. Apparently Bioware will gloss over the storyline of KOTOR 2 and pretend it does not happend for their KOTOR MMO setting. So it could be Neverwinter Nights 3 which is a high probability, or some new/existing virgin IP that excites the Obsidian peeps very much. I kind of personally hope it could be Warhammer 40K.
  7. There's sniper gun being shown and used in the developer diary #2
  8. http://twitter.com/obsidian_ent "Obsidian is happy today." https://twitter.com/jesawyer "loves the smell of contract signing in the... evening." Let speculations BEGIN.
  9. Wow. Makes you really wonder who is Funroc. The creepy cleaner who changes Feargie's bins every monday morning? The coffee stirrer? Donut delivery man? The incredible intelligent space hamster from out space that MCA took it in as his pet , which secrety uses Chris's notebook to send us tibits? Or wait better still, Josh's accident of spilling coffee on his desktop short circuited the system that in its 1/tenth billion probability resultd in the creation of a super advanced sentient AI who spies on unawary Obsidianites? MYSTARI.
  10. A Paul who? o.O
  11. Bad as in, BADASS?
  13. No. Not rick-rolling you guys. Seriouz 4 realz. http://twitter.com/obsidian_ent I put my take on MJ's Billy Jean. Of course without knowing what sort of character this antagonist is, song might not fit huh.
  14. Its expressing his nerdrage in mainland terms: Why is it whenever I come here I get to hear bad news?!
  15. MOAAARGASM! And I believe you can customize his face for a stubble as shown in this pic: Game's going in a very awesome direction. Just need to keep working on the framerates without sacrificing too much of the texture resolution. But I'm a little concerned for MCA. The left side of his face appears to have several blisters. All cool I hope?
  16. I'm not sure if games like the Witcher made a 2 million mark in sales can be considered under a niche category though.
  17. Fallout 2 with high resolution is cool. But. . . won't it like strain your eyes when trying to pick up small items that probably makes one exactly 2 or 3 pixels on screen?
  18. Splintercell: Chaos Theory. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. You won't regret the impulse purchase.
  19. Lawlor? I could already think up of joke names for this guy. But you know I still love you Scott <3
  20. I presume you mo-capped as the helpless victim? :D
  21. Those people ought to use the term "Believeable" instead.
  22. Isn't almost everything in Alpha Protocol aside from basic animations like ladder climbing Mo-capped? Believe that includes CQC combat also.
  23. I don't think it will be an issue. I have yet to see any other games in general having more than one take downs. Gears of War has the stomp and chainsaw animation, Splinter Cell has front and back stabs animation that only last for one second. The only game I'm aware that has LOTS of take down animations would be Tenchu. Depending which direction the you take down the enemy, its got its own unique animation.
  24. Quest for Glory IV. Despite being what I feel is the best in the series for its storyline and voice acting (God, I love the narrator's voice, it gives the game so much personality), the glorious bugs in form of error 47 and others simply made the game incompleteable. In fact, with newer windows system it introduces even MORE bugs, which fails the game into becoming a classic because the new generation layers could not play and finish the game. Sad day for the hero series.
  25. Pssht. Hand Maiden is wayz hotter and Visa way more erotic.
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