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Everything posted by rheingold

  1. Live and let live I say. If it gets you off playing POTD thinking you are the god of gamers that's fine, if it does good things for you playing on easy and steamrolliing the game, that's frigging awesome! People like different experiences, what makes sense for one makes no sense for another. Guys would do well to stop telling other people how or why they should play games.
  2. Just to confirm, I really have no problem with story mode. If it makes money for the developers - awesome, that'll mean POE2 I'm just interested in how they will do it. Regarding the game being easy as is... It actually isn't, believe it or not there is a fair learning curve especially if you haven't played the older games, and don't have a grounding in good old fashioned d&d or systems modeled on it.
  3. Awesome thanks for the update. Looking forward to it. Story time? Dunno, maybe they mean a really easy mode? As I understand it, currently the difference in difficulty is mainly in how many and what type of critters appear. Perhaps they are editing the actual stats of the creatures to make it easier?
  4. I quite like the combat in pillars and I think they are starting to get a handle on class balance as well. I'm playing original sin enhanced edition now, while I wait for the 2nd part of WM. And, oh my hat is it bad, just bad. I loved Original sin, but the enhanced edition, well, they have fallen into the trap of making changes for the sake of making changes. And very few of them are good, most of them are downright awful. Hopefully pillars won't fall into the same trap.
  5. I for one am glad that pillars is not a sandbox, non linear type of game. By and large the story and plot really suffer by going that route. Whatever you can say about Bethesda, you can never accuse them of great writing or narrative. I enjoyed skyrim, but there was no story or reactivity at all. There's a time and place for both. But Pillars was marketed as a throwback to the ie games and they were incredibly linear. And, quite co incidentally had great stories... By going linear the story is always going to be tighter. No question about that.
  6. To the OP, I can kinda relate, but the thing is that the stat building is over rated. You can make an excellent character without min/maxing. And it wouldn't necessarily be less powerful. An example is a rogue with high resolve, perc and dex. You miss virtually nothing by not taking strength, in fact you gain more than you lose with high resolve as opposed to strength. The same could be said for favoring intelligence over perception. Your abilities will last longer so you won't really need the extra accuracy. It would be perfectly viable, not weaker at all, just different.
  7. Absolutely everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I understand where he is coming from, or at least I think I do. I've also had high expectations of games and then ended up being disappointed. I'm just not sure why you keep posting on forums after you've made your points. Regarding combat in the olde ie games, it was terrible. I loved those games, but the strong point was the world building, story and companions. The computer games based on pnp never translated well in combat. For example, playing a non caster type character was boring as all hell. You had maybe one per day ability and I hat was it. Paladins had a turn undead, smite and lay on hands. Very situational and once they where used that was that.BG2 was even worse with some of the kits, an inquisitor had a powerful dispel and that was it. I felt that you where really forced into playing casters preferably mages. But even they had issues, at low level they were a pain and at high level you had to abuse the rest mechanic. So overall, while the games where great, I don't think the combat mechanics where good. Combat in games generally (with few exceptions) becomes old fast. Which is why I prefer story side of things. Part of the problem is you cannot get away from the fact that in a computer games encounters are placed and can't be changed. So you know what monsters are where and what their strong and weak points are to the most minuscule detail. In pnp a good dm could change things on the fly, add different encounters, it was unpredictable. The only way around the combat becomes repetitive is to have a good random encounter system. It's got very little to do with the game mechanics, rather it's all about changing the encounters or adding random ones. I might also add that the computer ai has a huge role to play here. I wouldn't blame obs, or any other devs though, we still have a long way to go before the ai thinks for itself and learns from previous encounters.
  8. I'd go dual wielding Sabres in heavy armor. High dex, resolve and perception. You can leave everything else including strength at 10 if you are not a min/maxer, otherwise feel free to drop below. Heavy armor really helps with surviving. And the speed penalty with dual wielding and high dex is not much and that's pre durgan steel! Resolve by itself is not going to make a substantial difference to deflection, I'd take the defensive talents as well. Not sure of their names, but the one that minimizes the deflection penalty for the rogue damage modal is good. With that and high resolve you can find a good 10 points or so of deflection. For me, with a rogue there is no question that resolve is much better than strength. It adds a bit of deflection, will saves and lots of conversation choices. Might just adds a bit more damage which frankly you won't even notice, and some healing benefits, again they don't make much of a difference. For me playing with tall grass felt boring, I like the micro management of a dual wield rogue. Also the damage output of dual Sabres is bat**** insane. In fact it's overkill, so much so strength is irrelevant.
  9. If you don't like the game/don't play the game why do you insist on posting?
  10. Had the same issue. Still unresolved. And if I use Galaxy to update it insists on re downloading the entire damn game. Gog patches are a mess. Makes me want to go back to steam.
  11. No worries - that clarifies it - as a role player who doesn't drop any stat below 10 I was on the verge of having a stroke.
  12. So if I'm reading correctly - your entire argument comes down to stat dumping, not actually you know taking into account utility, abilities or anything else....
  13. Melee rogues don't need might. Not saying that it doesn't benefit them - of course it does, just that you can have a rogue with 10 might without really impacting on their effectiveness. Means you can comfortably take 2 out of perception, resolve and intelligence (+ dex obviously). And that's without dropping any stat below 10. Still rogues are not everyone's cup of tea, I enjoy them but they are micro management intensive - and fragile. Though if you put them in heavy armour they can at least take a few blows with falling over.
  14. Ok thanks for the response. Normally if I try and install a patch which is already installed I get a message. With these patches, nothing. Just to confirm, my game version is sitting at V2.00.0706 PX1. Is this the latest version? Thanks
  15. Hi there, as the heading states, I cannot start Pillars. The game has been fine uptill the latest patch from GOG. (GOG id: patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.5.0.11). I have also tried to install the White March Patch which is paired with the above patch, but it seems to make no difference. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. It runs perfectly untill I install the patch, then I get a runtime error - see attached png. I have also updated my video card drivers and Windows. I have downloaded the patch several times, in case it was corrupted - also to no avail. Just to confirm - the 2 patches are: patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.5.0.11 patch_pillars_of_eternity_the_white_march_part_1_2.1.0.11 Both from GOG. Not sure if the white march patch is a problem - I install the standard patch first - and that's the one that breaks the game. Thanks R
  16. Must say that I never ever imagined that I would play and like Monks. Always hated them in pnp. It's a bit of a pain actually, I now have serious issues choosing between rogues, monks, rangers and druids for my main. Sigh, hmm life was simpler when monks sucked....
  17. Really Rangers suck? I must be playing a different game to the OP. You can criticize obs for some things, class balance is not one of them. They have done a pretty good job at that. Almost all classes are viable the one notable exception being chanters, though I have no doubt Obs will sort them out soon as they did with rangers and paladins. And class balance is a very good thing indeed.
  18. Overall I think obs have done a good job, but yeah there are some issues. Might on a caster makes sense as long as the caster is well, casting. Spiritual power and all. It makes no sense, particularly from a role playing angle once the caster picks up a sword. I've said before, all obs have to do is move some casting effects to resolve. So int would impact damage and resolve area of effect and healing, or something like that.... The state dumping would be no worse than now, casters would just switch might for resolve. And it would make far more sense. The same for barbarians carnage. Obs just need to relook some of the state bonuses and effects again. Except this time they could attempt to make some sense of it.
  19. Yup, I'm not sure that I'll be getting that particular bow after all. My Ranger will have to do with stormcaller. Tried once at 12th level and it was a disaster.
  20. Did DA origins have loads of active abilities for melee? I can vaguely remember 4 or 6 actives and the rest passives? Still my impression is not so much that there were more active abilities but they were handled differently. I.e. You could "cast" them more often. Whereas pillars what you have is either per encounter or per rest. There is no cool down timer. Which limits their use. That is probably more of an issue than anything else. ps it's been a while since I played Origins so my memory could be an issue here.
  21. Don't know about Ultima but my first "experience" with sex scenes in RPGs was Leisure Suit Larry. Was really difficult as a kid, let me tell you, to play the game under your bed or duvet with a torch! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leisure_Suit_Larry_in_the_Land_of_the_Lounge_Lizards
  22. So you admit that the most important thing you see in a person is their gender? No wonder you think equality equals preferential treatment. "I call this person a woman because I think she has a uterus and I've always made up my mind about what her role in society should be and I will treat her according to how I expect her to behave. If she dare defy my expectation i.e. demand same pay as men or have sex with whoever she wants she must be asking for preferential treatment. I can't allow that because I'm too narrow-minded to adapt my behavior to accommodate other people." News flash. We live in a world of preferential treatment. Men are treated preferably to women. Heterosexuals are treated preferably to gays. Sis-gender are treated preferably than trans-gendered. Stop pretending life is better than nursery school. In today's Victim society if you can't claim victim status you're SOL. I'm a white male so everyone can treat me badly since I can not be a victim since I don't happen to be homosexual or even dress up like a woman from time to time. The statistics used to show that women are paid less do NOT take into account that many women choose to leave the workforce for a period of years to raise their kids and also generally choose careers that allow for more time away from work in order to care for their families. If you limit the comparison to career ladder types who work 60+ hours per week in high pressure fields you'll see that the pay is comparable. When women start to choose to raise their families via a voice on the phone like many successful men do you'll see similar payscales. If someone does not want to bake you a cake just go to another baker, maybe even start a protest to inform others that the baker won't bake your cake and steer some business away. But why throw the power of the courts at them in order to crush them and drive them into bankruptcy? I'm surprised they weren't sent to re-education camps, they worked for Mao didn't they? Why is there a Black Congressional Caucus? Just imagine if there was a White Caucus. Why is La Raza and MEChA allowed on campus, and even has a member on the Supreme Court? When your motto is "for the race everything, for everyone else nothing" Again if they were a bunch of white people doing that they'd be in jail and called Nazis. Take president Obama, change his race and he never wins the election. People voted their guilt that has been instilled in them by popular culture for the last forty years. Senator Elizabeth Warren, AKA Fauxcahontas or Liawatha, pretended to be a Native American in order to enhance her career. She was found out to be a fraud and a liar and still won an election. Hillary Clinton is the Democrats front runner and her only accomplishment in life is that she is a woman and she did not divorce Bill Clinton. Cry me a river about how the evil white men are keeping everyone else down. In today's society victims have the power. Huh, is this for real.... Seriously I wouldn't even know how to address this level of ignorance. Newsflash, privilege is something you only notice when you don't have it. As far as poor white males (who by the way are the most privileged race on the planet) being victims is laughable. There are so many studies and articles by respected social scientists on these matters, really ignorance is no excuse anymore.
  23. Yeah, The patching with GOG is a mess. Sadly, I don't even know who to blame! Obs or GOG.
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