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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. I'm more interested in the trap limit. Wish priests could "summon" multiple traps...
  2. Lately I have to stay late at work... Yesterday until 12pm (it's that illegal without overtime pay or something?) Can't go till the damn company website is updated, but I'm not even in charge of it! I just want to get home to play White March. +my girlfriend is bitching at me to come home earlier. I'm between a rock and a hard place. Sorry for the whining... no other outlets...
  3. Yeah... I don't always use Ciphers, but when I do, I spam mental binding.
  4. The first area is pretty nice in this game. You actually get a variety of nice RPing options, and the first dungeon is not only short but it has multiple of ways of getting though the dungeon. You have a point. As first dungeons go, it's really not bad. But after one finds the most efficient way to do things, you tend to keep repeating. Oh, what a surprise... Sparfel went hunting! I guess this is first-world RPG problems...
  5. In every D&D style game, I always end up hating the first area, since I tend to restart a lot (to try different characters) and it gets to be a pain to redo it. Not sure there's any particular solution to this though... a simulation area where you can try new builds before starting the game? A chance to edit your character one last time before moving out into the world? (like Oblivion... then you can just save at that point and use it to restart)... Before people start flaming, this isn't a serious issue, just wondering if anyone has the same experience.
  6. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to add that feature, but I wouldn't use it. No fun steamrolling everything, even if you get to see a little more story. As the above gentlemen have said, just use cheats.
  7. Yeah, the "start with half-focus" thing sort of killed Ciphers for me. I mean, they're still okay, but I like to use the big guns at the start of a fight. I'm thinking that the extra perception could help rogues. After all, most DPS rogues rely on crits.
  8. Why does it sound like the expansion has introduced a new horde of bugs to the game...?
  9. Thanks Falk! Was looking all over for that info! Now I can plan my characters... Good question about sneak attack... that would be quite a big bonus if it applies to spells as well.
  10. This multi-class stuff isn't written in the patch notes... How does it even work? (I haven't had a chance to play much yet) When you level up, can you choose talents from other classes!?
  11. Hey Dogeman. This is just my opinion, but ANY character (besides maybe a dedicated healer/buffer) needs accuracy for their attacks to land. So that makes it even more important than before. Constitution has been buffed, so you now get more bang for your buck now (5% up from 3%). I haven't played enough expansion yet so see if this is worth it though. Intellect, I still don't think that's too important for a fighter.
  12. That sounds pretty frustrating. How about using the new stealth features? Hide your squishy characters until the enemy is properly engaged.
  13. So now, thanks to the expansion, we can see our chance to hit. However, the figures are surprisingly low! Was the chance to hit always this low (and we couldn't see it) or it the enemies get a boost to their defenses to compensate for the new "perception raises accuracy" mechanic?
  14. Was so happy to wake up to that email Obsidian! Thanks for all your efforts. Busy waiting for the game to update now...
  15. So... is it going to be out on both Steam and Gog at the same time? Or will gog be late as usual?
  16. Haha, of course cat, in a perfect world we get all those things. Just focusing on subtypes for a sec though... it's true, with talents you can generally specialize as you see fit. However, for classes like priests or paladins, their deity or order is a big part of their identity that can't be decided by talents. If nothing else, it really influences the role-playing side of things. Yes, I believe that in all the articles they said that AI was one of the new features...
  17. The forum's kinda quiet (considering the expansion is coming out in under a week), so I made this poll to kill time... What new sub-types would you like to see? Personally, I was disappointed that the monks never got unique individual orders. They're just dumped together...
  18. Yeah, and when you get confused, the game tends to randomly change weapon sets... don't think there's anyway to turn this off though.
  19. Yeah, happens to me all the time: after a solid day of gaming, I'll often dream about it as well.
  20. I'm not sure this would be a good idea. For the majority of players, I think it would just be frustrating to see your characters miss more often. Also, due to the engagement system, once you've started attacking someone, it isn't always easy to change targets.
  21. Why did you revive this sad thread?
  22. I dont think so? I also like the idea of a grimoire. Some extra customization would be nice. Maybe in POE 2?
  23. lol, I never noticed that! Seems a little nitpicky! Perhaps since its a well-defended location they have to take the long way around?
  24. I am not in the beta, but off hand, I imagine that flanking attacks would be very useful. Leave a DPS character hidden somewhere behind enemy lines to take out their spellcasters.
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