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Lord Wafflebum

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Everything posted by Lord Wafflebum

  1. @Surface Is it possible to then just call a truce? The personal attacks are not necessary, and your attitude encourages derailment. True, I don't have to engage your insults, but my impulse control has limits. As you might imagine, I dislike being treated like crap. @Actual topic discussion I get the desire for better animations. I like as much feedback as possible when playing, especially of the visible variety so I can watch the game instead of the combat log the whole time. Considering the issues in the beta already, I'm concerned a greater variety of animations would impact the already iffy performance? Admittedly I don't know if that's more an issue with the game not being optimized, or maybe even a Unity limitation. If there was one more animation I could see added in it would be more flipping about. I realize how unrealistic that is and that in actual combat it would be an enormous waste of energy, but there's something I find very exciting about flipping around in combat. I've been playing the witcher lately, and most of my fights are about 70% sweet backslips and 30% actual fighting.
  2. Cloud saves and game repair are why I favor steam so much. With games like Fallout and Skyrim I regularly corrupt (or accidently delete) my main game files, and Steam makes it super easy to fix. Some of it comes down to brand loyalty, but mostly because they've earned it from me. The two times I've needed customer support from them they've been wonderful.
  3. I was extremely worried when they said they were putting guns in the game, but now that I've seen it I really like their implementation. Considering how powerful they are, their long reload time is really well balanced IMO. At least one party member always has a gun because of they can really turn the tide of a fight in a pinch.
  4. Sorry... bitter sarcasm does not translate well onto forums
  5. The only thing I take any real issue with in 392 so far is stability, but that's obviously going to get fixed so I'm pretty ok with the build. Tried monks out for the first time in this build, and now I'm uncertain if my first playthrough of the full release will be as monk or paladin. I'm having a lot of fun with that class. My only complaint is that my character looks weird in robes. They're much too big for his body. I'm getting a much clearer picture of how engagement is working now. I've found my ability to control combat is significantly greater, but now that I understand the mechanic well I'm concerned it is a bit too easy to control combat flow. I'm gonna bump up the difficulty I think and see if that feels better. I think I might have just gotten used to this game enough that Easy isn't enough for me anymore...
  6. I think it would be super to discuss what animations PoE might be missing, where they could be improved, etc. I think animations really help enhance the quality and feedback of the game. The discussion devolved because a couple of us dared mention the game is much more likely than not feature locked and new blocks of animation simply wouldn't be going into the game. Instead of a reply along the lines of, "Yeah, but I'd still like to try to get this out to the powers that be" we were raved at. To the former I would have said "Fair enough, here are my thoughts on that" and instead I allowed myself to become provoked and answer in a derogatory fashion that I'm none too proud of. It's not that any of were trying to suppress a discussion, just trying to stay relevant and on-topic.
  7. What Namutree said. I was pretty bored with Skyrim until the modding scene for it blew up. I can still play it now however many years later and depending on what mods I'm using have a very different gameplay experience. Vanilla Skyrim gets way too hyped up because people can't remember whether they're thinking of vanilla Skyrim or a mod they used to vastly improve gameplay.
  8. Unless you buy an online pass for $100, then it's free!!
  9. Origin is still better than Steam or GOG. It's shameful this game is not being released on Origin.
  10. I don't want my game judging if my character is attractive enough or not based on facegen or something. Some sort of charisma skill, sure, but based on what my character looks like would creep me out in all kinds of ways (assuming it's even a possibility.)
  11. I actually thought there wouldn't be ANY VO work in the game as far as dialogue went. I hope they didn't spend too much on it and it is kept to a minimum throughout the game. It has nothing to do with the quality of the voice acting for me, but I pay more attention to things when I need to read it. The reading helps immerse me more than listening.
  12. Ahhhhhh, that's right. My bad. On another note, doesn't Ulfric's bear-man ask something you something along the lines of, "Why do you want to fight for us? You're not a Nord" assuming, in fact, you're not playing a Nord. I vaguely remember extra dialogue if you play any kind of elf, or a woman. I could be wrong, tho.
  13. It's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact. As Quadrone said, PoE is feature complete. Any game that goes into beta (although the term has become increasingly misused) is formally feature complete. It's not being defeatist to be reasonable and have realistic expectations. Lol, no use arguing with him. Let him live in his fevered fantasy world where his dervish imaginings are reality. It's as productive as trying to convince a schizophrenic the pigeons outside his window are not trying to steal his thoughts.
  14. I get it. There are some things that Fallout:NV does that Skyrim doesn't. Want me to make a list of things Skyrim has over Fallout:NV? You may find that many of your complaints about Skyrim are much worse in Fallout:NV. Very true. As I've said all the Bethesda games tend to suffer when looking at just the vanilla game. When you take mods into account these games go from "ok" to "incredible." It's the same reason I'm not worried about how combat turns out for PoE. Even if OE completely botches combat somehow, there's going to be a mod made by Bester/Sensuki that will make it better. Either way I'm going to enjoy PoE. What makes a studio special, in my opinion anyway, is when they make their game moddable knowing full well their community is going to do something even greater with it. Or in some cases horrifying (Skyrim's realistic horse genitals mods...).
  15. WTF are you talking about? In Morrowind you can't change anything. Who's in control of Balmora? The Tel'Vanni. Who's in control of Morrowind? The Empire. In Skyrim your actions determine whether or not the country remains a part of the Empire. That's a pretty big deal. NPCS least reacted to your reputation, start of game gaurds call you scum end game they worship you lol. End game guild quests like fighters/mages guild had multiple choices you can make. You can only side with one dark elf house determining which one dominates morrowind. Game was ahead of its time. Skyrim it felt like 60 hours I was still some chump that guards told they took an arrow in the knee to. And the only thing that I changed in the game world was move quest script to quest script Regarding how guards reacted to you, there's a mod called Guard Dialogue Overhaul that implements guard reactivity toward your status, skills, etc. All the audio files existed, they just weren't implemented in the vanilla game. So a more reactive world was planned, but not implemented. Guess they ran out of time? The same goes for the Civil War Overhaul mod. The author used a lot of resources Bethesda had made for a more dynamic civil war, but wasn't able to get done for the vanilla game.
  16. ...Are you trolling? Why wouldn't I believe what the OE people tell us? It makes more sense to believe they're secretly working on new features? And yes, you taking my realistic expectations of what they're going to get done by release is dully noted by you. I've duly noted that you've clearly come onto these forums to pick fights. Have fun with that.
  17. I know you're new to the party, but in the beta forums (I don't remember where so I can't quote it) one of the devs told us in a thread where we were talking about adding in a new mechanic that they were only doing bug squashing, optimizations, and balance passes. Essentially they're feature-locked.
  18. I played a mage in BG2 at some point and after leaving the dungeon I thought some wizards showed up and told me I had to buy a permit to cast inside the city? Am I not remembering that correctly?
  19. Other than Arcade and Veronica/Christine, I don't remember anyone else homosexually aligned. Three people, two of which were in love with one another, doesn't seem like an inordinate amount. Am I forgetting someone?
  20. I'm with Sensuki. I can't wait to have the combat log in the middle or on the left. The log being on the right drives me so crazy I sometimes scream at the squirrels outside my window.
  21. My rig is much less powerful than yours and runs the beta just fine
  22. I'm not sure how much more they're going to be able to do with animations. I, too, suspect the kickstarter money has been used up and they're putting their own money into it at this point with the delay. I'd love to see my expressive animations, but I don't need them. Considering they're primarily in bug-squash and balance mode at this point I'm not sure it is realistic to expect many more, if any, animations.
  23. You've got to give Bethesda a lot of credit for giving so much support to the modding community. By giving the general public development tools they can fix all the problem your programmers couldn't (Unofficial Skyrim patches) and GREATLY enhance what you've put into the game (Look at the popular overhaul & immersion mods) and extend the lifespan of the game (Unofficial expansions like Falskaar). I hope it's something Bioware starts paying attention to. If you're not confident you can support your games spend the extra time and money to put out the tools for the mod community to do so. It's much less work your studio needs to do in the long run, extends the life of the game, and as Skyrim mods have shown give aspiring game developers a way to develop a portfolio. Everyone wins.
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