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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. Dude migrate to Portugal now, we have lots of sun here. And it`s 22:03 Yeah we have lots of sun... but the cold.... jeebus, the cold that's been making lately. :ph34r:
  2. I received a notice that a new topic had been made in the Gaming and RPG Discussion forum, because apparently i had subscribed to it, but i didn't. I also received a notice saying that a new reply on a thread had been posted but i also didn't chose to subscribe to it. Which was why i was asking this.
  3. They definetely shot themselves in the foot with that decision.
  4. Great, another game with pretty much the same promises. I wonder if there's an on-going flyer circulating around company offices with mandatory buzzwords and concepts for devs to copy and paste onto the description of their games?
  5. I've just received 2 forum subscription confirmations. This would be ok, if i actually had made the subscriptions, but i didn't This isn't the first time either, and i'm wondering why is this happening.
  6. Sorry to bring down that lovely assumption, but I wasn't even talking to her, much less teasing. Yes, pointing out the obvious to people impervious to it definetely makes me stupid. I should stop trying, honestly.
  7. Thanks for worsening my headache with that use of colorized text.
  8. I think this depends. If it was thought that there would be a sequel, certain things in a prequel could be tailored to that. Knowing that beforehand, you can adjust the game better. If you have say, a game divided into 3 parts, then you can't make the first or the second games have the character reach incredible power levels, gather ph4t l3wt, and all that. If Arcanum had a sequel using the main character its power levels would have to be severely lowered to allow for balance. But if ToEE had a sequel it would work better. BG managed to pull off some measure of balance from BG1 to BG2 and into ToB (despite really being monty haul for the later half of BG2 and the full length of ToB).
  9. Apologies if i don't plan my posts according to possible exacerbated reactions on behalf of radical minorites, but as can be easily seen, if only one person out of 678 is offended, i think its obvious where the problem lies. Also, there's a difference between being a feminist and just being desperately grasping for straws to try and attack something which is clearly nothing more than a personal problem. Or maybe your vision of being a feminist is more radical than that of all those feiminists i've personaly met (the most likely case). Whatever the case, i'd suggest taking things easier in the future, and to avoid these kinds of petty attitudes for things which don't really call for an attitude at all.
  10. While depth is not the same as choice, some also lack depth. Specially earlier console RPGs. EDIT: Also don't forget that some of the worst dialogues ever in videogames come from console RPGs. FF7 is quite likely the highest representative of that problem.
  11. Feels good to know that your dream date is there for you because you made some weird or fairly nonsensical choices over the course of the game.
  12. Hmm, Fallout's Traits and Arcanum's Backgrounds taken to the next step. Sounds good.
  13. Yeah, and you would know . Let me check - hm, not finding any code here. Sorry, we have brains, not computer circuits. I'm sure you'll learn some day. Your wannabe feminist activism and assumptions about what i know of women is, quite frankly, wasted on me. If you can't be bothered to accept lighthearted comments such as these, i suggest you don't even try.
  14. How could you NOT enjoy Chocobo Racing ? Didn't see much of a point to it. The gimmick wore off after some races.
  15. I don't know much how minigames are used today, but in the days of FF7 they were very stupid, nonsensical and game breaking. I got the feeling my intelligence was being constantly questioned by the developers.
  16. Ditto. <_< Well, in both cases, success with them all depends on how you push their buttons... >_>
  17. I know that concept art is important (in a way), and it was my mistake of not really explaining what i meant with the question. In his list concept art was put side by side with other things which are far more important to a game, which led me to make the question.
  18. If you're taking it at face value, i agree. You're bound to be struck more by an event thats displayed realistically than a gob of pixels collapsing. I just found that, on par with the characterization, i never got to feel anything for the character. A slum-girl getting stabbed by a goth boy somehow didn't felt as striking as having Leo sacrifice himself to the death, or even seeing Cyan's three reasons for living (wife, child, king) gone in minutes. Precisely.
  19. I must be a very strange person. People often tell me the points in which they like and/or liked a game, and i just blink and stare at them. I usually found the moments they liked the be "meh" at best. I'm either a robot or an alien experiment. The reason i'm saying this is that i saw Aeris' death a mile away. After having played games like Phantasy Star 1, FF IV, V and VI, i was already used to seeing characters die. Then when i noticed everyone was taken by surprise at this character's death, crying, claiming its one of the greates moments in history, making fanfics... I was *stunned*.
  20. OMG U TEH FANBUOY!!! j/k FF7 was so overhyped its not even funny. As i played i often laughed at the game, not with the game. I severely disliked almost everything about it. The translation wasn't helping either.
  21. Now i really need to replay it.
  22. 1. I think so. Stupid thing, really, FF8 is my favourite game of the series, yet i don't remember much of it now, as i only played it twice, and lent it to a friend of mine, who hasn't still returned it <_< 2. True, but it does constitute the premise for a combination of interactive and cinematic. 3. "Drawing cards" in combat? Perhaps you meant drawing magic and the ocasional GF?
  23. Thats true, i remember that. The Garden invasion led by Seifer is both interactive (although the scene i'm thinking is sort of like a minigame, go Square!) and cinematic. The particular scene i'm thinking was that of Squall and a Galbadian (?) soldier duking it out while hanging from a jetpack. The mission was to disable the opponent before he disabled you. The jetpack would fly around with both characters hanging on to it, and on ocasions, events happened in the background (specially the big scene between the two armies fighting).
  24. Is there a problem with people comparing FO2 with D2? I'd find it weirder if people were comparing FO2 or D2 with some of those you mentioned, however. At least FO2 and D2 have similar aspects which can be compared.
  25. Lets hope not, or deaf people will be screwed. Concept art is important?
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