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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. I think this depends mostly on the person. No doubt a straight, cascading menu will be just as functional and simpler to use and understand. I just don't really have a problem with either. I think the problem with radial menus happen when options start being diplayed in unusual angles (which can be bad). You could always try reverting back to icons, or shorten the option names. Or make it so the menu would only expand towards directions which were easy on the eyes and neck twisting.
  2. My fault, replace sickly with weakling.
  3. Radial menus aren't bad. They take getting used to, admitedly, and they (usually) have the ability to be dragged across the screen.
  4. Luckilly, the common D&D stereotypes - such as that one regarding wizards always being sickly - have not contaminated all CRPGs.
  5. I'm guessing he was talking of the design of the games it powered, but fell in the trap of not being able to disassociate the engine from the games. Just guessing. >_>
  6. Granted. You had me worried back there :ph34r:
  7. Wait. Someone actually thinks that the IE engine (a bug-ridden mess) would be great if combined with the ToEE engine (another bug-ridden mess)?
  8. I don't particularly care much for D&D. I'd prefer if it stopped being used in CRPGs, not because it allegedly stunts developer creativity, but because of how its overal handled. There's not really a reason as to why it shouldn't be used on grounds of it being a recognized brand name: it draws people in, and generates revenue, so why not use it? On the other hand, i feel its use is usually just validated on the namesake->revenue ratio. Its ruleset isn't perfect, neither the best. Its source material isn't exactly excellent either, and likely, a good, competent writer - or group of writers - can create an equally or more compelling collection of source material. If the consumer, on a whole, doesn't care about the rules, or that the concept of creative license breaks the canon of the source material, defeats the purpose of using D&D for CRPGs. If you buy into the Rule Zero apologism, then you're conceding that the system itself, and its supporting elements, aren't important. If using and abusing creative license is the way to go, than most settings and rule systems can be exploited under this guideline.
  9. I have only one thing to say, repeated 10 times. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
  10. I only hope that realtime with pause is not an option they might consider, just for the hell of appealing to the masses *shrugs*
  11. While i'm unaware of official comments on a would-be development of the game, Strategy First has created official forums for discussion of the title. It isn't quite the same as officially stating they're developing the game, but it's a fine start.
  12. With the exception of Final Fantasy VIII's system, which is likely the only in the series to be the best in customization.
  13. Oh yes. It might prevent many problems.
  14. I already answered all that in the past, so you'll get no further answers on this matter. A pity your comeback took so long, but i guess you had to plan out answers that entertained the audience (which surely takes longer than the usual trash you post). Feel free to come back and spout more unproven nonsense about me and others, and act as you were the lord and ruler of the board, but don't be surprised if your antics warrant no reply. Your kind rarely does, anyway. But i'll still reserve my right to prod your frail ego in the future, for whatever reason i may see fit, however. Your kind of uneducated trash is just too comical to pass up. Keep it up, chucklehead. Someone has to be the court jester, and you fit the job very nicely.
  15. Mi casa es su casa, pero mi mujer es mi mujer!
  16. Well, that's good to know.
  17. The board he linked to.
  18. I'm wondering this myself. I thought ToEE wasn't as well received as say, Arcanum, but i'm not aware of actual sales figures.
  19. IW felt claustrophobic. Level size, and constantly asking players if they wanted to go from tiny area to tiny area were very bad. The inventory wasn't better either. I felt like i was playing a minigame everytime i wanted to do anything in it. As for memory problems, some games in the past gave options to tweak texture quality, model polycount, and model presence in the gameworld, so similar options could be considered.
  20. That board sports some of the worst avatars i've seen.
  21. I don't really care if it's multiplatform. As long as each version is suited for the platform it's being launched on, fine with me. I just don't want the console problems to be ported to the PC version, like limiting and tiresome inventory systems.
  22. I'm currently on Lv9, trying to get past the Quest on the computer. Its definetely fun
  23. You're welcome, Fionavar Incidentally, here is another, slightly more 'advanced' game, of the same genre, The Mistery of Time and Space.
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