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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Yeah, so? That's not a real Basilisk, just a concept. Since it's an invention, a piece of fictional art, it's not set in stone unless the owner of the intellectual property says so. And in this case, they haven't.
  2. Uh, no. Nobody has actually seen a Basilisk so nobody can say for sure what one looks like. Nobody except LA/LFL. "
  3. Nah. Star Wars is not a science and as such is not set in stone. It would be too boring if it was so.
  4. So exactly, how are you trying to prove that a non-canon product is any more canon that another one?
  5. That would indeed explain why we have so many 'Darths' in these boards. "
  6. And that's about all the reasons I need. Well, he is the lead designer after all. If LFL approved his work, he has the right to change whatever he sees fit. But please tell me who's pointing a gun at your head to buy and play this game. If the continuity 'issues' are so abhorrent to you, you can always get back to reading your vaunted TotJ and forget all about K2.
  7. Real world reasoning applied to fantasy worlds always fails by default. No more changes to the ruleset, we have got an unbalanced enough game already.
  8. My 3 favorite, in no particular order: Kreia, probably the best voice acting, even if the voice itself wasn't that impressive. Darth Sion. The best (worst?) sounding Sith Lord since Lord Vader himself. And he ain't using no stinkin' breath masks! The HKs. Mocking Query: Coorta, Coorta? Are you dead yet? :D Yeah. The voice actor played Master Uthar in KotOR. A Sith master in K1, a Jedi master in K2, and both pretty damn well played. That says something about the actor.
  9. Because SW is NOT FR. Bet you didn't think of that. The obvious progression, perhaps. The totally lame and un-SW like progression, definitely. And BTW, where did you read that every janitor in the 'True Sith Empire' is a level 666 behemoth of destruction? I must have missed that line.
  10. Spot on. And yep, I'm definitely going to judge OE based on K2. But then again, I liked the game, so I don't think that's what you were getting on to.
  11. My Radeon 9600 XT had no problems handling the game whatsoever. Perhaps my using prehistoric drivers has something to do with it, but I have crashed only 4-5 times in two playthroughs. That's about all the bugs I found. And regarding the game overall, well I must say I would have probably enjoyed it more if I hadn't signed up on these boards. Aside from having the main plot twist spoiled, I think I got my expectations too high with all the designer ramblings and stuff. Oh well, one can only learn from these things. Still, the game is one of my favs, and I don't think I will be putting it to sleep just yet.
  12. After my last reload I was getting ready to kick some ass with my pals, but instead I found myself like this:
  13. Kreia's VA was absolutely masterful. I can't get enough of her 'indignities'. :D Indeed. The cutscene actually gave me goosebumps. :"> That said, the cutscenes were pretty damn good for the most part. And um, I liked the Ubese bounty hunters too. It's been a long time since I've liked a model so much. What I don't like so much is that it's such a biatch to make a mod with.
  14. It wouldn't matter. People don't bother to read that sort of stuff. Most don't even use the search feature.
  15. That would make you a troll, too. " Otherwise, I agree with the rest of your post. Fix'd.
  16. That is a matter of pure opinion. For me, K2 is still one of the best RPGs in years. Could it have been more? Who knows.
  17. Perhaps it was a sign he had finally been affected by the amount of unchecked spam... IIRC, something similar happened to ms. Teksuni, only with polls. "
  18. It sucks to be a moderator here. To be an efficient moderator would require a full-time job.
  19. No, I don't think so. That might be true for K1, but to do as they planned in K2 and still have it be 'by the rules', would have required a major rebalancing, removal of the scaling, revision of the AI scripts, and probably restitution of the level cap. That would take a bit longer than 5 minutes...
  20. Also, is the conversation triggered by level or experience? I mean, can you save levels and get a PrC at say, level 13?
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