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Everything posted by Longshot11

  1. Seriously, guys, get this thing together! I bought a Chest, but just as I opened the third card, I got the 'Connection lost" message, and a Loading screen that threw my back on the Home screen. In a couple of seconds, connection was reestablished but, of course, I had neither a chest, nor my fourth card. If I had paid real money for Chests, I would be seriously pissed (never mind I PAID for a bundle, but I'm still waiting on your Support to fix my missing AD1!). What's worse, I'm fairly convinced the 'connection drop' is on your end again (as it was on launch) , since my connection is the same and pretty stable! I get it, you want your Treasure cards save server-side, but may I suggest you put some safeguard against these situations? How, about you 'draw' the Chest cards the moment a Chest is open, and then they are saved to Gallery instantly, regardless of if my connection drops before I flip them. And of course, it should be pretty mandatory you push some message to the player when he re--establishes connection, so he knows what he got and he didn't just get cheated out of his cards.
  2. THis. The rules of the card game state that when a card says 'you', it means every character that would do that thing. So yeah, Warchanter is working as intended, however the lack of option to opt out of the roll (and thus of the possibility to play weapons and spells to affect the check) is annoying, especially for characters at the Glassworks. As for the blessings and the drop down menu - I believe you have to select the correct check AFTER you play the blessing, otherwise the blessing will just revert to it 'thinks' you want it to do. Yeah, not the most intuitive approach either.
  3. Any chance you used a 2-Handed weapon for the second combat check?
  4. So, this is more of a 'preventive' thread. I thought the Treasure cards are unlocked locally, but I just found out that when I'm not connected they go missing from the Gallery. I understand why the devs might've wanted to go down that way, but now I have some questions, the answers of which I'd rather know before they become issues: what happens if I open a Chest but I'm not connected? (is it a possible reason for the reported bug where people are not getting cards on opening a Chest?) what happens if I have a Treasure card in one of my character decks and I try to play offline (I don't have Treasures, so I couldn't test myself) what happens if I Salvage a Treasure card while I'm offline (i.e. I was online when I entered Gallery, but connection dropped before I press Salvage)? (possible reason for the reported bug where a player's not getting gold from Salvage?) Additionally, you might want to consider a warning to the players, as when I entered the Gallery and saw my cards missing, I thought that's a bug that made me lose my Chest cards (an honest mistake, given the current state of the game)
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  5. The OP is obviously a bug (assuming there aren't any unreported modifiers and conditions). If you play a Soldier on a bare-handed check, the correct behaviour is to get 2d4 , not d8 + d4. As noted, Merisiel doesn't have the Melee skill, and Soldier adds to Melee check, so you're effectively saying "I want to use my untrained Melee (d4) instead of my bare Strgth (d8)" - and of course 2d4 is still better than d8. (I'll admit I'm not 100% sure what's supposed to happen if you play Soldier on Merisiel's melee weapon check - the weapon should be adding its own Melee trait to the check, so maybe even if Merisiel doesn't have her own Melee skill, she should still get her Strength d8 + the Soldier's d4 ?) Also, Merisiel is, statistically, better with her bare hands than with a Scimitar as she doesn't start with Weapon Proficiency and the Scimitar would give her a -4 penalty.
  6. Yup, relying on new players knowing an obscure ruling on the Paizo forums doesn't seem optimal. Your idea for the Ceiling 'bouncng back' when player presses 'close' (similar to a Blessing Seelah discards for her Inspired Grace power) seems good. Just leaving it 'unselectable' however will be just as confusing for newbies will make them report it as another 'bug'. What I was thinking - Obsidian obviously made some changes to cards wording for clarity (for example, most cards that say "draw a random card (from the box)" now say "draw a NEW card", and also some items specifically state that they work on YOUR encounters only) . So it wouldn't be of harm if they manage to put on the Ceiling some extra text to the tune of "This card can't be moved from the top of the deck"
  7. Not sure about this, but sound like something that could be caused by a temporary drop in connection (you can't gain gold unless you're connected).
  8. Yeah, sorry to contradict Stormbringer, but if you close in your Attempt to Close step (when the last card's been a monster, for example) , and THEN get a free explore - that's a bug... Though, I've been wondering myself if the Attempt to Close even exists in the app game. It appears to be more contextual - it doesn't have its own button among the Turn Phases buttons, and you just get a prompt when you beat a Henchman, or when you run a location empty. What's more, I've been experiencing the 'Do you want to close' prompt for an empty location AT THE START of my turn there (at the very least it should be relegated to the End Turn or End of Turn Actions buttons) and if I decline - I don't get a new opportunity to close at the end of turn (presumably, because the game lacks a trigger like the defeat of a Henchman, and because the game checks for location cards at the start of your turn, instead of the end) - so I'm wondering if it might be a conscious design decision. If so, it would definitely be better to leave the bonus explore after the Close Location step , as it will be more confusing for new players to remove it (because for them the Close Location doesn't exist as a separate step, and then Obsidian will probaly start getting reports "I encountered a monster as the last card, closed the Store, but didn't get a bonus explore!")
  9. They are both items. You can only play one card from any type per check. So if you chose to play the Journal it will also not allow you to play the Amulet. This is why in later adventures you will come across items (Belts of Dexterity, or Giant Strength) that expressly state "You may play another item on this check".
  10. 2. No, because the problem wasn't that the difficulty was higher, it was that the display of my bonus was not including the +2 to recharge. 3A. Ah, on the Temporary Close screen and not after it zooms in to the specific location? That's less embarrassing than missing the blue check indicator in 3B. 4. Then this is an odd way of reading the original text on the card, where the difficulty increase applies to "checks" and not simply the next check. I'll be more alert to the difficulty numbers next time this happens. 2. There are two types of modifiers - some are reflected in the 'Check' number - such as when fighting Skeleton with a Spear, or using a weapon that requires proficiency without having one. However, there are modifiers reflected directly in you red 'modifier' box - such as when fighting Warlord or playing weapons at the Waterfront. So if you had an effect form the second type that is equal to your bonus - it would be normal to have no modifier (as it is effectivly '0') 4. I dont have the physical rulebook with me, but there was a very specific sentence that instructs you that when a certain condition requires you to make a roll - you roll separately for each instance of that condition.
  11. So, this is probably some 'refreshing' issue. The first time I reported it, I didn't get any functionality for maybe 3 minutes (after which I assumed the condition is permanent and quit the STore) . I tried to replicate it today - while nowhere near this severe, the same lack of functionality occurs for between 3 - 30 seconds every time I close the 'See More' window for a charcter. I couldn't establish any rule about how long this freeze would be. Today, this issue is gone. But just so it not all rainbows - the Quests are freezing on Loading again
  12. Maybe it's a design decision, but in Card List menu Lem displays Favored Card: Weapon, instead of Favored Card: Any (the 'Weapon' probably comes from the fact that I always chose Weapon for my Lem, but I can imagine it being confusing for new player, who won't go to the STore to read Lem's default description)
  13. The Magic trait has nothing to do with the situation. The Holy water expressly defeats an Undead whose highest difficulty to defeat is 10 or lower; the Shadow is 13. You should be able to use Holy Water to evade it though.
  14. There is no 'weapon' check. The check is Combat, regardless if you fight with weapon, spell or with bare hands. But, yeah, this is a bug.
  15. 2- Are you sure you didn't have any penalties pending? (Such as from failing the Wisdom check of Buniyup or other that affect you for the rest of the turn) 3A - You CAN chose (though I admit it's a bit finicky) - on the Temporary Close screen you can not only click the Location icons, but also the smaller hero icons to select the hero 3B- As people said - use the purple hand icon over the check. Note however, that the encountering hero DOESN'T HAVE to take the first check - he may take the second. 4 - Yes, by the rules the d4 must be applied separately (rolled twice); However, if you get *both* rolls applied to the second check - this is a bug.
  16. Even if you did - you're obviously past your Explore phase, so you shouldn't be getting an explore. (So in the hypothetical situations where you have only 1 Monster remaining in the Store, you kill the monster and then you close the Store - you shouldn't be getting a bonus explore, as much as it pains me to say so)
  17. This happened to me as well, Galaxy Tab A.
  18. If this is true - this is a bug. There is no effect in the game that should apply penalty to your healing roll.
  19. Are you sure you didn't receive damage from a source other than Combat? (Fire from Black Fang, Poison from Pulbug Podiker...). In that case you got the right options as you can only bury the armor for the second power (which act vs. ALL types of damage, not only Combat) , while the discard option was the option where you select the armor to be one of the cards you throw for the received damage.
  20. This is not a bug. Ieasha is undefeated if your check doesn't have the Magic trait; however, she doesn't have Combat checks to defeat, only non-Combat. So while LIni might have made the check and not taken damage, Ieasha was undefeated (similar as if you beat the Gho, Shadow or Specter with a non-Magic weapon) The ONLY character who can ever activate Iesha's examine power is Kyra (who has a bonus with Magic trait on ALL checks vs. Undead, not only on Combat checks)
  21. So, this is probably some 'refreshing' issue. The first time I reported it, I didn't get any functionality for maybe 3 minutes (after which I assumed the condition is permanent and quit the STore) . I tried to replicate it today - while nowhere near this severe, the same lack of functionality occurs for between 3 - 30 seconds every time I close the 'See More' window for a charcter. I couldn't establish any rule about how long this freeze would be. Longshot what device are you playing on? Samsung Galaxy Tab A Android Version 5.0.2 Also, since I see you're up and about the forum - I sent you a PM some time ago about content missing from by Bundle, but the message still shows as "Not yet read". I don't want to sound pushy, but I do kinda want to play my Burnt Offerings, so could you check your Inbox, please.
  22. This is a known (I hope? It's been mentioned in several treads already) issue with Seelah's Inspired Grace ability. It seems to assume the checks of a card you're encountering (for me it turned Black Fang's BYA Constitution 7 check into a Combat 12 check) instead of any other check you might be playing it for. However, if you're not currently encountering any card, it assumes the check of the next card in the location deck (thus granting you a form of pre-cognition) or, in your case - when there's no more cards in a location - it turns the check into None (0) (and also ONLY gives you the die from Inspired Grace, though it's hardly a problem if you only have a 0 to beat).
  23. This seems to be a general issue with hero powers - they become inactive if you go to the Scenario Map, and you need to go back 'inside' your hero's location to highlight the power again. Can't tell if it's a bug or a design decision, but it's been vexing me too.
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