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Everything posted by Mayama

  1. Most rpg romances are just stupid, its the equivalent of forcing a romatic story arc in every hollywood movie. If their is no plausible reason and no real character development than do not force a romantic relationship into it.
  2. Yeah. THIS. And...not anything else you've said on this thread. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to CRPGs, the broader the target audience, the more limited and watered down the RPG will be. And must be. Because average gamers don't like to read, don't like to focus on anything beyond the visual, don't like rule set complexity, and most importantly they won't be entertained by gameplay that is designed to be more of a cerebral experience than an adrenaline rush. We all want PoE to be as financially successful as possible. But there's a huge difference between wishing that the game does well, and wishing that it be designed to target the mainstream masses so that it sells a bajillion copies, like Mass Effect and Skyrim and other large-target-audience-RPGs. And this is precisely why I look at this Angry Joe Preview and rejoice. He might help this game sell well despite it not being targeted/designed towards his core viewership. OMG that must be the first time ever... that I totaly agree with stun. ****ting on someone because he LIKES the game, seriously guys.
  3. It would make sense for dusk/dawn, nighttime or REALLY bright outdoor settings.
  4. I really hated them along with the whole pre-buffing regimen - perhaps because I could never get on board with them and still almost always play with very limited buffing which of course made such battles much more difficult/annoying for me I also pretty much never play a PC mage either You could always brute force through almost the whole game with some fireballs and cloud kill spells. The IE game battles had so many issues on the basic level like enemies could get sniped from afar without reacting, didnt chase you through doors etc that it feels like the IE devs didnt care or gave up. I would not call sniping enemies or similar tactics exploits because its something you will do accidently anyway without the intention to break the game. Its such a obvious problem, I doubt that the devs never discussed it. Restricting yourself to make the game play better does only conceal the problems of the IE combat. tl/dl You only had to think in IE games if you forced yourself to play in a certain way but thats like playing doom without collecting better weapons.
  5. 3. The buttons are not sortet logicaly, like why is the "select all" and rest button together on the right bottom corner? If you want to fill that space why not put the map or a huge game options button their. Those two feel like (for me) they could easily stand alone. Its not so much about having buttons on different areas as it is about the question "why is that button exactly their?". 4. I dont see any problems in actually leaving space unused. It gives the design more room to "breath". Especially the attack and stealth button feel like they are kinda forced into the character action section. 5. Putting all the buttons on the left side in rectangular boxes wouldnt clutter it anymore than it is right now. If you would make those boxes half as high as a character portrait it would reduce the visual noice. Also are 8 buttons for formations really necessary? I never played so much with formations but what about 4 buttons for customizable formations instead of 8?
  6. So after a long discussion that escalated way to quickly here some constructive critique Its usually more aesthetically pleasing if menu's end on the same height. The combat log and the portraits seem to end at a random height. Combat Log in the middle would give it a more balanced feel. Why are the menu buttons all over the place, it forces the player to memorize 3 different areas where he has to look for the menu buttons. Are the formation buttons really that important to give it so much screen space? What about putting all menu buttons on the left side, using rectangular boxes? [ character ] [ Notebook ] [ Stronghold ] etc etc... with icons instead of writing ofcourse.
  7. Come on seriously? Just get a dictionary and search for the word and the definition of it. Sorry its not "liking" its "longing or yerning" which is actually alot stronger. Also thanks for the insult. Its kinda interesting, how aggressive, defensive and personal people get here about that topic even if my post were neutral and only talked about the topic in general and its a opinion and you cant force it on everyone. But this has nothing to do with nostalgia. I'm longing for prerendered backgrounds and solid UIs because I like them. I like how they look. The solid UI is a great addition for the visuals, and prerendered backgrounds is a cheap, hardware efficient way of doing great looking enviroments. Unfortunately somewhere around the late 2000s, some people just said that "ok, That's it, gamers don't want these anymore, lets start making expensive 3D enviroments". 3D has its place, almost all genre benefitted from it. You cannot have FPS or racing games without good 3D. But prerendered games should have a place in strategy and roleplaying games. Ugh what is your problem with the word nostalgic?!?!?! Solid UI's is a part of the past. Can we agree on that? I assume yes. It is part of the past. They usually dont make games with such UI's anymore. Like they dont make cars like they did in the 50ties or no one wears a top hat anymore. Its nostalgic. What is everyones problem with that single word. It perfectly defines it. It has nothing to do with why you like it its just says "its from the past and I like it". Gosh seriously I guess the problem here is that some people have a problem with beeing called nostalgic, whatever.
  8. Come on seriously? Just get a dictionary and search for the word and the definition of it. Sorry its not "liking" its "longing or yerning" which is actually alot stronger. Also thanks for the insult. Its kinda interesting, how aggressive, defensive and personal people get here about that topic even if my post were neutral and only talked about the topic in general and its a opinion and you cant force it on everyone. Edit: Nice mature addition to your post, that snide vid joke. Do you know what I find pretty idiotic? People that do not even know what a word means and trying to be funny about it. Not like I forced you to defend you or anything, dont be so insecure please.
  9. I actually tried to use the word nostalgic in a neutral form. Its for some people the selling point for a product like old timer cars. The problem is its a emotional quality so everyone has another opinion on it. For me a problem with nostalgica for nostalgicas sake is that our modern computers dont suffer the restrictions that forced developers back than into doing certain things. Nowadays its more or less a budged restriction. Like for example games dont need pretty icons for items anymore because we can render 3D objects in the same quality, it only costs time and money and thats why its not in a game like PoE. The second restriction today is your audience, to be specific the gpu build in their pc's. The target audience of PoE isnt the most cutting edge gameing pc crowd. We dont need prerendered backgrounds anymore, modern pc's can handle the same quality in realtime 3D but you need a very fast gpu for it. What I personaly dont like is the mentality of some people that do not accept the embrace of anything that has advanced in the last 10 years after those games got released. Those things did advance for a reason and its imo just stuborn and ignorant to ignore things because of a backward looking mindest. Its like refusing to put a catalytic converter in a old timer car. Actually prerendered versus real time 3D is a good example. I bet some people would call for the torches and pitchforks if they would have went the real time rendering route. It doesn't matter that nowadays the quallity is at the same level (even better because you would have dynamic lighting etc) as PoE prerenderet background its just because they dont want it that way. Let me call you out on some of your BS. Solid UI didn't exist in the IE games because the computres couldn't handle the rendering of the whole screen. That is bull****, you could disable the UI whenever you wanted, and the game performance didn't suffer. Second, liking solid UIs, prerendered backgrounds over glorious 3D is not because of nostalgia for many of us. We like it better because they look better in our opinion. Prerendered backgrounds are sharper, cheaper to make and take less manpower than doing the same quality in 3D. And are you gonna argue that 3D looks better than quality prerendered backgrounds? Please, the washed out textures of Skyrim and Dragon Age look awful, and lets not compare how much more money it takes to make those. Solid UIs add to the atmosphere, add to the visuals. Come on, just look at the UI of Dragon Age: Inquisition. it sticks out of the visual style of the game. Sure, you can barely see it, but their icons and bars are like from a mobile game, they don't fit into the visual representation of the game world. Solid UIs are like an extension of the visible game world. We have ****in 1080p monitors, the solid UI won't obscure much of the viewing space. I hate the argument of "oh, you just like these old stuff bedause of nostalgia". NO! We liked it back then, and we like it now, because we think that it looks better. I said "MOST of the games back than" read bevor you "call out my BS"... and BG2 is actually not that old anyways. Why do you try to attack me with exactly the same stuff I have writen? Like you didnt even really read what I have writen. I said that BUDGED and the GPU of the target audience is the usual restriction of games nowadays. You are basicaly trying to belittle me by repeating what I have said in a more aggressive and borderline personal way. Everyone can decide for himself if he thinks that a solid UI adds to a game or not, also please try to speak for yourself and not for everyone. If you like it or not you like solid UI's because its nostalgic, liking things now that are part of the past is the definition of beeing nostalgic. It does not define if their is a quality to it or not.
  10. I actually tried to use the word nostalgic in a neutral form. Its for some people the selling point for a product like old timer cars. The problem is its a emotional quality so everyone has another opinion on it. For me a problem with nostalgica for nostalgicas sake is that our modern computers dont suffer the restrictions that forced developers back than into doing certain things. Nowadays its more or less a budged restriction. Like for example games dont need pretty icons for items anymore because we can render 3D objects in the same quality, it only costs time and money and thats why its not in a game like PoE. The second restriction today is your audience, to be specific the gpu build in their pc's. The target audience of PoE isnt the most cutting edge gameing pc crowd. We dont need prerendered backgrounds anymore, modern pc's can handle the same quality in realtime 3D but you need a very fast gpu for it. What I personaly dont like is the mentality of some people that do not accept the embrace of anything that has advanced in the last 10 years after those games got released. Those things did advance for a reason and its imo just stuborn and ignorant to ignore things because of a backward looking mindest. Its like refusing to put a catalytic converter in a old timer car. Actually prerendered versus real time 3D is a good example. I bet some people would call for the torches and pitchforks if they would have went the real time rendering route. It doesn't matter that nowadays the quallity is at the same level (even better because you would have dynamic lighting etc) as PoE prerenderet background its just because they dont want it that way. Edit: I dont think the dev's should try to make a second UI because it looks like its modable and mods are something people can easily get nowadays. Steam Workshop etc. made it possible. Making stuff better that can't be modded is way more important right now.
  11. Same. It's a shame because originally the plan was to render at 1440p, but they dropped it to 1080p. I bought a 1440p screen in 2013 because of that, but ended up selling it. Call me crazy, but I wish they future-proofed it and went 4K across the board. I guess the loading times would be horrendous without a solid state hard drive and the game might stutter like crazy because I doubt that any standard PC/GPU has enough ram to handle such big pictures with such a high dpi in a game.
  12. This has nothing to do with beeing a newcomer. I bought almost every IE game (exept IWD 2) at launch and I hated the UI from the very first moment I saw it. Developers back than usualy made UI's like that so they dont have to render the whole screen with ingame graphics. For me UI's ruin the immersion, I want to see the actual game not a menu. The old IE UI's covered at last one third of the whole screen. You couldnt actually see what was around you at 640x480 or 800x600 pixels, you had zero overview and it forced you to constantly pan around to actually see what was going on. I personaly think that most people that prefer big solid UI's just want them for nostalgica sake. I feel way more comfortable with UI's that do not create the feeling of seeing the actual game through a second window (the screen is the first one). The best UI's for me are those that are intregrated into the actual game and do not district from it. It all comes down to personal opinion.
  13. I dont ignore your arguments it's just that you still dont get that my original post was entirely about. Your opinion does not equal fact, its a opinion, everyone has one. I just repeated to your post specificaly because you were the loudest in this thread. Spiritual successor means "in the spirit of x" it does not define how close it is to the original source material. Bio shock is a spiritual successor to system shock but beside some core mechanics they dont have much in common. Its similar "in spirit" which means its basicaly something completly different but with the same core feel. Go to wikipedia and look through all the game titles that are listed their. Not a single one is close to the original game. Its basicaly the opposite of making the same again.
  14. AI / Scripts? I doubt that. I guess particle effects are not optimized. I dont think PoE uses mesh colliders or something similar.
  15. This is really nice. It will be the end of all those endless UI debates. I guess a month after release we will see a UI design for every taste out their.
  16. I guess its your resolution but like polanski said their is a solution for you. On the other hand a intel 4000 HD is not the fastest GPU on the market and should be the problem why panning around is so slow.
  17. 1. and not everything is about you, are you trying to twist my words around mister? 2. It was advertised as a spiritual successor not as a "new generation IE game". That are two completly different things. 3. "it worked like that in IE games" is not a argument for or against any design decision. I like it that you cant access your stash in combat, you dont. Opinions... 4. I pointed out that I dont give a crap about stuff like arrows to show you that their are people with different opinions on that topic. My "not giving a crap about ammunition" is as important as the next guys opinion that thinks the game is completly desastrous without arrows. Seriously you do yourself nothing good if you accuse me of beeing egocentric if the starting point of our conversation was my comment on how your post sells your opinion on how things should be as fact. Where are those "many people that want those missed designs"? I count not more than 20 people on this forum that share your point of view. That are not many, I bet most people dont really care about most of the details of this game. I also bet that those people are a very vocal minority because usually people that think its ok or dont care do not post.
  18. All of them are subjective exept maybee 6. I personaly dont give a crap about any of those "problems". Nothing on that list is a problem for me: 1. I never ever ran in any RPG away from combat, I just reload when I die. So no problem for me. 2. You have more or less an infinite Stash in most RPG's anyway. The only difference I see is that PoE doesnt hide it behind crazy high carring capacities or tons of item slots. 3. I actually think its a good thing that you cant change weapons that are not in your item slots in combat because it always felt weird that you could search your whole backpack in most RPG's while in combat. 4. Ammunition hoarding was such a pain in the but in baldurs gate 1-2 and I usually dont play archers so I dont give a crap. 5. I agree combat log should be in the middle. 6. I got used to the camera angle 1 hour into the game. 7. I never ever use the walking state in any isometric RPG its just so slow and tedious so I wont miss anything / dont care. See I have a different opinion on most of those things, because its your opinion not fact. I personaly would prefer a really good enemy AI over everything people suggest on this forum.
  19. Nope. A thread full of people expecting basic designs from games PoE namedroped to get more KS money. With that you mean "a thread full of people which think that their understanding of "basic design decisions" is something everyone has to follow, meaning that their opinion is fact and everyone else thinking in a different way is wrong" Not a single one of your points is objective, everything is subjective. It has nothing to do with "basic design" its all about how you PERSONALY want things and how the current product is not in line with it and that you cant deal with the fact that the people in charge have a different opinion on the topic.
  20. :/ A thread full of people that try to sell their personal preference / opinion as design facts.
  21. I really like this. It feels like something people would actually do in a fantasy setting. Casting a combat buff on yourself is the fantasy version of drawing a gun. Out of combat casting will always be a problem in rpg's where the combat is not separate from the main game. Recent example: In Divinity original sin out of combat casting was one of the two things that completly trivialized most encounters.
  22. I never get why I can run around in those games and murder people as long as a quest is tied to it or its a random encounter. Do the guards think "nevermind thats a quest target, lets look in another direction"? Like those two bandit groups in dryford, you can kill 5 people in nobody bothers.
  23. People that ask for easier combat usually ask for one of those three things: 1) I want more readability 2) I want better AI 3) I want to win without reading ability descriptions / dont know what the monsters do
  24. Afaik the might of the caster = healing done
  25. So I finaly decided to make a thread about it because its a issue that usually gets drowned in all those might debates. I think the real problem with might is that it influences healing. Please discuss might influencing magic and melee (well all) damage in other threads or else this thread loses its purpose. I think its really problematic that healing scales with might. Its the reason why the caster classes are either good at healing or damage. You cant make a caster class good at both or you will have dps/healing machines. To make all the caster classes less one dimensional you have to split damage/heal so you need more stat points to boost your spell efficiency.
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