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Everything posted by thelee

  1. Since 2.0, there is an ever-so-slight delay when trying to pick up items in my inventory. It is enough of a delay that it is destroying my muscle memory; e.g. instead of easy shift-clicking to sell items or put them into my stash, I have to consciously press down shift, hesitate, AND THEN click for it to register as a shift-click. No save or output_log, just a general issue in any game.
  2. Very odd behavior. See below screenshot, keeping in mind that there are supposed to be 10 enemy crew members. When I started this ship-to-ship combat the enemy ship was almost full (10/18 slots). I'm having a really hard time nailing down exactly the steps to reproduce it, but it is reproducible (after the above screenshotted attempt where they were reduced to 4 crewmembers, I reloaded and tried again and got them down to 8 crewmembers). It seems to be vaguely linked to the following events, in some order: a. injure enemy crew members with grapeshot or lucky cannonball shots b. trigger some negative event (sails on fire, deck fire, etc.) c. enemy AI tries to do a "report to" Somehow, when the AI tries to do C after some combination of A, B, C steps, some of their crew members completely disappear (the ones that were recovering in the hold?) Here's a dropbox link containing a quicksave right before this ship fight (just sail due east) as well as the output_log from the last attempt (where I took them down permanently from 10 crewmembers to 8 : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ijdgczzv7j3qkkq/AABc92XZdsf6FDqQ159R4_6aa?dl=0
  3. Main thing is to wear light armor or cloth to make sure your recovery isn't through the roof. But even then super slow spells (6s cast) have short recoveries (2s) so they aren't hurt by armor as much. Honestly, I don't understand why spell cast times are such a common complaint. If you're overused to BG2 or Diablo 3 then yeah the transition can be rough, but mostly you just need a bit of planning and positioning and you're set. You can retarget spells mid-cast and that takes care of that bit if sluggishness from slow casts. TBH I didn't completely love it when they shrank cast times in the backer beta for non-cipher spellcasters because it made it harder to land interrupts on the enemy (and made concentration less relevant). The range on the speed boost is massive, like basically if your wizard is close enough to be relevant to the fight they get the speed buff. But IIRC most speed boosts on weapons only affect the specific weapon (they don't even affect the other weapon if you're dual-wielding).
  4. Was having a lot of trouble with the final Giant Cave Grub fight at the end of the Old City so decided to stealth Ydwin to take out the grub nests ahead of time. Did so, quicksaved, and then initiated fight. To my frustration, grublings still spawn from where the nests used to be and come attack me, making it a pointless exercise. I know the Giant Cave Grub spawns some grubs throughout the fight, and there are two that spawn immediately at the start of the fight, so I'm talking exclusively about the grublings that spawn from the two grub nests in the back of the room. Parenthetically, I find it surprising that The Cornett's Call doesn't give me any skull indicators when attempting it at level 6-7 (from an old data dump it is a level 8 quest). Boy no matter how many deadfire playthroughs I do, unless I'm level 8+ that final Cave Grub Fight is brutal on PotD level with scaling up now that charmed gets dispelled upon first attack. Here's a dropbox link to a save right before the Cave Grub Fight: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xaz857g6s75zfbg/AADTWVsznguoeDsSAFdyghvza?dl=0 No output_log because I long since abandoned that attempt until I'm higher level.
  5. Screenshot says it all (see the floating "18" in the middle of the picture) Invariably happens during a session, where at some point one of hte floating combat text appears and never disappears. This persists through reloads. Completely exiting hte game and restarting clears it, though. Here's a dropbox link to an autosave right before screen shot was taken and output_log, though I'm not sure how useful it is since it is not attached to any discernible game state but rather something screwing up in the engine. Never happened before 2.0. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vc04jzpq5k4wu1a/AADy5McwkJY8lpXQyEJZ4zZMa?dl=0
  6. Thanks for the hard work and update, Obsidian. If there's a yelp for B2B establishments, your vendor deserves a 1 star review.
  7. Yeah I got real confused by this. You were always able to steal it, like how you can steal certain items from stores by stealing from some boxes in/near them. So I don't think they changed it, and I doubt this change was intentional.
  8. Is it just me or is the 6s-until-permadeath for Berath's Challenge overly restrictive? Mostly because Resurrection is a 6s cast spell. It seems painfully ironic that the best rezzer class in the game (priest) has its best rez spell made close to obsolete due to an almost-uselessly-slow cast time (you basically need some mix of rapid casting, deftness, and a high dex on top of not being in the middle of recovery upon teammate-knockout for it to work). Not much better for a druid or chanter. Hope you weren't in the middle of recovery before that enemy got a lucky crit on one of your tanks and knocked them out. Only the paladin really works out well here and unless they fixed Reviving Exhortation's damage it's only temporary (or unless paired with a cannot die effect). Are there other Magran's Fires not listed in the patch notes? There was an interview a few days ago where an Obsidian staff member talked about a challenge where beasts got a random ability (they even called it Galawain's Challenge) but I don't see mention of it here. Because if all we get is Triple Crown/Solo (which we could have been doing anyway), another one that defeats the point of playing a Real-Time With Pause game, and then Berath's Challenge, I am extremely disappointed in these challenges.
  9. So, maybe this is particulary borked or maybe the VTC questline is different, but I don't get a dragon fight *at all.* I loaded my Ukaizo save today to actually do the fight, and only the Engwithan Sentinels activated when I ran forward. No dragon, no conversation about the gates of Ukaizo, nothing. Just two Engwithan Sentinels and I was done and could move on to the next area. Very anticlimactic.
  10. Magran's might is implemented as a very small aoe that bonbards the target with the main nuke, like meteor swarm or rain of holy fire. So it sounds like the initial trigger is interrupt on crit and the bombard effect interrupt on hit.
  11. This may be intended or something specific to the VTC questline, but is definitely different from all my other Ukaizo attempts. Normally I fight the dragon and then in the middle of the fight it goes into some sort of protective sphere, which then activates the Engwithan titans. This time, however, once I arrived at Ukaizo, the Engwithan Sentinels immediately activated and walked over to my party, and once I regained control of my party the fight began immediately, sans dragon. See screenshot: Here's a dropbox link to two saves and OS X output log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0yelqtlx3p0xf0v/AAC5DSfE20uIDQRyMVayrUcHa?dl=0 There's two saves because interestingly if I reload the Ukaizo autosave, the sentinels don't immediately activate and attack. So it appears to be some trigger misfire from the pre-Ukaizo VTC conflict (I used slavers to fight the first ship, engaged the next ship in ship-to-ship combat, and then stoically abandoned the third conflict). So I have one autosave at Ukaizo harbor which should load just fine, and then an autosave from ship-to-ship combat leading into the Ukaizo arrival, which should cause the sentinels to activate and attack.
  12. See screenshot: The tooltip description for Magran's Might says it interrupts "on crit," but in practice it interrupts on hit. I don't know which way the error is (I hope it's that the tooltip is wrong, because interrupting on hit makes Magran's Might feel more like a PL9 spell), but it's clear there is a mismatch here between description and implementation. Dropbox link to a saved game before the Sanguine Harvest fight, along with OS X output log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/stz06zxf8lnn9i3/AABjC16QCnmAn2P7yr78AoApa?dl=0
  13. Sorry, but are you insane? Concelhaut's Draining Touch is the one summoned weapon I don't touch. Have you even tried Caedebald's Black Bow? Literally all the other wizard summoned weapons I can think of are great. Even Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff (PL1) is usable for me in end-game.
  14. Make sure you have the berath blessing enabled with the bonus vendor.
  15. Nope! As soon as I got the patch I loaded up this game and no more invisible Maia army leaving letters for me. Thanks!
  16. I generally like the ship combat, but the higher-level ship combat (what little exists) really needs some combat tweaking. My biggest gripe is that except in specific situations, there's basically no reason to not lay everything you have with cannonball. In lower-level combat grapeshot can be a way to disable most of the ship, and chainshot can prevent escape or pursuit. In higher-level ship combat, everyone has super-powerful surgeons and lots of people in reserve. Even with a junk ship magically knocking out all above-deck crew in one volley, by the time you jibe to fire with your other cannons, the other ship has already swapped everyone out with reserves, and the surgeon has already healed half the injured crew. Meanwhile, the other ship has just been shooting at your hull, and with 4 or 5 cannons, while you wasted a volley just to get the enemy ship to waste half a round swapping people out, they took out half your hull strength :|. It also doesn't help that the surgeon is a below-deck crewmember, so if you want to take out their surgeon you have to use cannonball anyway... Meanwhile, if you're in a galleon or junk and do just do cannonball and nothing else, you can basically destroy the hardest ships in the game with just a few volleys and it basically boils down to RNG. Anyone else feel the same way? What does the community think of ship-to-ship combat?
  17. Given a caster buffed with Minoletta's Piercing Sigil and an attacker with spell reflect: Apparently there's some buggy interaction where if the attacker successfully spell reflects the triggered effect off of the piercing sigil, it infinitely loops and deals an arbitrarily large amount of piercing damage and stun damage to the caster, resulting in certain death. Fortunately for the player, I don't think enemies have spell reflect. Unfortunately for the fampyrs on the Splintered Reef, Rekke's 10% spell reflect means that each time he attacks a Minoletta's Piercing Sigil-ed fampyr, there is a 10% chance that he insta-gibs the fampyr (see screenshot... the combat log only shows part of the story because there are many, many, many entries of damage and the amount of red numbers that pop up when this triggers is hilarious). Dropbox link to a save in the crypt as well as an output_log follows: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t8alyjtpe0i54kl/AACbHbZrEPKoz21H2pkdk6U6a?dl=0
  18. NWN has a dedicated modding and module building community that many other games lack, so it comes with a built-in audience and was almost guaranteed to sell at least decently well.This is the big thing. I owned NWN1 for years before I bothered to finish the OC, and I never really did multiplayer. What I did do was sink a hell of a lot of time into user-created modules. I think the visual differences and, much more importantly, the setting's differences and the factors revolving around it, are huge.The Medieval Era was hugely stagnant culturally and technologically and the content we usually get from that giant period of time has boiled down into very generic fantasy It really wasn't, and the misconception that it was is mainly a consequence of Victorian-era historical revisionism, reinforced by political theorists (on both the left and the right, incidentally) with axes to grind and by "medieval" fantasy written by people who don't actually know anything about the medieval period. It is difficult if not impossible to make broad generalizations about hundreds of years of European history - European, not just English and French, but Prussian and Baltic and Finnish and Andalusian and Catalonian and Neapolitan and Venetian and Byzantine and Russian - but it is a modern myth that the period prior to the Renaissance was one of general stagnation or decline.Oh! My bad. I'm interested in history but I'm not an expert (obviously). I should clarify that I knew it wasn't stagnant across the world. I thought it was just true of England, France, and maybe other parts of Europe. Is the stagnation /decline a myth in regards to that too? Why would Victorian historians have an axe to grind about that time period? My understanding is that it was certainly a regression with the end of the western roman empire. I think the characterization that historians tend to try to correct for is one where the fall of the western roman empire presaged 1000 years of dirt-farming and illiteracy until the renaissance happened, which paints a convenient picture of triumphalism and progress for the countries that just so happen to be framed advantageously as hotbeds for the renaissance/enlightenment/industrialization, when in reality a lot of things were still happening in europe (cultural, societal, and whatnot) and even with the decline of the western roman empire, the eastern roman empire (e.g. byzantine) was still basically a superpower for a millennia.
  19. 1.2 was suppossed to have removed all non-skill-based scaling for consumables, but poisons still get power level scaling from the character's power level. See below screenshot for a character with 2 Alchemy but 2 power levels. The potions correctly only have +20% healing (from 2 alchemy), but the poisons incorrectly have +40% damage (from 2 alchemy and 2 from character power level). In addition, a regression in poison behavior appears to be that upon application onto enemy, the poison buff on the character does not clear. It doesn't re-apply the same poison effect upon successive hits, but it does block the character from using another poison until the current poison buff goes away. See below screenshot where character (Topher) still has the poison buff even after affecting an enemy with the poison). Here's a dropbox link that contains an output_log as well as the save used to produce these screenshots. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mwv665bg1ne6rxb/AACUEjQ8lSmqYJLyCjGOGFwxa?dl=0
  20. oops, i meant to put this in the general bugreport, not the patch beta forums. mods, please move to the normal bugs forum.
  21. hang on! i searched a nearby shipwreck (the one on the port maje island) repeatedly, and after several search attempts, Captain Furrante's ship spawned a short distance away and I got the encounter. is this a change to the trigger for the encounter? I could swear that in previous versions of the game (or other poe1 game states) captain furrante's ship was basically already waiting for me as soon as i was ready to sail and i couldn't exactly outrun the encounter. Note that in my OP I mention that this is the second time I am trying this new game based on the same game state, and in that version I got pretty far (level ~8 or so) without ever getting a Captain Furrante/Serafen encounter and so far the only thing I can distinguish it is that I didn't search this shipwreck that first time around.
  22. Started a new game, using a custom-created game data. For some reason, upon getting my ship, I get no Captain Furrante/Serafen encounter. I try sailing around for quite a while, but no go. This is actually the second attempt at creating a new game using the same custom-created data. Here's a save from before I set sail (i just cashed in the quest and am heading to vilario's rest to leave the island), and one afterwards (just after i board the defiant), along with the output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cxw36fr9hz8qp5a/AACKtriAf7pwUuPDYaKhzwGUa?dl=0
  23. woooooooooooooooooooo i can go back to my abandoned playthrough!
  24. I think by "companions" he means Pallegina and Xoti specifically. They do get a modifier to the base values from *somewhere* -- I've got a screenshot of Pallegina getting +8.9 deflection from Faith and Conviction, and the base value for F&C is +8 flat, so that .9 comes from somewhere, and the above code indicates it's not from dispositions. There appears to be a difference between story companions and hirelings in this regard. Man, this was all in the OP :/ 8 base + .9 neutral disposition bonus
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