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Everything posted by thelee

  1. Update: I just tried upgrading the enchantment level, and it's weird. I do get the upgraded enchant, but then the option to repair it goes away. I'm guessing some bit gets flipped as soon as you do any enchantment, not just a repair. I reloaded my game, but I wonder if this ends up permanently rendering it unable to be repaired, because my Blightheart became a Superb weapon with Minor Damage that no longer had a repair option.
  2. Hey guys, I unintnetionally discovered a way to do this right now: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106541-31-abydons-challenge-soulbound-items-needing-repair-can-also-be-enchanted/ At the very least, it doesn't look like a systems limitation to be able to upgrade enchant levels on soulbound weapons.
  3. I forgot, dropbox link to save and output_log where this occurs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6285v04f06ftr9e/AACeIMau4X_PJaTKhBKIbAfDa?dl=0
  4. normally you can't access the enchant menu for soulbound items (with the exception of modwyr), but I just noticed a "loophole." When doing Abydon's Challenge, your soulbound items can degrade and need repair. Clickin on the option to repair will open an enchant menu... and you can also enchant higher enchant levels! I didn't try it in case it would break my game, but I'm pretty sure this is not intentional. On the plus side, there's a feature request to let us enchant superb soulbound weapons to legendary, and this seems to indicate it's not a systems limitation to enchanting soulbound weapon: maybe it's just a matter of flipping some bit after a soulbound weapon is fully unlocked.
  5. To be fair to Obsidian, it's also why I hate Survival mode in Fallout 4. Bethesda has a lot of resources, but they are also aren't immune to crash bugs, and survival mode in FO4 literally has no autosave outside of setting up camp. After losing a 3 hour play session to a crash (while I was on the way to a bed to sleep in to save) I ended up modding/hacking the game to turn on autosave without disabling achievements. Game companies just should not develop any features/mode that relies on the assumption that their game is crash proof.
  6. yeah, 100 upboats for some sort of non-eothas-style rest spam limit. Rymrgand is kind of also a rest spam limit since good food decays so quickly, but both Eothas and Rymrgand effectively also function as anti-exploration mechanisms, which I don't like. After playing with god challenges more, I'm not a big fan of Abydon. It starts becoming extremely tedious mid-late game. Not so much the economy of having to be really sparing with exceptional and better weapons, but because combat gets to the point where you're doing enough damage or receiving enough damage that it seems like you need to repair after each encounter. I have a Abydon+Skaen run, and honestly I'm having a real hard time getting motivated to play it (I will probably just rush through the critical path) because the Abydon aspect is getting to be a real tedium.
  7. Honestly perplexed how a bug like this could get introduced. What on earth were they changing that could mess up dual wield mechanics like this?? (Don't mind me, I just work in an industry that runs on test-driven development and regressions making it to production are extremely rare.) I'll just have to pay real close attention to both my games (pre-existing one from pre-3.1, new one i made for hylea's challenge)
  8. Pillars of Eternity 1 also crashed and worse, had bugs that could result you in dying (infamous one: trying to drink a potion and then your character becomes completely unresponsive to anything... even if you somehow won the fight (possible with paladin's healing/fire aura) the combat wouldn't end). I ultimately had to save scum my The Ultimate run because I had literally a handful of runs fail because of these bugs. (Objectively, they are a far far worse outcome than any crash PoE2 has or had.) With all due respect to Obsidian, no one should do a trial of iron type run in any of their games without keeping backups of your saves. If the rumors are true and Microsoft does buy Obsidian I hope that means they can throw a lot of money at Q&A.
  9. it seems like from attack, my evoker combination is the best you can do (+16 PL). Boeroer's list involved stacking brilliant, amulet of power, and potion, which we've now verified from different angles do not stack. I think it's just a fun exercise. For specifics about power level scaling, you should read the power level scaling guide.
  10. Been an issue since 1.0, still not addressed, and I really don't want it to be like traps in PoE1 where they are just a broken thing forever. Basically, no spell that creates a hazard-type effect (warding seal, searing seal, flame wall, etc.) does the correct amount of damage. They ignore might/scaling/etc. damage bonuses. They even seem to not even do damage according to the base damage range specified in the tooltip! I assumed that these tooltips were programmatically generated, which makes it all the more mysterious. The really confusing part is that these hazard effects do appear to get accuracy and duration modifiers transferred to them. Why damage (and PEN) has never been right is baffling to me.
  11. i would be surprised there's any effective cap, other than the explicitly mentioned by the game (35 for stats). i don't do games coding or know much about unity, but it seems like the lowest reasonable maximum would be an unsigned 8-bit integer, or max of 255. which for all intents and purposes is no limit. (and more likely it's probably a 32-bit integer at the very least... we're not in the days where people only had megabytes of ram)
  12. Known bug, it's being addressed. As new player. Is there a temporary hack/way I can see current in-game time? (Besides saving the game and checking the date/ttime on the save.) clicking on the wait/rest button and seeing what time it is if you rest 1 hour and minus 1?
  13. that sounds like a nightmare :/ ... there are still many bugs. some are very annoying and there's no resolution. also recent patch make the text smaller for the active buffs and hostiles seems like a quick fix. in my opinion proper scaling should comes with menu scrolling? i'm not sure. but making the text super small doesn't cut it for me. Yes it's a quick fix. But honestly the (cumulated) complains about this were quite fresh and I guess that was the only solution that could be done in such a short amount of time. So - better than nothing. I play on my TV sitting several feet away, and the small text is harder to read. But "harder to read" is infinitely better than "impossible to read because it's literally off screen or behind other things." Would still love a tyranny-style "fix tooltip and then scroll" option if they have the developer bandwidth.
  14. are you positive potion stacks with acute/brilliant? i'm not ruling out the possibility i was wrong, but my monastic unarmed training testing was so recent that I still vividly remembering the disappointment when I couldn't bump up my fists an additional level when I did acute + potion.
  15. touche. my first attempt at deadfire ever was with a completely unoptimized lifegiver. just from +8 PL (+7 subclass, +1 nature godlike) alone my party was basically immortal. can't imagine what +17 (pre empower) would be like. i need to start using power surge a lot more if it stacks as a passive effect. (why did no one tellll me???)
  16. - Larger version increases area of effect by ~30-40% and reduces PL of the spell by 5, bonus area is "foe only" (only the second targeting circle is increased) - Smaller version reduces area by ~40-50% and increases PL of spell by 1, also removes safe zone from Intellect and makes the area "friend-or-foe only" (except "foe-only" spells) OMG 5 PL O_o ?! -5 is when we roll to full or when we roll any above standard ? Generaly i like this new feature, but - 5 pl is quite harsh if going from normal to large lets you target from 1 to 2 foes, then you've basically already made it worth the -5 PL penalty. I think it only becomes a toss-up really if you go were targeting five or more, and only gain one more target in the process. (just as a general rule of thumb. you may want fewer targets at higher impact at times)
  17. it might be a systems limitation... modwyr lets you enchant it to legendary, but i think it's because the way it's implemented is that once you finish its questline your soulbound modwyr gets actually replaced by a non-soulbound version of the item. but i'm not a modder so i could be wrong.
  18. this is worth a double-check. i could be wrong about some of my stacking interaction understanding, but I definitely tested potion and intellect inspiration stacking interaction for monastic unarmed training (in my case I used acute instead of brilliant) and they didn't stack. same thing with potion and food that gives you +PL bonus. if amulet really does stack that would be a very pleasant surprise. you're talking about hte +1 intellect that gives you an ability to get +1 PL until end of combat? i thought because that was an actual ability you had to activate it wouldn't stack... but it wouldn't be surprising because items are a little weird sometimes. same thing about the cipher ascendant bonus. edit - you mean the pike, not spear edit2 - make sure when you're checking PL that you're ignoring the effects of PL bonus you get just for being at a higher PL than the ability you're using
  19. Arguably, ship combat is rigged completely in your favor because save/load and the enemy can't. Also ship combat is generally designed to be beaten, not vice versa.
  20. seems ironic because having mythic items in the first place would help with the megabosses... and after you kill all of them you frankly odn't even need legendary to beat the base game. would love a way to manually upgrade soulbound weapons. my precious marux amanth is great but really wants to be legendary.
  21. spitballing, i think the highest possible bonus PL is a wizard subclass: +3 (general) <passive> death godlike +2 (wizard+evocation) <passive> evoker subclass +1 (general) <passive> prestige +2 (fire) <passive> magran's favor +2 (fire) <passive> sun and moon, during the day +2 (evocation) <passive> firethrower's gloves +2 (general) <active> potion +1 (general) <passive> spellshaping, reduced area +1 (fire) <passive> Otto Starcat pet bonus ...and then being at near-death and casting a spell like fireball that is keyworded as both evocation, fire and can be spellshaped into a smaller area, for a total of +16PL (empower for an additional +5). I don't have a good knowledge of all the items in the game though, so there may be more ways to stack bonus PL. edit - added sun and moon for +2. I forget if it's +2 or +1, but wrote +2 here based on wiki (which could be out of date) edit2 - at level PL9 (since you have prestige), that fireball would actually get +22PL (+6 just for being PL9 versus fireball being a PL3 spell, +16PL bonus). Probably better off casting delayed fireball even with a smaller PL bonus. edit3 - how could i possibly forget about Otto Starcat??
  22. to elaborate on the keywording: in your scenario, a cipher using a cipher ability at near death would get +7 PL (death godlike bonus, ascendant, and then prestige) that same cipher using a fire scroll would get +8 PL (death godlike bonus, magran's favor, potion, and then prestige)
  23. that's not actually +13, due to stacking rules. potion and brilliant won't stack, neither will amulet. you should also specify that some of it is keyworded. +3 (general) PL death godlike +3 (cipher) ascendant +2 (???? fire) weapon (assuming magran's favor) +2 (general) potion of ascendance +1 (general) prestige brilliant and amulet are suppressed by potion. also, i'm not positive, but i suspect that the ascendant PL bonus is an active effect itself and may suppress potion of ascendance.
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