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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've played in a couple multiplayer servers, but at the end of the day I enjoy the single player version more. The pacing is a bit slower, but I do like the feeling of progression. Whenever I tweak stuff it feels like it gets too easy and I end up starting over.
  2. So far, I can say I like this character better than ComradeMaster and SonicMage. But I also liked Minsc.
  3. There is a lot more to this than just the deficit that is alarming: https://www.usdebtclock.org/
  4. If you are going to cross out "Republic for which it stands" for the Dems, you can cross it out for the Repubs as well. https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/top-recipients
  5. I was getting ready for my second day of teaching. It's actually pretty strange that for the last handful of years, this is an event that doesn't resonate with my students in the same way. They all know about it, but it is something that happened to a previous generation.
  6. Conan Exiles of dropping the newest DLC and it looks to be massive. Looks to be a pretty decent map addition as well as a new starting story, so more of an expansion than the traditional DLC. This is the only game I've ever really enjoyed buying the DLC content for, so I'm in.
  7. I can't help but notice @Raithe was playing Conan Exiles. Yes...excellent. Join us as we build our kingdoms on the backs of our thralls.
  8. The moment my daughter was born, I stopped building my own PC's and started paying someone for that work. Time is money.
  9. Religious nutjobs. Why would psionics use a bomb when they can control minds?
  10. Yep. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, we are looking at a dirty bomb situation, and they are running weapons. The Psionics would seem to have other means and Religious groups usually claim credit. But maybe I overthought it.
  11. I just had a fantastic battle in Xcom Chimera Squad. Last night I made it to the last breach point of one of the factions, and I couldn't keep them from pushing the launch button. Sure, I could kill a good chunk of them by being conservative, or I could be aggressive and die, but I was having trouble stopping them from getting to the end mission console thingee. So I woke up this morning and re-thought my breach strategy, then figure out how to win. It was very rewarding. I love these games! Also I like that they are slowly getting closer to a Jagged Alliance like roster of personalities.
  12. Soda is poison. You are better off with a stiff drink.
  13. I got a fun little fighter in X4 and rescued some scientist, but I think I'm going to set the game aside for a bit. I would like to go back to it later, but I was getting burnt out. Now I've finally embarked on a playthrough of Xcom: Chimera Squad. I don't know why I held off so long, I bought it back in April. Probably because I knew it would consume me completely and wanted to wait for the right time. It's great so far.
  14. I do my exercising as early as possible at this point. Saturday I also finished with the swim portion, so that was nice. I whine during the winter a lot, so I try not to let the heat stop me.
  15. Sure. Of course, these protests are all happening because a bunch of minorities were given death sentences for very little cause, while this kid can stroll into said protests with a big gun.
  16. Yesterday I was out on a ride, and at the start of my big descent of the day, a wasp hit my ring finger. It just hung on, stinger deeply lodged into the skin. I was descending, so I kept trying to shake it loose but I couldn't risk taking my hands off the bar for long. Finally after a couple attempts, I shook him loose, but the stinger, his lower body, and a bit of guts were left behind. It was burning something fierce, but knew it was safest to just finish the descent and then clean it off. I get to the bottom and carefully remove the stinger, and start the 15 mile ride home. When I got in, I showed my wife. It had started to swell, so she told me to get the ring off fast. I used some petroleum jelly to get that done. Now my whole hand is a bit itchy and swollen up. So add that to my tally of exercise session gone wrong.
  17. I am really pretty lost in X4. Like, I can go repair satellites and catch some low level criminals, but a tiny cog in a big machime in this game.
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