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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah, I didn't. I just asked if those clamoring for MCA to get a job are also fans of Polanski's work. There seems to be this mentality that creative people that are responsible for works of art should be excused from bad conduct. Polanski is the most extreme of these examples. A bunch of you are all *gasp* he's a criminal! and yet he continues to direct and even win prestigious awards.
  2. Yeah, at first I was like "Terror from the Deep!" but then I watched some videos and didn't see any cruise ships, so I was out.
  3. @the_dog_days is more interesting than the current NFL season.
  4. I broke my middle toe. Ouch. Nothing exciting, just banged it into my bedframe. Now it is blue and swollen.
  5. I tend to agree. I don't think Pence did anything to really win the debate, but as Kamala Harris's first real turn on the national stage, I think she needed to do more. I was expecting her to either be aggressive, given her prosecutorial background, or to be the more charming candidate (which really shouldn't be hard against Pence.) But I don't think she pulled off either one of those. It seemed too safe.
  6. Debate isn't over, but it is pretty clear that the fly on Pence's head is the winner.
  7. Gromnir is the original an antagonistic companion.
  8. Huh, seems strange that they are doing EA at all.
  9. Ah, my bad. I thought you were going to the opposite extreme of GD's point. I don't agree with GD's point either.
  10. Historically, religion has gone hand in hand with pretty much everything.
  11. Everything is fine! https://gizmodo.com/so-who-else-thinks-the-white-house-is-totally-pulling-1845269694
  12. Whoa whoa, Orogun is the one making a gun argument here, stating states with strict laws have worse gun violence. I tend to point at poverty figures over anything else.
  13. Wow, you clearly didn't look at the links.
  14. I'd love to see where you are pulling that information from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_death_rates_in_the_United_States_by_state https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/guns-crime/news/2019/11/20/477218/gun-violence-america-state-state-analysis/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/21/states-most-and-least-gun-violence-see-where-your-state-stacks-up/359395002/ Pretty easy to find a ton of data that says the exact opposite of what you are claiming.
  15. Disarmament would seem to be a part of any defunding policies that are seriously being bandied about:
  16. Mount & Blade 2 is great. Single player wise, it has improved on a ton of stuff from Warband. It looks great, controls well. I kmow it is kind of early access, but it is on sale right now and it was well worth the $30.
  17. I am glad you didn't say SNL is trash because that would be a dumb statement. It swings wildly across the quality spectrum based on the cast and host. The Eddie Murphy episode early this year (last year?) was one of the best ever, but they have also had plenty of duds this season. So yeah, get educated son. Also watch Dolemite Is My Name.
  18. I have some other reasons, but this is probably in the top ten for why I'm voting blue this year:
  19. I decided to pick up Mount and Blade II since it is on sale. I went with GOG for two reasons. Number one is that my kid has sort of taken over my Steam account. There is a family mode and I could make it so one of us is playing games in offline mode, but it is a hassle sharing gaming time. I could kick him off too, but it isn't always worth it. The other reason is the GOG edition came with the original M&B. I'm not going to play it, most likely, but it is nice to have a copy of it, I suppose.
  20. I do wonder if it is a potential false positive. Given how often they get tested, I would think that would be a possible outcome here.
  21. Yeah, but regular folks would be happy with a "yes, I condemn white supremecy." Not "Be on standby, and let me condemn a completely different group that was not asked about."
  22. Welcome to my life. This is my classroom right now. Except instead of asking questions after zoning out, students email me for an individual explanation of what I already explained in class, and in the assignment description, and possibly even in a tutorial video that is posted with the assignment. I'm a bit surprised about the Facebook rule for nursing, but I have a similar policy in education. I am happy to accept you as a friend once you've graduated from High School. Granted, I only post pictures of family, food, and fitness activities. I put all my incriminating opinions on this forum.
  23. It's a big number. It is unlikely that it has any impact though. Those contested ballots will likely reflect the same results as the contested ballots. Unless you find evidence that those ballots are being pulled based on WHO the voters where voting for, this is just a random sample of ballots. Which, as GD pointed out, is super hard to pull off.
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