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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I guess you are referring to what you can find in America? Because in India, peasant food is dripping with fat and oil and is so pumped with coriander or other cheap spices that you can't taste anything except that. That sounds delicious!
  2. Apparently this is a big test upcoming, my wife's account got an invite as well.
  3. Peasant food in Mexico and India rocks.
  4. I think it has a lot to do with the fact the game has not had much traction and the gameplay videos are unremarkable. When you start hearing about delays and cuts it is easy to assume the worst.
  5. pretend to fall really ill hire driver to take family to palm springs get skyrim have house to yourself and skyrim enjoy I thought of that! My wife can tell I was thinking about a stunt like that, and so she said I might get lucky this weekend. She knows how to motivate me, what can I say. I'll take 15 minutes in the sack for a weekend of Skyrim any day.
  6. So right after work I'm heading to Palm Springs for the weekend with the family, and we are staying in a timeshare with another family. I'm not really excited about it, sadly, but hopefully I'll get into by tomorrow. It's a 7 hour drive, so we won't get in until after 11 tonight. I'm going to miss the release of Skyrim too
  7. The reviews aren't surprising. The ES games rarely show their warts in the first 10-15 hours or so, we are too wrapped up in the glamorous vistas and epic open world. That is why they are always worth buying, you are going to get some joy out of those initial hours. Thankfully once the shine does wear off, the mod community usually gets to work and fixes all the underlying issues.
  8. Usually about a week.
  9. Hang in there Tarna. My wife and I always joke about the fact that our life insurance policies would solve all our financial problems
  10. I imagine that is the issue with investing in any well established company. Of course Apple was well established 10 years ago, and then it turned into a behemoth because of a small music player. So who knows?
  11. This is clearly going to be an automotive restoration RPG. That car needs to be put back together!
  12. The 11th is a federal holiday here in the US, but I still think it's coming out on Friday. It's actually an issue for me, I am going out of town Thursday and won't be back until late Sunday. I've never picked up a preorder that late, hopefully it's not a problem.
  13. Star Wars has some pretty dark stuff, even if it is handled a bit clumsily. Anakin flopping around with no arms or legs isn't exactly a kiddie scene.
  14. I don't get it.
  15. I'm going to throw it the MDK guess to cover my bases.
  16. For my money, the best dark choices tend to be ones that are fairly justifiable. For example, in Dragon Age there is that kid that is possessed, and there is a blood mage that can open a portal so you can save him. The mom offers herself as a sacrifice in order to power the portal. Now you can sacrifice the mom to save the son, or you could even kill the kid. I thought both were dark choices without being simply evil. They both had the greater good at stake with choices that were less than ideal. Apparently there was a good choice, going to the mage's tower, but the situation seemed more urgent than making a long trek with a possessed kid to me. So far TOR seems to be giving those choices on occasion. There is a flashpoint video aboard a ship (Esselles?) that shows the players choosing between spacing the engineering compartment to put out a bunch of fires or running around trying to put them all out (or some other lengthy task.) It makes perfect sense to sacrifice a few lives to save the rest of the ship, but it is still a pretty dark choice to make. A lot of these light/dark choices in these games that I consider difficult tend to be more about being fast and effective or being slow and careful. The 'kill this guy for fun' stuff is boring.
  17. Huh... I got nothing. Maybe they got the Indy license form LucasArts.
  18. Yep, I've got two pre-orders registered, one for me and one for my wife. One is early September and one is early October, so it will be interesting to see how many days extra that gives me.
  19. Come over to the Western Conference, things are interesting here.
  20. My dad used to rub bourbon on my gums when I was teething as a baby I heard. My mom was afraid it would make me a drunk. Oh.... wait... Serously I've heard that works. I've heard it works too! We actually use this oraljel stuff that numbs the gums. I'm pretty sure it is the same effect, heck it probably has some alcohol in it. So far he's worse than his sister about it though, he just has trouble calming down once he gets mad. He rarely gets upset, but when he does, it's not fun.
  21. Orogun just can't help it though, the ladies throw themselves at him.
  22. My son is teething, so he wakes up every hour or so and broadcasts his discomfort to the world. I'm really tired.
  23. Yeah, that's kind of my feeling. Are you really supporting the publisher and the developer by using these sites? I want to keep good companies in business with my money, so I'm not sure who I'm supporting with those retailers.
  24. Intkeys.com has it even cheaper, and yes, it works. You have to remember though that you sometimes get a Russian IP key, but the provider actually does the activation for you, if you are willing to give him your Steam name and PW (obviously, change PW temporarily to something else). I looked at the website. It still seems pretty sketchy. Is it really legal?
  25. The used games market is predominantly console-based, so DRM isn't really part of that discussion.
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