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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I found my first frustrating experience last night, and it had more to do with the camera and clipping issues than gameplay. I was on a tough mission against a very large crashed ship, bit I kept having trouble getting the soldiers to go where I wanted, and the roof of the ship kept messing up my visibility. Given that i was fighting commanders and mutons, It was causing all sorts of problems. Thankfully I wasn't on Ironman and reloaded at the start of the mission.
  2. Let me guess, you googled 'against multiculturalism' and that is what you found.
  3. I'm also sitting on Dishonoured. Weird.
  4. I'm glad you are comfortable sharing stuff here Cant. I feel the same way, and it is much cheaper than seeing a therapist
  5. That is good. People make way too much about who is in office, these guys are very limited in what they can do.
  6. This is another situation where Krezacks ignorance about how something in the US works betrays him. Many colleges own large tracts of land, if they can derive income from parts of that land, why wouldnt they? They arent plopping an oil rig down in the middle of the dining commons.
  7. Well Goon is a pretty awesome documentary, so it's worth a watch.
  8. Well I've always suspected the moderators are all wealthy millionaires living on their own private islands.
  9. I am disappointed this thread isn't about the real Goon movie. http://youtu.be/sytVoTYFT08
  10. All four of them are pretty smarmy, it is a requirement for being a politician.
  11. Good to see you back GD, if only for a spell. The political threads are sorely lacking your voice, Project Eternity brought in some new conservatives, but the magic just isn't there Speaking of which, I hope you get a chance to pledge Project Eternity, it looks like it is right up your alley.
  12. The update got me fairly excited, last night I even took a break from Xcom to play for a bit
  13. I don't think anyone is content with the acid and poison attacks. The reason this one attacks getting more exposure and attention is because she was a very popular figure for her willingness to speak out about education. She had received a major award from the government and there are interviews of her that are now circulating the web. Now you could take the cynical approach and go "she's getting the attention because she's a celebrity" or you can see her as a very good symbol for all the girls that have been attacked by perverse groups like the Taliban. I would hope the outpouring of attention her attack is receiving will help change Pakistani society.
  14. You don't seem to really understand who the Taliban are and what their relationship is to Afghanistan.
  15. I've been trying to explain that to him for like the last year. His trolling could be way more effective with focus. That's why I always scoff when people compare him to Lord of Flies, he's nowhere near as organized or coherent.
  16. I wish I could offer advice, but I am also very recently estranged from my family. I really have no idea what I will do when faced with their health issues. As for making the pledge, I don't want to come across as harsh Cant, but I do feel like this is something for you and not for your father. It will make you feel better. I would say this even if your were making a contribution to charity in his name. It may help your conscience, but how will it make him feel? Will he understand it? I don't know enough about your relationship to answer that, of course. I've been praying for guidance with my own estrangement, I'll add you to my prayers
  17. Xcom is somewhat decent for short play sessions though. Basically I save the game just as a mission starts and then decide if I have time to keep playing. Each mission takes about 15-30 minutes at the max, it seems, so they are easily digestible in small portions.
  18. Did Oby really try to justify the actions of the Taliban here? Obvious troll is obvious.
  19. I've found normal to be somewhat easy, but I also take it very slow in combat and almost always have my squad on overwatch at the end of the turn. I've lost 4 soldiers so far. I do get a lot of folks in the medbay though. I almost feel like it was cheap to buy that upgrade where they get out in half the time. It was more fun seeing extremely injured soldiers out for 20 days.
  20. That is why the young girl is so spot on when she speaks about the importance of education. The problem in these countries isn't Islam or tribalism, the problem is ignorance. Groups like the Taliban rely on ignorance to gain power.
  21. My two assault guys, Tango and Cash, are just phenomenal. They breach doors, they knock out sectoid commanders, they shrug off plasma burns like nothing. I had a third assault guy and I was calling them the Hanson Brothers, but he got eviscerated by a Chryssalid.
  22. The sad part is that she was targeted at all. Hopefully she will make a full recovery, it sounds like she is getting the best medical care available.
  23. Every six weeks? Wow, that is fairly aggressive. I remember Asheron's Call would put in content updates every 2 months and tat was fairly amazing.
  24. So is everyone going to be running around with HK? I'm glad to see they are adding story content though, and it makes sense from here on out individual class stories are out the window.
  25. It's pretty obvious why alcohol is treated differently than anything else. I can't think of any good pills that go well with a nice steak.
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