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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Last night I had brought a berserker down to one health and was going to move my assault guy in for a stun, but the berserker did some rage move and one of my other guys fired off a reaction shot that killed him. First time I've ever screamed NOOOO! at a dead on interrupt shot.
  2. Anyone who thinks the terrorism charges would stick to this guy hasn't watched enough Law & Order.
  3. It sounds like I'm not the only one who had to have an awkward conversation with my wife about how much money they put down. I now have to match my pledge in jewelry costs
  4. It's still pretty solid of EA to allow people to keep the games. Obviously it would be bad PR to take them away, but they would have every justification to do so.
  5. Americans don't watch the debates silly. We just trust or news source about how it went down, either Fox News, MSNBC, or Jon Stewart.
  6. I feel naked without 2 assaults, I find they work best as a team anyways. I like having two snipers too, so usually I roll with one support and one heavy.
  7. If you can make the latter more like the former, I'll be very happy
  8. I don't think anyone is content with the acid and poison attacks. The reason this one attacks getting more exposure and attention is because she was a very popular figure for her willingness to speak out about education. She had received a major award from the government and there are interviews of her that are now circulating the web. Now you could take the cynical approach and go "she's getting the attention because she's a celebrity" or you can see her as a very good symbol for all the girls that have been attacked by perverse groups like the Taliban. I would hope the outpouring of attention her attack is receiving will help change Pakistani society. Well, that's hardly cynical, it is the reason - I doubt the authorities would have done squat without all this outrage and condemnation, happens everywhere and does make some sense I suppose as if you're just some plebe no one cares unless you die in droves or something. As for changing Pakistani society, heh that's one long shot. http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/16/world/asia/pakistan-activist-reaction/index.html?eref=igoogledmn_topstories It might not be as far fetched as it initially sounds.
  9. Good to see you Wals! Hopefully you got a chance to pledge Project Eternity
  10. Are you guys on Twitch? I'll shout you out
  11. Yes - complexity of the challenge is important to me. And when I see that remake goes from 26 soldiers to 6 I lose interests. Wow, yeah I don't know how much of a fan you were of the original, but you are seriously missing out. In the original, I really only had 6-8 effective guys out there on most missions. That was my core squad. All they did was get rid of the fluffers I've been playing the original and TFTD religiously pretty much every year. There is always a week or two where I get the scratch, I load up Xcom, and I play it like crazy. This is the first year where I know I won't be doing that. This game completely updates the franchise.
  12. When I'm up against a squad of sectoid commanders or mutons, I'm more than happy to blow them up and lose some gear. My heavies, especially once they get two rockets per mission, do a lot of damage and can do so from a nice range. Although for some reason I ended up with 4 straight rookies going heavy when they leveled. Now I have too many low level heavies and not enough assault guys. I only have two assault guys, they rock, but they take turns in the med bay.
  13. Sounds like you are volunteering ;-)
  14. I was at $140 originally, then added $8 for the order, then added $10 for card. But just now I broke down and upped it to $250. I'm tapped out. That $350 tier went fast, too! Glad it isn't their to tempt me.
  15. Huh, I was able to change the loadouts of people in psy eval, I thought.
  16. Losing? You meant "already lost", I presume.
  17. Did they gave her any recipe for a follow up medication or treatment or something to help? She has another appointment with her doctor tomorrow. She is already taking a pill that is supposed to keep the enzymes in her pancreas from working too hard. They just told her to keep on a vegetarian diet and come back in if the pain gets really bad. Not very comforting, but I think some of the tests will be ready tomorrow from a procedure she had last week. She's been complaining about the lack of protein in her diet. I've been making beans and rice for that, anyone know any other non fatty good sources of protein?
  18. I lost my top sniper to a cyberdisc today This game can be pretty tricky even on normal, especially with the tougher enemies.
  19. They ran the tests at the hospital, but all her tests came back normal, so they discharged her. It's good because a night at the hospital isn't fun, but we still don't know what is going on. She is going to try and go to work tomorrow, the pain has subsided considerably and she was able to eat dinner without it starting up again.
  20. That's the thing, I love the challenge of a good turn based strategy game because I have time to think and, um, strategize. I'm happy playing my action games on easy. I usually am playing it for the story and the exploration, not for the challenge of each fight. If it's too challenging, I'll simply get frustrated and play something else. I want to make consistent progress, not hit a brick wall.
  21. It is the only mission I've had such problems on, so it could have been just a one time glitch. If I ever shoot down one of those massive ships again, I'll find out.
  22. She saw the doctor and now she is going back in the hospital
  23. We are actually on our third doctor This one seems very good though, he's been running a lot of different tests to figure out what it is. The other two were when she was in the hospital, and they didn't seem too interested in finding the problem.
  24. The only requirement for a game is that it is fun. Also challenging is a very elastic criteria, obviously a lot of people enjoy the challenge of putting together different combos in the Batman games, even though they are not highly difficult like Ninja Gaiden.
  25. My wife had her pancreatitis flare up this weekend, so that stinks. She was planning to go back to work today, but now she is waiting and trying to get another appointment to see the doctor. We still don't know why it is happening. She has been eating nothing but vegetables and rice for weeks now.
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