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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It was just another dull ARPG for me, never really got into it. I thought the Xmen games were more engaging for that type of genre.
  2. I don't know if I agree, the success of services like GOG and PS2 Classics on PSN says otherwise to me. Though HD collections are still a cool thing and I hope the trend of good ones continues into the next generation of consoles. That is what I mean by 'the great stuff gets redone for the new generation'. GoG's older titles and the PS2 classics are modified so they can run on current tech. The price is usually negligible for these classics, so I see no reason to store stuff for years and years. The HD stuff is cool too, but it is usually more expensive.
  3. That mural is in a park, right? This flag display is next to a park and ride? They are entirely different things. There are plenty of flags and memorials in parks all over the place in California. The electricity is a big beef, I agree with Caltrans that they shouldn't have to pay to light this display. I am sure he can find a better spot to create a monument, it sounds like he's creating a stir for attention. edit: Hah, they are complaining about a mural put up 40 years ago? Geez, let it go. It bears zero relevancy to the flag display. edit: Just looked it up, that mural is actually a few years older than Caltrans
  4. While this sounds like a bureaucratic mess, bringing up the Chicano park has no relevancy to the situation. Is he trying to build this memorial in a park, because it is unclear where this is? It mentions a highway ramp at one point but then it sounds like they gave that up. Anyways, it sounds less like a conspiracy theory and more like a sign that Caltrans is a mess of an organization. Anyone who has driven on CA freeways or used public transportation can tell you that much is true.
  5. Seriously, if Sacramento had more influence over my home than DC, I'd be in deep doodoo
  6. Every time I go to buy a new console, I sell the old one. I've done this since I owned an NES and sold it to the kid down the street to get an SNES. There is just too much new stuff for me to worry about the old stuff, and as I already stated, the great stuff gets redone for the new generation.
  7. You haven't played the DLC before? Nope, I'm not really a fan of DLC in general. I spent 60 hours on the base game, so I was ready to move on to other things. I usually wait until I get an itch to replay something before I worry about any DLC, and most games that never happens.
  8. Decided to start on on the F:NV DLC, beginning with Dead Money. So far so good!
  9. That does say a lot about your personality.
  10. I used to have legitimate gripes with Steam, given that their offline mode was messed up and I had a spotty internet connection. But they have vastly improved that so I enjoy it as a service.
  11. The MMO Browser one looks lackluster, Shadowrun Returns is the real gem.
  12. After watching the Sharks last night, I found myself wishing the lockout had not ended.
  13. Can we go outside now? That's really all I want out of that game, a frickin' sky.
  14. Played an MMO called Age of Wushu. Looks interesting, it was recommended by a friend. It's pretty dang complicated, but I'll give it a bit more time. I think it is still in beta, I'm playing for free now.
  15. Men in Black 3 - I watched it in the RV with my kids crawling all over me, but I thought it had some great moments. It was a very good addition to the franchise. Lockout - Think Escape from New York but on a space station. Guy Pearce was pretty entertaining. Not a great film but a pretty watchable B action movie.
  16. The bigger concern is how alcohol and tobacco negatively affect those who come in contact with you. But the warning labels don't really help with that.
  17. I've never understood the need for your games to last forever. The way technology moves, most of my old crap is simply that, crap. The good stuff tends to be preserved by people and made playable on new devices.
  18. Really? I thought it was a solid addition to the universe. Jason's story is clearly finished, so it is good to move on and Jeremy Renner is a compelling choice. I thought it was incomplete, as in the ending left too many things undone, but I assume that will be addressed in future films.
  19. Equal but different sounds a heck of a lot like segregation. With that type of approach we'd still have separate bathrooms and schools for white people and 'colored'. Many of you want to get government out of marriage altogether. I can agree to that. There really isn't a strong movement to do this though, so it's a bit unrealistic to keep bringing it up unless you folks want to get involved in politics and start campaigning for it. Also, the government does make revenue off these things, and I think a lot of you are overestimating what the tax benefits are. So in essence it may impact your personal taxes in a negative way.
  20. You know the Catholic church is pretty strict about not marrying people that haven't undergone certain parts of the catholic faith, so I'm pretty sure a church would win a legal battle if a gay couple tried to force them to perform a marriage. Also that Ocean Grove situation isn't about whether the church should be compelled to run the ceremony. They had a piece of property that they rented out to couples for weddings. Unless they had already established a situation where only members of their parish can be married at that location, it would be discrimination to target a couple specifically for being gay. It's all about the way the church approaches things. If a church has a playground, and they tell my child they are not allowed to play there because it is private property and only open to parishioners, that is legal. If they tell me my child cannot play there because they are black, that is discrimination.
  21. I thought LoF was amazing. The new guy is just lazy.
  22. I did a tour at a Budweiser plant today and they talked about prohibition for awhile. So even though the skull and crossbones might seem silly or downright intrusive, it could be a heck of a lot worse!
  23. Guys, we need to pace ourselves. We had this debate a month ago, you are supposed to wait at least 6 months before starting anew.
  24. Given that there is evidence that suggests the used games market actually supports the new games market, I doubt MS/Sony will come out against it in this generation.
  25. We are kind of reaching the point of diminishing returns too. Crysis still looks fantastic today, that's why Crysis 3 doesn't look that much better.
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