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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I dig that bar design. Although I doubt the stools are comfortable.
  2. I hope you did not bet on that. It is an even year.
  3. Geez, that's nuts. I've put out an invite for a watch party for game 7. I hope I do not regret this.
  4. Whoo, $900 for a ticket. Ouch. I've had a bit to drink, but not that much.
  5. I'm cool with the Chargers winning, or the Padres during odd years. edit: Take comfort in your breweries.
  6. Kerr just called out the officiating, nice. Watch party at my place. Free beer.
  7. Okay. It may be the multiple IPA's talking, but I'm kinda finding it hard not to root for Cleveland and Lebron. I mean, this would be a huge moment for Cleveland. I just watched the 30 for 30 on them and they've had a rough road. Plus Lebron may have a couple rings, but this is really the only one that matters. Will he have a better chance than this? If he scores another 40 in game 7 and wins I am going to put him ahead of Jordan. I'm seriuz. It may be the beers talking. It is gettin hard to type so peace out. I love Curry and Green, but they've got another 5 years of prime to dominate.
  8. The last two were weak. I'm really testing the limits of my kegerator tonight. edit: Bit surprised Mo Buckets didn't get in earlier.
  9. Gotta give Lebron credit for the last two games as well. He has just been unreal. Kyrie was lights out in game 5, but Lebron has been shooting and defending at another level. It's amazing how he doesn't bite on the first move around the rim, he's got great patience. He deserves the Finals MVP win or lose at the end of game 7.
  10. They keep chipping away, and then some ghastly turnover just kills them. Might be time to start game planning for number 7.
  11. I snuck into Darkman as a young boy, and have been in love with the work of Sam Raimi ever since. When I discovered Evil Dead a few years later as a teenager, I remember thinking "of course this was the guy behind Darkman. It felt familiar.
  12. And yet, he hasn't let that stop him from his commitment to deal with crime in Mexico. In interviews he claims that he has a newfound empathy for the victims of crime and has taken his message to Tijuana, another city in desperate need of reform.
  13. Just try to look at things objectively, that's all. Do you really believe that? You took this quote: But cut out the rest of the paragraph: It's ok to be a pessimist, I'm not trying to change your nature. But you should be aware that you are not being objective. I'm clearly not being objective, I am focusing on the positives here. You are focusing on the negatives. Again, that is totally your right, but don't try and sell it as something else.
  14. Always a ray of sunshine, WoD. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/positive-thinking/art-20043950
  15. We have had a few good debates about Mexico and their war on the cartels. I found this article to be uplifting. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2016/06/juarez-mexico-border-city-drug-cartels-murder-revival/
  16. Of course this has to do with radical ideology, I already stated as such. Try to keep up.
  17. We do appreciate testicles and farts more than the rest of the world. I have a Despicable Me Fart Gun and it makes me laugh every single time.
  18. Well he is going to hit 3,000 pretty soon, which is basically the MLB benchmark for the HoF. I actually see that as a bigger deal. It is awesome that he basically had a big career in two different countries, but it is hard to compare the leagues, and Pete Rose is still going to be the MLB hit leader.
  19. I hate the politicizing of this stuff, but I do disagree with us just throwing the blame on ISIS. They may be the easiest scapegoat, they may jump at the chance to take credit for this stuff, but it would seem to be a good deal more complicated than him just being radicalized. It would be comforting if it really just an ISIS attack, because then we'd have a clear target. You'd also probably have a trail to follow of people that pushed him towards radicalization, you might have a terrorist cell. Instead we have stories of mental illness and questions about his own sexuality. We have missed opportunities to stop this, from the FBI to his wife. How do we prevent these types of tragedies in the future? What can we learn from this? I mean, think about the safeguards he got around: Want the FBI to be aggressive about investigating suspicious people? They interviewed him three times! Want to have good guys with guns in the area? He exchanged fire with security, an off duty police officer. Much like with Columbine, I'd say the biggest thing we will be able to do about this is change the way law enforcement responds to these situations and the way clubs handle security.
  20. I would even say that Deadpool has diminished my interest in all other superhero films. How do you take the brooding Batman seriously after that?
  21. Heh, I watched Deadpool for a second time a couple nights ago and loved every moment of it. If you don't like Ryan Reynolds, I can see where it would be painful. He doesn't really ever stop talking.
  22. I was asking Namutree. I'm pretty sure about your opinion. Although do you think the Republicans will relent on Garland in a few months if the polls look bad?
  23. Clinton has been heavily involved in the government for decades, she is pretty easy to predict. What, exactly, do you feel she is going to do to lead us into destruction? Why do you trust Trump to be any different? Is it the Supreme Court that you're worried about?
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