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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The Zizek stuff is great, but the Milo video got boring fast. It seems like much ado about nothing. Which I do have to give him credit for crafting an entire career around nothing, much like Sarkeesian.
  2. Well, just that the idea of a committee like that strikes me as a bit "un-American". What is more American than a good ole' witch hunt?
  3. They are paid in the tears of their enemies.
  4. I just published episode 2 of my podcast, this one focuses on Marzen and Octoberfest beers. I am not sure when it shows up on iTunes and the GooglePlay store (episode one is up there) but it is available on my feed. Big shout out to Azdeus for the feedback, I played around with some sound setting so let me know if it sounds any better. It's a bit hard to tell. https://historyofhops.com/feed/podcast
  5. I watched that way longer than I should have. Also this might be Guard Dog in 20 years. Sorry GD!
  6. Try not to waste all your new riches on hookers and blow, Amentep.
  7. I was the best in my class for your information. Magna **** Laude from Rice University! Something you'll never get or have any possibility of getting. Geez, I throw my support behind you and you stab me in the back. Ouch. I'll always have my Trump University teaching credential to keep me warm at night, at least. That and all the collections letters make good kindling.
  8. I was the best in my class for your information. Magna **** Laude from Rice University!
  9. The whole idea that the election of Trump is some sort of revolutionary act where people are fighting back against the direction this country is moving completely falls apart when you look at the actual votes. What really happened is Clinton was a terrible candidate and couldn't get the people that elected Obama to back her. Both sides look ridiculous to me right now. How many of these protesters actually voted? Both sides need to temper their expectations with some reality.
  10. If Trump had won the popular vote and lost the electoral college, I'm still not convinced things would be easy. People were talking about revolutionary war and stuff. Maybe that was all bluster, and obviously and protests would be more rural given the Trump demographics, but I still think there would be quite a bit of temper tantrumping. (I stand by the word I just made up.)
  11. I miss the heck out of taks. He always had a decent beer to recommend.
  12. Seemed like a much calmer election. Of course, both candidates came across as decent people back then.
  13. The game is great. Lot's of excellent storytelling, C&C and it's gorgeous. Not a fan of the combat, but that was what I disliked in PoE too, so I'll be trying to talk my way out of stuff. Might drop from normal to story mode too.
  14. You may not have noticed, but violence is all coming from one side. If Clinton won, you don't think you'd have protesters going nuts right now? This was pretty much a no-win situation.
  15. Ok, that French movie looks fantastic, and also seems to share multiple scenes with 5th Element. Where can I watch that?
  16. If it is as good as 5th Element, I'll be happy.
  17. I'm not sure that 3 guys and Perez Hilton have the clout to get it done in California.
  18. I do get that some folks are jealous for California. It was 75 degrees and sunny out today. We've got Disneyland and all the cool tech companies. Miles of Pacific coastlines with none of the bad weather of Oregon and Washington. Redwood trees, Yosemite, San Francisco and San Diego. I can buy 5 artichokes for a dollar down the street, and I've got vineyards all over the place. I might complain about housing prices and grumble when it comes tax season, but at the end of the day it's still an amazing state to live in. I suppose I could attack other people about their states, but why bother? Instead I'll just go jog through the golden hills of California.
  19. No, it just means you have a misconception about California being an overwhelmingly liberal state. In actuality it is a very diverse state that Ronald Reagan came out of. The demographics of California are profoundly different now than they were in 1980.... It's much more likely that the Republican leadership is simply terrible in California. This is the state that in 2003 was fed up enough with the government to recall Dem Gray Davis and elect a Republican to take his place. Do you really blame the demographics for him being terrible at his job? Instead of reforming and balancing the budget, he wasted more money and plunged us deeper into debt. Jerry Brown isn't popular because he's a liberal, he's popular because he can balance a budget. The GOP doesn't even show up to run anymore. There is plenty of places in CA that they could compete, but they've given up.
  20. Nope... While the issue of medicine, it's costs, and paying for it can be quite complex, put very simply: There's 'medicaid', 'medicare', charities, your bank account (if you have one), hospital charities, private and community medical funds, your frugal/astute brain (if you have one), etc. to cover/avoid the costs. Just about no one is ever denied emergency medical care, and that was true prior to the government getting involved decades ago as well. Except most people who rack up a big bill just don't pay. For every dollar billed to a patient, hospitals historically fail to collect 65 cents. Obamacare would have seemed to be a solution to that, given that it is supposed to cover that last 30% of uninsured people, but instead it made things worse by creating a bunch of coverage plans that only cover 70%, meaning you can have insurance and still be hooked with a big bill.
  21. It was just interesting how quickly Aleppo killed of the slight momentum that Gary Johnson was starting to build, and Stein never really got any attention at all. It was like Trump had plugged in the konami cheat code at the start of his campaign and any damage that would normally take down a candidate was shrugged off.
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