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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Not having a Black Widow solo project is just ridiculous. Scarlett Johansson is is a bigger star than all of the Avengers, save Robert Downey Jr., and that is still pretty close.
  2. Nope, we are all too daft here to understand. I thought you knew that already?
  3. Do you have any evidence to back that claim up?
  4. Bit curious if the shooter will have a copy of Catcher in the Rye with him.
  5. It sounds like no casualties, thankfully. Hopefully this gets both parties to tone down the rhetoric. It is way too toxic right now on both sides.
  6. I just went on the ride at Universal. Theu have a bunch or merch out for the new film.
  7. I spent all day yesterday moving stuff, pulled in a respectable 22000 steps. The biggest surprise was finding a flat of wedding presents at the back of the trailer we were clearing out. 14 years ago we received a full set of beautiful fine china, 24 wine glasses, and a few other nice pieces. Now when we got married, it was a 300-person wedding, so there was a ton of gifts, and over the years we had thought we had pulled everything out and made use of it. But the china and wine glasses were still hidden away, and it was a nice treat to open all the boxes up and put them on display for the first time.
  8. I was somewhat close to going to Annapolis. My grandfather was in the Navy and had some pretty good connections, and I met the criteria. I decided to stay closer to home though. I imagine my life would have been very different if I followed that path. Like anything, College is what you make of it. You can probably have a blast at a terrible school or be miserable at the best.
  9. My problem is that Bernie Sanders basically turned that guy into a victim, which plays well into the persecution complex the Christian Right has been touting for years.
  10. So is Battlefront 2 going to integrate x-wings and tie fighter fully in the maps this time? I'm not buying another Battlefront until I can fly my X-Wing into a Star Destroyer bay, jump out and shoot people.
  11. My in-laws are moving in with us, so I've been working hard cleaning out our spare room and garage to accommodate them, plus helping them clean up the place they have lived for the last 2 decades. Yay.
  12. That was a pretty bizarre game last night. The Cavs shot lights out and would have won regardless, but the officiating seemed to be a mess. At least Draymond gets to play in game 5 this year.
  13. It seems pretty unlikely that they will drop ME or DA. Those are basically their core franchises. They may go back to the drawing board like they did between DA2 and DA:I, but they've invested way too much in that IP. The sales would need to be abysmal, critical reception is not enough to axe a franchise.
  14. I'm glad WW turned out great, but DC had a series of duds compared to Marvel recently. That certainly doesn't take away from the excellent Nolan trilogy, but they've struggled to counter Marvel's recent success. Heck, they can't even claim to be the more mature universe, what with Logan and Deadpool but going dark in very different ways. One of the big issues I see is that doing a serious film is tougher than a lighthearted adventure. Then you throw in superheroes, which are a bit silly to begin with, and you get an even more difficult formula. It only seems to work when you get a really stellar performance from an actor, like in The Dark Knight and Logan.
  15. Well, Marvel did put out Elektra.
  16. I seriously doubt EA shelves the franchise. Were the sales figures even bad?
  17. Geez, I already told Terminator to take it to Skeeter's Junkyard. Nobody cares here.
  18. Really? That makes it sound way more interesting than the trailers.
  19. Ah, ok. What number is the Han Solo movie going to be?
  20. I remember my daughter wanted to drive the car in SR2 when she was little and I was playing it. I let her drive, she hit a wall, and the character went flying through the windshield. She yelled "Why wasn't I wearing a seatbelt!?! What button do I push to put on my seatbelt?!?" I think she learned a life lesson that day.
  21. Still enjoying the heck out of the Morrowind expansion for Elder Scrolls Online. This is the best expansion I have played for an MMO since LotRO released Mines of Moria. It has really changed the feel of the game.
  22. Wow. That's gotta be tough to swallow for the Cavs. 15-0
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