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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm curious how much money he has made for his role as Ackbar. I mean, I know it is a popular character, but it's also a pretty small part that doesn't necessarily need to be played by that guy. So maybe he should realize that the respect was that they even brought him back to reprise the role at all. Just my opinion. People still take their space fantasy way too seriously. I say this as someone who has lined up for all of the recent Star Wars movies on opening night, and I'd say they are all at their best when they remember it is supposed to be a fun adventure flick from start to finish.
  2. Having Admiral Ackbar say "It's a wrap!" is hilarious. It isn't tone deaf at all, the guy needs to take himself less seriously. He is playing a giant squid in space.
  3. Did I mention I am escaping from Alcatraz on Sunday?
  4. Game Developer Tycoon has been helping me relax lately.
  5. Huh, well I'm ready for another D&D game, so I'm looking forward to it. Larian has this weird habit of losing me after the first act in every game, but the different setting may help.
  6. I also worked on my camper. The door handle had been damaged, so I replaced that. One of the awning arms also got pushed in. The RV is just a big plywood box, so I pulled it out, put in some wood filler, then put a piece of sheet metal over it. Then I drilled some holes are reattached the arm. It was all a bit tricky, and made me miss my father-in-law's advice. He passed away over the winter, and was basically my mentor when it came to any mechanical work. I used his tools, so hopefully I didn't embarrass him. He passed away partially due to diabetes complications, so I am participating in a Diabetes fundraiser ride in a few weeks. Here is the link, if anyone is interested in contributing. I'd appreciate it: http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR/?px=15363308&pg=personal&fr_id=12752
  7. Larian may be able to stick to a strong single player experience, but I doubt they can lose the absurdity of their writing.
  8. Baldur's Gate was coop too. I actually played it on a LAN more than I've played the Divinity games. But that's because I had friends and free time when I was young.
  9. Welcome back Sharpie.
  10. That was an amazing bit of deciphering, Ethics Gradient. Well done.
  11. I don't. I mean, I love Shadowrun, but I'd say Harebrained is best suited to continue the game franchise. What would Obsidian really do better than them?
  12. I though Larian was working on some tactical combat game in the Divinity setting.
  13. The Onion tends to get it right: https://www.theonion.com/world-populace-actually-fine-with-rich-people-dying-on-1835075562
  14. I've been playing DC Universe Online again. It really is a fantastic character creation system with a great setting that is fun to swing, fly, or speed around.
  15. This is a pretty cool story about a superfan that isn't Drake: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2019/05/27/superfan-nav-bhatia-unites-basketball-fans-even-the-toronto-raptors-opponents.html
  16. I enjoy fantasy, even quite a bit of trashy fantasy, and I've never been able to get into Sanderson. I've been reading these Monster Hunter International books. Silly fun, for sure.
  17. We will throw in Pence for an actual pence.
  18. Is there a time limit on the pushups?
  19. This is a forum for a fairly niche game developer, so I wouldn't expect a whole lot of 'important' topics to come up.
  20. Is the game going to run any differently because of those features that Epic lacks? I have no idea who Tim Swindley is, but again, does that affect the experience I will have with The Outer Worlds?
  21. It's not exclusive from a hardware standpoint, so I don't really see how it is all that anti-consumer. Sure, there is a hassle involved with using a storefront that is different, but any computer that can run Steam or GoG can run Epic. Console exclusive is way more cruddy for consumers, as you have to actually buy something different if you want to use the software. As to the quality of Epic, that sounds more like an opinion. Looks a lot like Steam to me.
  22. I'm thinking about changing my diet. I go pretty heavy on carbs at this point, and I'm thinking I'd like to reverse that. Nothing too crazy, but I think a medium carb diet and more protein will help me with my endurance training and alleviate some digestive issues I've had with training and racing. Of course, it would help if I could resist some of these sugary snacks I'm always craving.
  23. You also have a ton of seasonal workers that used to go back and forth, but with all the newer restrictions in the last decade, a good percentage have been staying put. I guess we should have a new immigration thread, since I think this is hilarious, but it probably doesn't fit in the funny things thread: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/04/06/trump-administration-nearly-doubles-h-b-guest-visa-program-which-brings-many-mexican-workers/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.7f8b65ad27d1
  24. Why would they have the kids attend a wedding, you mean? Seems like a pretty typical event for a TV show to have.
  25. Alabama has been making the news a lot lately. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/05/21/alabamas-pbs-station-refused-air-arthur-same-sex-wedding-episode/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.73a0b5a4725f
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