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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. 25 years for something that happened in a war zone seems pretty serious. I believe in accountability, but that is a pretty complicated situation.
  2. Classic Gfted. I'm completely wrong on something so lets deflect!
  3. People love to make light of something that almost killed this lady. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/12/16/13971482/mcdonalds-coffee-lawsuit-stella-liebeck But we are lucky we have Gfted around to defend these poor global corporations that generously offered to cover 1/10th of the medical costs involved.
  4. The Giants have allowed 37 runs and counting during a 4 game series against the Reds. Criminy! Somehow they will end up with a series split, despite that.
  5. Baby Shady!
  6. So apparently the President also blames the Kentucky derby outcome on political correctness.
  7. Yesterday I jumped on the bike and did my last long ride before the Ironman. It was 71.64 miles and it took me 4 hours and 24 minutes. That's an average of 16.3 mph. At that rate it will take me a little less than 7 hours to complete the bike leg. I did do quite a bit of climbing, with 3800 feet total and a couple very steep sections. The Ironman is 112 miles, but it will be 3900 feet climbing total, which means it is more spread out, so hopefully I can keep a faster pace. It's crazy how much time can be gained or lost by 1 or 2 mph difference. I started getting a headache around mile 60. I was on my second bottle of water, so I probably just need to be better about drinking, but I was also struggling with my nutrition. I brought a peanut butter and honey sandwich and that was great. I ate chunks of it and was done by mile 50, so I need to pack a second. I also brought a Clif bar and Clif energy bloks. The energy blocks seemed to make the headache worse. The clif bar was alright, but I always have trouble eating the entire bar. I think I might bring a caffeine version of one of those to give me a bit of a kick, but I'm still worried about digestive issues. I have a pretty sensitive stomach. I also might swap a water bottle out for a vitamin water or gatorade. Right now I am using alkaline water with electrolytes, but it doesn't have the same kick as a sports drink. My butt was sore, but I don't think there is any way around that. I was still getting out of the saddle and feeling good in the legs, so that's nice, but it's crazy to think I need another 40 miles next weekend. I threw on my running gear and ran 20 minutes, or 2.5 miles, after the bike. Crazy, but the headache went away and I felt great. Well, I felt good. It was hard but I was holding a good pace and felt physically better than your would expect after the long ride. So I've got that to look forward to. So yeah, I think this is going to be hard. But I'm excited, and I'm going to try and just enjoy it.
  8. The article is pretty dismissive of crowdfunding as a whole, which seems silly. Everyone should understand that crowdfunding is a decent risk. If it wasn't a risk, bigger fish would be throwing money at these projects instead of all these small fish. I've actually been surprised at how many of these crowdfunding projects have paid off.
  9. Tapering seems to be working. After a pretty mellow week of training, I had a super swim session this morning. Everything just felt good. I'm not a fast swimmer, but every once in awhile I get into a rhythm where you feel like you are almost flying through the water. It's a nice change from the typical feeling of trying not to sink to the bottom. Hopefully that means I'm ready for the swim. Hey, new emojis!
  10. Ok, the Sonic thing is weird, and what is Jim Carrey doing? I mean, the guy is strange, but all of his movie choices (even though they are few and far between) have been pretty solid. Sure, he isn't for everyone, but he hasn't had a lot of just terrible stuff. There is usually a clear audience, which I fail to see here. Edit: looking closer, it does seem like he has had a couple whiffs lately. Still, hard to imagine this is the guy that became Andy Kaufman.
  11. Every boob is different. This forum is proof of that.
  12. Dragon Quest is super charming. My daughter ended up playing it for a bit as well, so anytime a game can catch her interest, I consider it a win.
  13. Picked up the new Dragon Quest for sale, so I'm excited to dive into that.
  14. That's a classic. Really the only WH game I ever got into. It was one of the few games to get close to that Xcom/Jagged Alliance type gameplay that so many missed the mark on. I'd say Silent Storm was the other contender.
  15. Man, no way I could live without Orange Juice in the morning.
  16. Ironman is less than two weeks aways, and I'm stressing out about tapering. I was out of town this last weekend and didn't get in any long training sessions. I feel like my fitness level is pretty solid, but I'm still worried about the long ride and managing my nutrition. I'd done a bunch of 3-4 hour training sessions, but I'm worried that isn't enough. Most plans call for backing off at this point so the body is rested, but I'd really like to try and put in 5 hours on the bike this weekend. That way I can practice nutrition and get a feel for how being on the bike that long will be. Maybe it is a bad choice, I'm not sure. I also want to get in a two hour run this week, hopefully at race pace, and I need to try and eat during it as well. Basically I'm worried more about food than the exercise.
  17. I went to bed at the 3-0 deficit, but thankfully someone texted me after the first goal, so I got to watch the good stuff. Crazy game! Hockey is so weird.
  18. There is a lot going on. Hey look, a reputation counter!
  19. I'm looking forward to expanding the scope of my thumbs upping. Ironman is about 2 weeks away and I'm freaking out. Also my daughter is turning 12, which is also the level she has turned her teenage angst up to.
  20. I think those crowdfunding movies got around making people pay to appear in their films by giving them producer credits, or something.
  21. Extras usually get some sort of daily stipend.
  22. Overboard (2018) - This was better than I expected. The cast was very solid, and it followed the original closely. I always enjoy Anna Faris, so that is probably a good way to decide if you will like it. I am a huge fan of the original so it was nice to see them pay tribute to it.
  23. I'm not saying they are similar, I'm saying they have little in common with their party's leadership.
  24. I wouldn't really call Bernie a Democrat anymore than I'd call Ron Paul a Republican.
  25. I'm pretty consistent at getting over 7 hours, but typically struggle to sleep more than 8. Since I upped my exercise a ton in the last couple years, I've found my sleep is much higher quality. Like, I wake up feeling the effects of that recovery time, and I'm ready to do stuff. Although a lot of times I fall asleep for an hour and wake up with tightness in the legs, and I'll be covered in sweat. I get up, stretch it out, grab a dry blanket, and fall back to sleep pretty easily. It's weird.
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