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Everything posted by Mor

  1. While timeline wise it was after WW2, its actually correlates to the end the end of the British Mandate for Palestine. This ~25years process, has been the same that was taken undertaken for the rest of the region (which formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire). During that time they tried to appease everyone, it didn't worked all to well and ended with both Arab and Jewish nationals not too happy, led to sharp escalation. After the British declared their intention to end the mandate, the UN worked the partition plan between the two people. Which led to a civil war, Israel declaration, Arabs from the whole region ganking on the Jews leading to Arab(now called Palestinian) part being occupied by Jordan and Syria, with borders redrawn. OT afterward: EDIT: also here is a nice historic summary that should elude to the British position at the time. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/angap04.asp
  2. Since Palestinians don't have a moderate leader capable of pressing for concession, which is fundamental requirement for lasting peace (both sides need to compromise and work together) so what you describe is nice extortion racket for industrial quite.
  3. Hamas has never been shy from exploiting their dead. As for strategy, I think that hamas made big mistake intiating this conflict at this point. Even though they are weaker then they were few years back: However, their position in the Palestinian arena is still strong, as I noted before they could only profit from the reconciliation. Basically this deal is Hamas wet dream, and why now that they started it, Israel will not let go and keep up the pressure, to further weakening Hamas position in the Palestinian arena. IMO Without it, any prospect of peace is out of the window and they will be treading blows for few more rounds.. So why would Hamas compromise this?! what to reignite the cycle of radicalism and replenish its ranks - i don't but it. I see no reason what so ever for them to attack NOW. Unless: 1. This "too good to be true" reconciliation deal is just yet another deal that wont come through, or actually a delaying tactic, meant to weaken Hamas. 2. They took a big gamble with people, that some unfortunate accident will happen during Israel attack, they could surely leverage bodies into support for unity, and seen as "fighting" for their people. That or some Naive international player that haven't learned anything since the arab spring, deciding to make the mistake and intervene, alienate the Israelis and scoring the above. As for the Israelis, I admire their persistence, but warning and justification don't sell news, when the media bloodhound let loose. They are locked tight in catch22. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. As long as you agree with initial point, that as far as good faith efforts goes, it has been pretty much one way street, with Israel doing all the heavy lifting. I am fine. As for the rest, going by your logic: the police is cruel to criminals, because in their encounters the number of dead cops is far far lower then dead criminal also:
  4. I don't know why you all over reacting, I had todo that dive-by, otherwise I would appear weak to my hommies..
  5. :? Are you trying to prove to me that you are familiar with some aspects of the situation, because I fail to see where you are going with any of this. You started with post concerning Iranian rockets (which has direct relates to the topic of armed conflict) trying to imply that its false, by saying that Hamas and Iran are actively fighting, as noted your info is outdated and exaggerated. Despite events in Syria, Hamas was and is Iran top strategic ally in the region, they already rekindled their arrangement and resumed funding. Here we seen rockets fired from Hamas Gaza that are beyond local manufacturing capabilities, same verity that has been previously sized in weapons shipment headed for Gaza. As for Hamas strength, again CONTEXT! We aren't talking about Hamas absolute power, and the topic isn't Israel vs Hamas. Its Palestinians, and as noted they have been divided between Gaza and West bank for the past seven years, and one of the first brought up in this thread is their reconciliation effort. In this Hamas hasn't compromised on its previous positions, while PLO has. In a move which resemble the 2006 events, Hamas strength their position leveraging for more power, thus relatively winning. (also over all moderates loose power, the Religious fundamentalist gain it) The only other thing you brought up here, is the suggestion that Israel should take Hamas and other Terrorist organization lack of restrain, and indiscriminate rocket fire over its civilian population as a matter of routine.. If you are familiar with stats and arguments, why you bring up the obvious, riding a high horse, and getting your panties in a twist, while dancing a jig. I haven't seen you do that in Ukraine thread or anywhere else.. asking for PC, for PC sake doesn't do you service.. Fact is that Palestinian Rioting is a common occurrence, you might go as far as calling it a tradition, that either has been ignored by the Palestinian authorities, or in many case encouraged and/or participated by them. For as long a I can remember it always been the same, holiday/weekend/special-event pray, used for mobilizing the masses for the "tradition" riot. In this case I believe it was the Ramadan holiday, and i'd sell a kidney if this whole thing didn't played out exactly like that, with Israel riot police waiting for the usual rock barrage, and the kid got caught in the usual riot dispersal means. As for your retard PC disclaimer, obviously this not something inherently about that ethnicity\religion, but the good ol' poverty, religion, poor education\access to information combination, that in the middle Eastern landscape correlate to the bigotry and violence we see so often in stats.
  6. Ahh the nostalgia.. so many great memories\experiences from that place, thanks for sharing yours.
  7. Hamas and Iran are actively fighting each other in Syria, one of the reasons why Hamas had to make their deal with the PLO was due to them losing all their friends- except, of course, the ones no one talks about in polite circles, those in Riyadh, Manama, Dubai and Qatar. They're fighting Assad and Iran in Syria and the new army gauleiter in Egypt hates Hamas more than the old air force gauleiter ever did, as they're too similar to the Muslim Brotherhood people he's busy getting his appointed judiciary to liquidate en masse and apparently were running Egypt from Gaza to boot. Ok.. it is true to an extent, although outdated, exaggerated and certainly don't contradicts the Israeli assertion about their Iranian involvement in this conflict as well. Sure the geopolitical situation in the wake of the Arb spring, was one of the thing that contributed to ward Hamas warmer disposition toward reconciliation with Fatah, but this affair between them has been going on and off for the past seven years, since Hamas armed coop in Gaza. As for Syria and active fighting with iran, Iran's lapdog Hizbullah has been "actively fighting" there, in comparison Hamas contribution is insignificant, mostly local embers who didn't had Iranian interests at heart, backed with rhetoric from the movements leadership. Also your post give the sense that you think that Hamas is moving from a position of weakness, if that was the case I have yet to see proof of that. As part of their reconciliation, PLO agreed on steps to integrate Hamas, through PLO Hamas would gain international recognition as Palestinian representatives overall. They also wouldn't have to accept the international set principles to renounce violence, recognize Israel and the international agreements signed with Israel, which is the equivalent of taking a dump on the peace process, and thus will position Hamas as the only/lead in the Palestinian national struggle allowing them to take control of the PLO institutions from within. (its the exactly the same scheme that worked so well for Hamas in 2006) Meanwhile the PLO continued to avoid any comprise, taking unilateral actions, and seeking closer ties with Iran.. There far more geopolitical motives at play here that i wouldn't mention. Overall anyone who honestly concerned with ending the conflict and reaching peace between the two people( as appose to naive humanitarians or those with different agenda at heart) should be very very concerned by those events.
  8. Its nothing but PR, without Iranian import, their home made rockets are very primitive non precise weapons, which is why they are shooting them at big targets like cities(and still miss some times). Also a quick google map, shows that the nuclear reactor is after Ber Sheva, so it would be be protected by their Iron dome anti-missile defense(which is pretty good), plus most certainly the reactor have short rage point defense system and anything vital would be underground. (Hamas rockers can blow a standard apartment house, not penetrate military grade defense bunkers) Tough task trying to characterize an entire religion or ethnicity, but I guess you've hurdled that mountain. Now who got his panties in a twist, also:
  9. couple of newslets.. * Hamas tried to infiltrate Israel from the sea(youtube) probably wanted to abduct someone and play on the Israeli bleeding humanitarian heart. * Iran has its hand in this conflict in the middle east as well. Who would have knows that the knew Iranian government is no diffrent then its predecessor, except in its optics *rolleyes* Right.. this case aside, have you noticed that overall Palestinians and generally Muslims tend to be featured in a lot of world news. Why do you think is that, anger issues?
  10. Ethnically cleansed? Its ironic that most of their real refugee, came as a result of their own war of aggression, while at the same time the Arab has ~cleansed almost as much Jews citizens from their countries.. Anyway, here is a good article The tragedy of the Arabs, its a bit generic for our purpose but still fits well. I am not. Its the same Demagoguery that drown reason under a blanket of emotional pictures and ignorance. In this case its the same wearying party line from previous escalations, which can be summed as: 'more people are dying in Gaza, then in Israel' so Israel's response is an 'aggressive overreaction'. Which translates to 'we support Hamas and the other terror groups terrorism', because lets be honest, Israel low death count isn't due to Palestinian lack of trying, and Israels effective anti-missile defense system, doesn't justify Hamas and other terror groups indiscriminate Rocket (and mortar) fire against Israeli civilian population every time they can't restrain themselves. In this case Hamas wanted to make a show of force target Israels equivalent of NYC, sending more then million people into bomb shelters... using the same tactic from before, quick volley and then quick casefire request, to sell the upcoming repercussions as aggressive overreaction. When the bottom line is that if there was no rocket fire from gaza, there would be no Israeli response, and nobody would be dying... @trash, concerning good faith gestures we spoke about, the Gaza enclave from which Hamas rule\fire, is the only non-disputed enclave, which was part of Israeli verery painful to them good faith gesture, which just like in Egypt after the first revolution hopes of democary given way to Islamist fundamentalist.
  11. extra space at the end ..
  12. it amazing the amount of topics that you only care to show how much you don't care about them, one might call pure trolling... p.s. there is no secret "guard dog" achievement for contentious topics...
  13. is he famous or its like one of those silly internet memes that get picked up once in while on slow week :?
  14. That a weasel response, its irrelevant what it also means, when you specifically said: "concentration camp. Powerful symbolism there given Israel's own history" i.e. using in the context of Holocaust, so yeah Powerful demagoguery indeed, because only a retard can suggest the false equivocation between the Palestinians situation in Israel and anything remotely the same. I have nothing else to add on that topic, except that you should take another look at what I said about Palestinians in Arab countries, to keep things in perspective. I don't recall much effort from Israel. Any time they offer their hand, they have a knife in the other hand. So really, both suck. Trash, You can think what you want about Israel effort, but you can't ignore that most peace initiative\accord\etc starts with Israel making some kind of good faith gestures, to bring the petulant Palestinians leadership to the table. Just as most of those efforts, end with another wave of Palestinians violence...
  15. but i think the joke is outdated, I don't think anyone calls Cocaine that way anymore. @Woldan, you have some really nice scenery within riding distance, thanks for sharing
  16. Forgot obsidian changed the update schedule for PE, so i am just wasting some time until it hits.
  17. If you are in the whole teenager fantasy phase and have been reading those books for Rand chapters, prepare to be disappointed, as I recall books 5-9 are mostly filler of skirt adjustments and braid tugs. Although it might be a great escape for those who like rich world and has rich imagination. (it surely helps that series is done, i had to wait few years for each disappointment, until Brandon came to save the day) I can't ignore that recommendation. I am sure i seen this title before, it might have been on my time filler audiobooks list for commuting alone, regardless now i have to check it out and see if other reviews agree.
  18. I hope this post, doesn't mean there will be no update this week. I only came for the update, and if thebeta date announcement is it, i'd be very disappointed
  19. More like Powerful demagoguery, due to retard association to concentration camps. Also, last I checked the Arabs were condemned by their own actions initiating the 48 war, which the UN deemed war of aggression. Their "refugee" status is unique definition unlike any other in our history, a self perpetuating political tool, that got really out of hand since then. Palestinians "refugee" received more money then any other (more then ww2 Europe iirc) and has less to show for it then any one else, excpet their ingenuity in the terrorism market. As for refugee camps, since 48 they have been living for ~20years under Arab rule(Egyptian and Jordanian), treated like expansions.. though i doubt you'd call it "big refuge camp" (not jews, rights), although its far more suiting, the only actual refugee camps that fit your description are in the surrounding Arab countries, where Palestinians are denied basic human\civic rights, and live like S*** supported by our(UN) welfare money. While in Israel their quality of life has been far higher then in any of the surrounding countries*, and got representation and were on the path of state building (once they founded a united recognized leadership and denounced violence) again not so in Arab states.. *at least until Hamas contribution, I think that is still true for westbank, but I doubt it about Gaza.
  20. Of course if the "Palestinians"(the arab population in the mandate) weren't used as pawns by the Arab states from the start(and since), and instead of ganking on newly formed Israel, established a state of their own and lived in cooperation they would have a state for 60+ years. The Palestinians can't say the international community ignore them, when they are the only one with special "refugee" program, back then there were no "real" Palestinian movements, yet the situation got immidate attention and lets be honest since 90s they got overall more attention then any other conflict. Anyway, through peaceful tactics the Palestinians got: recognition, representation in the UN(PLO 1988), got to the negotiating table(1991?), received partial sovereignty over their territories(1994) and for some time had been making good effort of state building. Although one might argue that since oslo it has become nothing but a "tactic", i have yet to see the Palestinians make one genuine significant good faith effort, its always one way street, with Israel making all the effort. Probably because the Palestinian populace(espcily one the hamas "side") are so brainwashed, that they can't really consider any kind of compromise. Which is why peace talks turned into nothing but posturing and position improvements through cycles of violence. That an understatement. While publicly Hamas may not subscribe to their founding covenant any longer, which states the destruction of Israel and intolerance to anyone of different religion, they still largely practice what they preach, glorifying violence, murder and bigotry, including the mosques, media and classrooms. So maybe to you the frequent government officials praising god for the murder of some civilians, similar to the one in this case, is just some stupid statements, but its not so to most, especially those who realize that to make peace you more then just sign a peace of paper. (and leads to false equivocation between Palestinians and Israel). Yeah, right..... I am not surprised to see Sarex here, if you mean his type of truth then you are spot on. Because all i seen is slanted crap, that felt border line 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' kind of crap. The WHOLE story seem to comprise of portraying Israel as religious fanatics, with their zionist covenant who supposedly exclude Christians and Muslims, and approaching peace (which always devolve into violent rows) by committing war crimes, which they joke about. while the Hamas only wants peace, and get assassinated for it by Israel, who joke about that as well. Then presented a joke "excuse" by Israel and suggestion that its only paddled by the USA, while Israil cover under Antisemtism from criticism. Its beyond retarded, with 180 degrees on most things.
  21. Speaking of custom parties and guns, ever since I seen the top right char in this image: I have been pondering the possibility of 4 fighter party, named: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan. That or some kind of wacky dirty pirate party using a verity of exotic weapons.
  22. and BAdler has answered. Now can we please get on topic, because it starts to feel like the art update which went sideways with people obsessing over boobs armor
  23. Finally, something we can agree on. That this is yet another sham, to advance Russia sea side real-estate interests. So what do you suggest the international response should be to those threats?
  24. Stash is unlimited, but not accessible during combat or your adventures for withdrawal, unless you rest (which is also a limited resource, based on your supplies). Packs is what counts when outfiting your party for upcoming challenges, and is both limited and effected by party size and strength/might. While stash is mostly where you throw all the meaningless loot spam which will be traded once you come back to civilization.
  25. Initially, I felt the same, but now I see it as a matter of perspective. In PE the dev choose to focus on tactics, your inventory is a limited resource (packs) and effected by party size and character "strength"(might). Only instead of the mighty intellectual exercise of shuffling your inventory with every piece of scrap you encounter, based on size/weight to cost ratio which is wankers, mind numbing, time filler exercise that should have been automated ages ago. we will be focusing on the tactical aspect of what we need to deal with encounters. (based on what we know the creatures etc)
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