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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. What's the point of empirical science? since everything is a matter of perspective and what you see is your brains interpretation of the so called reality .. every observation becomes subjective and thus meaningless in the bigger picture! Religion and science are far apart, and you can't use the rules from either and apply them to the other .. but they do share a common ground - Faith - since science, as was previously stated, doesn't really prove anything, it just gives a good (and logic within it's own system) explanation of certain events! so it requires a bit of belief and faith as well ..
  2. Why? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what do you mean "why?" .. Communism is the only way to go dude! everything else is an illusion! ^_^
  3. without any people a religion would be perfect .. this of course applies to anything in this world .. as Douglas Adams said: To summerize the summary; People are a problem!
  4. Hazey Jane ... Best underground music I know, it's a small, totally unknown, band! but they are somewhat of an acquired taste I think .. I love 'em because I saw them live once, during one of the coolest concerts of my life! And like always I'm listning to my alltime favorite Kashmir
  5. hmm .. you might wanna tell that to the police instead .. unless you want some of us here to solve your evil crimes and save a desperate blond girl in the last minute before you kill her, preferably after a big chase through an abanboned warehouse, old sewers or the closed section of the subways .. where we then kill you, but then when we think everything is safe you mysteriously return from the dead only to be killed yet another time ..
  6. I still respect their opinion (except for the suicide bombers) .. I can understand why you would be against euthanasia or abortion, and they have the right to oppose it .. I think it's should be allowed, but that's just my opinion .. my word is not worth more simply because I don't believe in their God, or theirs because they do .. and I think it's good to show your faith if you posess it! and stick to the scripture, otherwise you can't call yourself Christian, Muslim etc imo. I thought you meant it should be banned .. but you just meant orginazed religion I guess then .. which is incline to agree with you upon, but I'm a bit ambivalent on that subject and need to study the full extent of it better before I can make up my mind!
  7. No, it isn't. Religion is something you choose, while morality is something that, in the unlikely case that you lack it, is imposed on you by law. Perhaps in the past it was religion that inspired some philosophers and pointed them in the right direction regarding moral issues, but today, organized religion is nothing but a tool for control of the masses, and an obstacle in the way of social progress. At the very least, I think we can all agree that organized religion does more harm than good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Controlling the masses? I don't know about you, but the local priest here has absolutely no influence over my life .. Religion is nothing today, not even a means of control .. it's simply faith, some believe some don't .. sure some countries are under the influence of power hungry Imam or Pope (or whatever) .. but if they didn't have religion they would use something else, like Hitler or Lenin/Stalin did for instance .. so just because some stupid **** use religion to control certain aspects of life doesn't mean religion in general is a bad thing! Religion holds a certain place in our history and our culture, laws are based on religious morals .. so I don't think we should ban it!
  8. Nice one! How about KOTOR 3: Crouching Wookiee, Hidden Gizka <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hmm that would be a pretty strange film methinks .. Wookies flying around doing martial arts! what about these: KOTOR 3: The Unusual Aspects or Citizen Bane ?
  9. :ph34r: = : ph34r : = fear.gif
  10. isn't in ph34r? :ph34r:
  11. We are a funny species .. so preoccupied with ourselves that we forgot ourselves .. ironic really ..
  12. So THAT's why my HS boyfriend got me into D&D... Well, guess his plan worked. Too bad we stopped seeing each other 11 years ago. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well the reason I really do it is because it's more fun to play with some female input .. it get's kinda monotome if it's always 6 guys .. but the above plan does work if you are able to make her addicted to it ..
  13. My approach is to make nerds out of beautiful girls .. like playing D&D with 'em and letting them play The Sims .. in a matter of days you will have a dedicated slave at hand thirsty for more .. and you control the one way for her to quench her nerdy thirst! muhahahaha
  14. yeah think I read that in a bathroom somewhere.. when the Pope looks like that emperor dude in SW .. you are all doomed
  15. hmmmm .. they actually *do* look quite alike!
  16. oh I'm with you there! Sci-fi nerds are the worst .. since they actually think they can explain their object of obsession with real science!
  17. and how it hits the ground! you can be unlucky at it will hit a hardspot and remain completly intact! (although a certain speed will always counter that problem)
  18. of course that happens so fast that you are dead (and ripped apart atom by atom) before you even notice it ..
  19. of course I have .. which is why I can say without a doubt I'm not gay .. and why I don't feel the need to throttle one if they ever make a pass on me! funny thing actually, one of my best friends is a bisexual, we meet when he tried to score me in a disco .. I choose/chose to take it as a compliment .. ^_^
  20. I think it's quite clear .. it was a symbol of every opression in the book .. racism and opression of women etc. I mean I don't think the Emperor got his share of bounty .. know what I mean .. and every man who is not getting his share develops a hatred for women, thus wanting to control them .. it's sad really .. just think how happy this place (Earth) would be if every man and women was getting his/hers share of 'bounty' .. no war .. no hate .. just love .. follow the old Hippie saying !make love not war!
  21. funny thing is that it all comes down to insecurity .. the more insecure you are about your sexuality, the more you despise anything "out of the ordinary" .. so I guess it means that alot of guys really doubt their own sexual orientation and which way it 'points'! ^_^ my advice .. go make out with another guy .. if you hate it? well then you just learned something valuable! and if you like it? well then good for you and congratulations on being gay or bisexual! and rejoice over the fact that you now have alot more choices when picking a new lover! but no matter what, you won't have a problem with these kinds of games .. and you can now hang out with your new gay-friends and never feel strange around them! .. see it's a win-win situation! :D
  22. So you studied in England?
  23. well if I make what we call a "Danisme" (like the auto/self thingie) feel free to correct me! I don't want to contribute to the destruction of your language! :">
  24. I used to go to College studying English .. but dropped out... Now I work as something called a "support person", where I live and work at a kind of institution for drug addicts (young people age 12-20), they work from 8-16 where I work at a local kindergarden for extra cash .. and then at 16 when they get off from work (and I do too) I help them to structure the rest of their day, like cook with 'em, clean, talk and hang out .. helping them to live normal lives .. we currently have 40 people living with us, and I 'take care' of 6 of 'em.. there are professional people working there as well, which are my superiors, and I report to them every second day having meetings and such.. it's a really hard job, because we have all kinds of people, with all kinds of problems .. and I have to be the moral support for the ones living with me, and kinda be their rolemodel..
  25. I call it "artistic freedom" but you are right about the Auto vs Self .. but in Denmark we write it selvbiografi (so that's why).
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