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Everything posted by injurai

  1. Alright, this is one of the cooler idle games.
  2. When UI is good, it's almost a joy in and of it's own to use. Especially for rpgs.
  3. Except it's people with a vetted background and training competing against each other while charlatans are kicked out of medicine and relegated to perfumes and teas.
  4. In common parlance people substitute the two, but yeah nutritionists are certainly to be guarded against.
  5. I don't think that was a dismissal of licensed doctors. You still always go for the license, but you realize there are wolves in the flock. Not every licensed clinician is well founded, and they'll continue to let more loose screws through the system.
  6. Yankee is only a pejorative in the south were they think they pulling one over on the yanks. A yank would be nonplussed over being called a yank. Indian is less pejorative and more just an in-factual holdover that doesn't go away.
  7. Aren't wizards supposed to float books in front of their nose? Turn pages with their minds? What is the point of all that studying if taking on the annoyances of the day?
  8. Has it? It seems to be a sacred creed in some circles.
  9. Lol, that was reason for the quip. However, if you want to express the desire for the forums to collectively "move on," you still have to take that bold step to reference what you want to move on from. Now let's move on from this, and I'll give you the last word too.
  10. Calling for a vote, is not the same as a vote nor a vote passing. A rule to not mention that which is sought to be banned in the vote is a nonsensical expectation. The intent isn't even to banish her name, but to end the maelstrom that surrounds her. The real intent was to make quip at the maelstrom that surrounds her. Now I understand why Gromnir must explain the plot. Now I've been robbed of my quip. By all means, people are free to carry on how they wish.
  11. Buzzfeed wants to be a legitimate news organization, so they have been shifting their model to more research intensive pieces. Sometimes out-vetting the competition.
  12. If season-passes make sense if you have a lot of small dlc. They are an improvement of the older model. Small bits a trinket items/missions are just bad dlc design, and I agree anti-consumer. Also anti-reputation, but some companies seem to be impervious to that.
  13. I haven't looked deep into the VA Strike, but video games are super hard to make and people spend years doing academic training to build the technology that drives them. The games industry is one of the few creative industries where programmers salaries aren't gouged by self-entitled celebrities. If the VAs aren't asking for anything to grand, I don't have a huge problem. More competitive pay is certainly fine, but giving them negotiating power over residuals just seems totally unfair. Especially if they can negotiate after establishing a character. Very few game programmers can hope for the job security that being an iconic voice might bring. If residuals are introduced into the industry, it needs to be for everyone so as to not become the abomination that is the tv and movie industry.
  14. If we ever perfect contraceptives, then I'd actually imagine anti-abortion could become the de-facto liberal position. Being anti-contraceptive though is malicious, especially if your intent is to prevent abortions and promote the working family unit. At some point you have to wonder about ulterior motives, like breaking about families, making single-mothers codependent on the state all while making moral quantifications against those who use social services. It just seems so stupid though indulge in such a resentment loop, yet here we are.
  15. Is that like champagne socialist and radical chic? I've noticed a large and growing number of "kept youth" with the resources and time to spare on vapid socialite pursuits develop extreme aversions to criticism on their livelihood, and resentment towards anyones who would little them below more transcendently valuable pursuits. It's these people that they crave recognition from those on noble endeavors that require great sacrifice, but if they don't receive reciprocal acknowledgment they'll put you in their targets. It's become a defame game.
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