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Everything posted by Influence
TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline
Influence replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
It seems to me you guys were really into this patch and restoration last year when u started but now you have just lost ur drive and momentum. Can you comment on that? Its not really a slam, i mean its not liek anyone is paying you for this but is it true the team isnt pursing the restoration with the same fervor as it once did? -
Dont ask... Im so obsessive compulsive when it comes to lightsaber color you dont even want to know, I dont liek to change to often cause its stupid you should pick a colr and stick with it, but sometimes i cant help it. I dont liek my entire party to have one color, and i think blue is a little over done, yellow is not yellow enough, orange is nice as hell but too ds looking, green is a good choice as is violet, silver is horrible, lightblue is not amazing, green is nice. I like blue as long as there are other lightsaber colors in my party that balance it out like green and violtet But pickign colors for my character drives me nuts
If you could have a different species party member
Influence replied to Darth Jarize's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Zabrak like Bao would be sweet, male twilek, Whatever Kit Fisto was, Selkath.... and Sand Person " -
TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline
Influence replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I thought the robes in KOTOR 1 were pretty sweet and original, teh game is 4000 years before ANH so they should be kinda diffent blue and tight jedi knight robes were hot. Nothing against flowing robes i wanted them in the game and posted a suggestion for them, but I didnt want teh old robes to get eliminated al together, like where did they go in 5years? I jsut got bored of teh flowing robes after a while thats all especially since they all look pretty much the same and are hard to find to begin with. -
TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline
Influence replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Will the robes from KOTOR I be in the restored game? I dont know if the code or whatever for them is in the datafiles, but in the trailer and screenshots for teh game u see character with both KOTOR robes which i liked and flowing robes which were nice but got old after a while. Im not suggesting u put them in if they are not in teh game files jsut wondering if they were taken out for soem reason. -
Im at Shadaa now and i saved before i loaed the dokcs section so that when i go into teh apartments i coudl keep reloading to hodl out for soem decent loot. I've seen a few dark jedi night robes some nice underlays some good implants adn soem good belts but never a jedi master robe or a lightside robe or a lightsaber Im level 17 and this is my second world (I did Dantoonine first) Is the system truly random? I mean You will never find a jedi Robe on Peragus and the difficulty of the enimies increases with ur level i think, so why cant the items? While i knwo its random it cant be totally random cause after liek 25 reloads of nar shadaa i havnt found a quality set of special robes or a lightsaber or a lightsaber crystal. What do u think?
Except dor the FACT that it is twice as hard beating the game as a Jedi on Difficult setting since u dont have force lightenign shower (which is a horrible animation, who holds their hand verticle when performing force lightening honestly now? Evryone knwos you point both hands at ur opponent, not this lightening fountain crap where it stirkes peopele in the top of teh head) Anyway im gonna say Mix and Mix only, beign a pure breed is overkill in any one aspect fo the game, a Consular--> Jedi Master's force powers are too strong for his own good and being a battle tank as a guardian-->Weapons master is Overkill with a lightsaber. I mean How many one hit kills must i go through before i get bored. Which is why i liek to balance it out with a Consular--> Wep Master or Guardian to Jedi Master. Sentinal Can Go Anyway as someoen said before which is cool and the skills are pretty handy in conversations its nice not having to dust off the lil droid jsut to open a door and to get experience instead of bashing stuff or kamikazying Atton into landmines to clear a path. Mutts are just stronger. Watchman's nice too if ur into that stealth action stuff and want to pretend ur Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell with a lightsaber. But if I had to chose it woudl be weapons master cause i light side Jedi Master has no offensive powers and u end up using ur saber anyway unless u spam force wave.
Does anyone know if mods can be put up in teh xbox 360 market place, and if so can someone put some up for me thanksyou greedy pc players gotta share teh wealth ya know.
I don't know about you, but I had a problem - I couldn't find enough lightsabers for all the party members I jedified ....only late in the game, or does the sequence of the planets you visit matter? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same problem here. I think it depends on how fast you build your lightsaber, which sure takes longer than necessary. Ironic, because in K1 I always seemed to have too many lightsabers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And even worse, K1's over abundance of red lightsbaer crystals. I mean seriously, there are more in game than there are lgithsabers! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe that is becasue the Jedi are being exterminated and there really arn't all that many lightsabers around anymore. Also i like teh fact that u do not get a light saber right away because it makes you value it more. Otherwise its jsut cheep and getting a lightsaber is not special or unique. P.S for people who said bao dur was useless and falls behidn it is because you need to no level him up untill you train him to be a jedi
TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress
Influence replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
wow... I havn't been on this forum in liek 5 months. I just came to see how the restoration project is coming along. I looked at teh WIP link and you guys(and ladies) have got a lot done. Excellent job. I know you answered the Xbox question before concerning the availability of the mod for non-PC gamers (you will try but can't promise), but I was wondering if the xbox 360's release and backwards compatability makes it easier to distribute KOTOR mods online. I think i heard somethign about beign able to distribute skins and mods through xbox live gold for the Xbox 360. Do you know anythign about that and if it will allow you to get the restoration to the Xbox Kotor players? -
i did guardian/Jedi master and i liked it... i liked it a lot my fav combo of all time!!!
Kotor 3 the way it should be!
Influence replied to Lord Zacarus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
wahts ridiculous is when playing as a dark jedi the party members, who were all darkside as well, came up to me and told me that Kreia was corrupting me and my face was all f'ed up and ugly; even though their's was to. I think that their voices shoudl be synthesized teh darker they get and it shoudl change their dialougue a little bit. It woudl not be THAT difficult to do and would protect a fully dark and trained handmaiden from complaining when i hurt an old man on teh street. I mean woudlnt it be awesome to be able to get teh codes for Atris's academy after u turn teh handmaiden Dark side. Then you coudl go back and slaughter them all and bathe in their warm, red virgin blood :ph34r: ....mmmmm donuts
Kotor 3 the way it should be!
Influence replied to Lord Zacarus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
the beggingin isnt bad.. i woudl liek to see those peopele be on teh jedi council but i dont want to really see the exile again he shoudl cut himself off with teh force again, he fullfilled his purpose of reestablishign teh Jedi Order. The problem with playing as revan is that he is already strong, to play as him agian is ridiculous. Whats it gonan be this time? He tripped on a log and lost his memory and force connection...again? I woudl love to play as revan but he should be a party member acquired at the end of the game. Bao-dur shoudl be a jedi too and him atton hadnmaiden bastila and mira shoudl all be on teh council. Visas coudl be rebuilding, yes that woudl be fine. -
Deus ex Machina: the Will of The Force ...
Influence replied to metadigital's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Dude i live in new yoprk born in new york dont speak any other language other than english jsut fast and inaccurate typist. Thats why i use Microsoft wrod auto correct fools :D -
Deus ex Machina: the Will of The Force ...
Influence replied to metadigital's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
u are all thinking too two dimensional and seeing fate and choice in black and white, even when u talk about fate birnging u to a specific place in which u make a decision that depends entirely on chocie not fate like teh whole Peaks theory, you are still missign teh points. You are treatign fate adn choice as individual things that happen at differnt times and work together in differnt roles. I am saying that they are more fluid and more intertwined then that and its extremely difficult to explain what i mean Via text without writng an entire novel that can brign ur brain through the process of understanding what I understand. However if u ponder this question enough, and you are smart and creative enough you will eventually understand what I am lucky enough to. Sorry if that sounds liek I am right and you are all wrong i dotn mean to beat everyone's ideas cause teh truth is NO ONE knows **** cause we all ahve puny human minds, but the truth is i am thinking at a different level than msot of u which is why u are not understanding my ideas. i understand yours becasue i once thought that way but trust me if u really pick at this and knwo enough about physics and philosphy i think you will arrive at a conclusion about fate that you believe to be truth and not a rehash of theories you have read or heard. A base knwoledge in phsysics and philosphy helps but forming ur own ideas is what i consider true "force enlightenment" haha! -
Deus ex Machina: the Will of The Force ...
Influence replied to metadigital's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Close, but not quite. Since when do you know what Balance means? For all we know, it could be a team of Gizka doing an aggressive takeover of the Czerka Beer Corp. (Hey, why else would they be so important to the Sith??? ). Some points you make are agreeable, but many have determined that the Force only leads one (who knows WHICH one?) to a 'peak' in time, where they have to make a choice that will determine where the next 'peaks' will be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How could u possible tell what a "peak"is. Are you saying peopeles choces lead them to one point where they then have teh free will to determine what choice they will amek and that shapes the future? So only one person has a choice that occurs only once in their life? Tthe butterfly effect man there are no inconsequential choices everything is a peak everything has a signifcance. what you are saying would mean everything is a variable and that there is no will of the force there is no fate, there is no force. What u say contradicts itself. As for what u said aobut not knwoing what balance is, You are correct we do not knwo what balance is but life seeks homeostasis any way it can. we woudl never be able to comprehend what balance for the entire universe is becasue there are almost an inifinite number of possibilities but LIFE SEEKS BALANCE. The force, being what i defined it as does not have a midn of its own, but it is the sum of all things it is derived form life and the complex inner workings of all teh life in teh universe determines what balance is, what ever plays out IS balance cause it woudl nt -
Deus ex Machina: the Will of The Force ...
Influence replied to metadigital's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The Force is fate. The Will of the Force is not like the will of a person. It is used as an analogy for fate for destiny. Saying the force has a will is merely a personification of saying that the force is fate, it is the course of human events; it does not DETERMINE destiny, it simply IS destiny. The force is not good nor evil, it is equilibrium and the path of equilibrium, Anakin killed the Jedi COuncil and brought balance back to the force, Im sure most of you know why I say that. The force did not force him to do so, he simply walked down that path his choices brought him down that path. His choices made his path his coices MADE the Forces "will". That path was the path of the force it was teh will of the force. Which is why the force is tied to to life and life tied to teh force. Its very complex and is the old chicken or the egg principle. The force cannot die because as long as life exists in the universe and humans will be able to walk down a path, the force will exist becasue the force is that path. That is why teh force is so bonded to life because it is 100% derived from life. It is symbiotic we need the force to walk our path in life, the force is a path that woudl not exist if there was nothign to wlak down it. DO you understand? The force exists as long as life does. Many people, like Kreia and Neo, hate the idea that fate adn destiny control our lives but that is because they do not truelly grasp the concept of fate and destiny and teh force i guess. It does not control it is nto a patht that is forced upon you, it is somethign that is created through ur choices but at teh same time has alwasy existed. I know it is a very difficult thing to understand, im still trying to. -
Who wud u like 2 see a shock return from in kotor3
Influence replied to Swinny's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Had you puit bao-Dur as an option i might have had a littel trouble deciding but as it stands no question Jolee Bindo!!! -
Been watching a bit too much Kids In The Hall, have we? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was thinking the exact same thing
perhaps some intellegence and inference is required to discover the truth instead of having it simply handed to you.
Forget what the Force can do to someone's appearance for a sec... Kreia is old. Her voice sounds old. She's cranky like an old person. Old people have white hair. There's nothing to suggest that Kae had white hair. He says she must have been, but that's his opinion. What does Atton know, anyway? It's not impossible, dude. -Ben <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You "disproved" my joke arguments, congratualations and nice work disproving the rest of the stuff!!!! Besides atton saying she was probably good looking when she was older is a reference to teh male conversation with handmaide. Liek I said basic inference skills people. Really how dense, stubborn, and blidn do u have to be to not see this i mean come ON!!
I have found such strong circumstancial evidence that Kriea is Kae that is is impossible to ignore I mean really basic inference skills that we learned in 7th grade english can tell u that it is infered that they are the same person. Ill come back to you when i have direct quote but for now: Kreia says that Kae was exiled becasue she had a child and we know that Kreai herself was exiled. similarity number one. Handmaiden says that betryal is in her blood because of her mother. Kreai is a master betrayer and when you train handmaiden to be a Jedi, Kreia in a cut scene is in meditation and says "betrayal", becasue Hadnamiedn betrays her oath to atris. similarity number 2 They both have white hair. Sim 3 When you tell handmaiden that she has a beautiful face she must have inheritted from her mother, Handmaiden reveals she never saw her mothers face. Atton Rand says that Kreia used to be "hot" and good looking but jsut has a weather beaten face. Handmaiden says that her mothers body was never recovered from malachor V and that she was assumed dead...OR MAYBE SHE WAS JUST RUNNING THE TRAYA ACADEMY with Mr. Dry skin and mask Face, SImilarity number 4 THere are TONS more i have forgotten and if ANYONE thinks that Kreia is not Kae, there name are a little too familiar as well, shoudl not have passed 12th grade enlgish class and must have bombed teh SAT becasue u were tested on what an authors IMPLIES in a story or article. Really play LS male and trian them to be Jedis and talk to Kreai and handmaiden all teh tiem and I have no doubt you will know that I am Correct, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE SOME ONE PROVE ME WRONG BUT I KNOW YOU WILL NOT CAUSE I AM RIGHT!!!! KREIA IS KAE FOR ALL THE ABOVE REASONS AND MORE IF YOU cannot infer it form thE information given than perhaps teh KOTOR 2 story line is a little out of your league. SO PLEASE someone tell me what they think cause i really think it is impossible to disagree with this!!!
Just something I've noticed...
Influence replied to Haitoku's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
well i have found almsot NO glitches in MY version of Xbox, I have played it three times and nothign serious except for cut content and a few minor visual things and slowdowns. I get to play MY KOTOR game on a 42 inch 16:9 flat panel screen while lieing on a couch not hunched over a keyboard. No offense to all u Comp players out their Im merely trying to defend the Box Bashers. So people who bitch about teh Xbox version sucking and teh PC players getting extra attention have no clue what they are talking aobut. Its a system of Checks and balances, ITs teh American way!!!! -
Darth Traya vs. Darth Sidious
Influence replied to Lord Orpheus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
sidius is the more skilled swordsman, manipulator, and sith lord. He did not jsut fool a single Exile, but the entire Jedi Counsel including Yoda and all of his sith Allies who did not knwo he was palpetine as well as sidius.