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Everything posted by Influence
TSL Restoration Project: Work in Progress
Influence replied to Aurora's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
ummm.......what?? -
right, they can still do that....as long as you don't have to see Revan and/or hear his voice, you're fine. they would just need to come up with a way to explain why he is not doing anything now and without killing him (although killing him would be easiest) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well Kreai tells us revan is outside knwon space and dealing with teh true sith if ur LS u would be trying to defeat them and get ready to warn teh Jedi council, If ur DS you woudl be gathering forces to crush the Republic which you told Carth to keep strong and intact. So it woudl be a challenge of sorts to defeat.
Man i ALMOST totaly agree with you I dont want to SEE the exile again but it woudl be nice if we heard 1 or two sentences about him in K# saying he chose to cut himself off form teh force and continue in EXILE so that he owudlnt brign an end to teh force, thats it. However what i WOULD liek to see is Bao-Dur and Handmaiden be on teh Jedi Council and re-establish the order so that TSl had a little purpose. I wouldnt even mind if Bao became a Jedi master on the council and rejoined ur party in K3.
maybe K3 has to deal with what Revan is doing during the same time as TSL. If that is the case u would indeed need a K4 to finsih teh story lien and by the time that comes out we will all be in retirment homes before the damn story is complete.
Within the unknown regions...........
Influence replied to Topaz Quasar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
i often think KOTOR 2 raised more questions then it answered that why people don't liek it as much, its the alley without the oop. Plus it takes 2 years for oop to arrive. BUt yeah definately some good stuff insotre for K3 Revan is sure to return, but i wouldnt feel any sesen of loss if teh exile realized he did not want to brign aobut the death of teh force and return to exile leaving his party as the New Jedi Council/Sith Lords. -
Is the Force strong enough?
Influence replied to radiohead3's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
my favorite thing to do was Guardian/Master its a nice balance and is moderately more difficult. -
Who was the greatest lightsaber duelist
Influence replied to RoadReaction's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
My Order (of the films) is: Yoda Anakin Mace Dooku Obi Maul Qui Gon Luke -
Who was the greatest lightsaber duelist
Influence replied to RoadReaction's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Your out of ur mind it was yoda no contest. Well actually maybe anakin right before he becomes vader but we have not really seen him fight yet. Once he becomes vader he isnt as good cause u see him fight in RoTJ with luke and even though the fight was epic it was not as stylish or amazing as yoda fight with dooku. Now i know that the reason it was not like the fights form Ep. I,II,III is because of the technology and stuff back then, but still you could argue that because Luke is a Counsuler without much lightsaber technique training and Vader is half machine and rusty with his lightsaber, that is why their fight was not as fantastic as the ones in the prequels. -
The fighitng was exactly the same with KOTOR 1 maybe you have jsut tlaked urself into thinking it was much harder MAlak was teh only challengeing battle whcih took me liek 7 attempts to beat.
AS for nhilisu of course it was dissappointing so was teh fact taht atris's role was cut i agree that sucks becasue it built up this hype about a dangerous sith Lord but the fact is even thought they didn't focus on that they only made teh game more profound and teh storyline more incredable by adding that plot twist. As for Nhil being a push over, it was true, they shoudl have made him doen mroe evil acts or suck the force from ur freinds as you fought him but their were other aspects of teh game that made up for that. I fought sion with 450 vit points and liek 40 strength and i died once trying to beat him and i died once trying to beat Kreia so while they were no infallable they were not pushovers either. Once agian you do not know if the final battel or battels would have been longer cuase they had to have teh game released at a certain time but even so the intangebles of the game made it worth while. Despite the flaws of the influence system it was groundbreaking.
Of course u didnt need credits you a jedi, sith lord why should u need to by stuff u can kill for what u want. DId i stutter when i said that the fact that the combat mode does not cause the PC to die oftern makes the game easy. That is just one aspect 34 hours and if you tell me that theri was nto a single point int the game where you were like Wtf am i suppossed to go or do then ur a liar" because then u could cut through the game in 20 hours flat. Especially on Nar Shadaa.
Ok first finding out Revan was teh PC was a plot twist not a puzzle. Second you mean puzzles like usign teh T3 droid to open the door in Nar Shadaa or finding teh landing order or memorizing teh sith Code and hsitory? puzzles liek these. The only puzzle in KOTOR that i would actually argue they should have put into k2 was the murder investigation on Dantooine. Further more gaingin influence with your characters is a puzzle and a chalenge onto itslef. Edit1:LA put a time restraingt on them they had 13 months to come up with a game a deep and complicated as this with an influence system improved combat vusals saber forms and all taht crap so its nto obsidians fault to begin with tehy had teh right idea and they issued a great product it jsut was nto perfected
i heard teh very same complaints aobut difficult in K1 so this is jsut ridiculous teh grass is always greener
Dude the game takes 34 hours to beat i would consider that strenuous... not to mention if u fight on difficult its not overly easy, its how it should be manageable consideirn msot of you opponents are non Jedi. You should technically be able to go through the entire game without dieing cause your and all powerful Jedi Master and ur fighing sith assassins without lightsabers and a few dark Jedi who dont knwo their asss from thier elbow. Just because teh battel do nto take a long time and you can kill someone with one force Flurry a double lightsaber adn master speed doesn't mean the games easy. You have to fight countless enemies on huge maps and solve variosu poblems, problems, and quests along teh way. The games difficulty is nto jsut measured in the combat experience, that is only one aspect. The effort and time that it takes to complete the game are also huge contributing factors. Liek i said i think many people find it easy becasue the battels are relatively short unless you are fighitng huge quantities of badgusy liek on dxun. But short doesnt mean easy if the guy takes away half you and another of you party member's life and kills the other party member. The only thing i was thinking of to change teh battel lengths was that instead of defesen increaseing ur dodge rate it decreased teh amount of damge u took on, this would increase teh lengths of battles but woudl be unrealistic (no matter how strong u are, if i cut ur chest open with a lightsaber, ur going down baby). But again what do YOU propse they do to make teh game harder, make it 60 hours so no one finishes it? Make the enemies impossible to beat so peopel get fed up with the difficulty of teh combat AND the amount of time it takes to beat? I mean be specifc If you want harder guys say why and how you woudl make them harder and why exactly its to easy dont just complain about somethign without knowing hwo u woudl fix it. Thats Debate 101 man. But if ur so inistent on making it harder u tell me SPECIFICALLY how you woudl make the game harder. P.S. their were a total of 4 sith lords in the game if u were DS, 5 if you include Atris. I beat Sion by only healing myself liek 3-4 times but had he been 1.5 times as hard i would have not been able to beet him at all, and had i not used a prototype shield on myslef agaisnt tehsoe lightsaber form kreia i woudl not have beaten her either. Defeating teh sith Lords was not as easy as you say. I do wish we has fought more Dark Jedi casue you only really fight them at the end the premis of teh story was that they were in hididng and using suddle tactics so it would not make sense to see them on every world. None the less if you can't offer a reasonable alternative to teh difficulty of this damn near 40 hour game that was ment to be playable enough that people would want to go through it multiple times to replay as differnt classes then let me hear it. Otherwise do not whine about something to which you can offer no reasonable solution to because if you can not thatn hopefully u will realise you were never being reasonable to start with.
well K1 as all outdoors K2 had to have city maps to make it seem, I dont know Darker and more mechanized because the title IS TSL.
sorry bout multiple posts, it was unintentional teh site was goign nuts on me and i kept refreshing and it kept reposting.
Everyone please vote I would like this to be an accurate survey that really shows what popular opinion is. Sorry this Poll is a littel long and specifc. I woudl rather have made one that simply said TSL, KotOR1 but I wanted to see how strongly u guys really feel about the game not just which one you thought was better.
Everyone please vote I would like this to be an accurate survey that really shows what popular opinion is. Sorry this Poll is a littel long and specifc. I woudl rather have made one that simply said TSL, KotOR1 but I wanted to see how strongly u guys really feel about the game not just which one you thought was better.
Everyone please vote I would like this to be an accurate survey that really shows what popular opinion is. Sorry this Poll is a littel long and specifc. I woudl rather have made one that simply said TSL, KotOR1 but I wanted to see how strongly u guys really feel about the game not just which one you thought was better.
Kotor 2 compared to Kotor 1
Influence replied to Colonel_Tycho's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
You know what, I clicked on teh link to Wikipedia and you know what, I still coulnd't understand it. i took one look at teh page and soiled myself....twice. :"> -
Becasue it will most likely be compatable with Xbox two, and it has no chance at being a launch title, AND they will hold it off for the christmas season, it would be impossible to see the game come out before Dec. 2006. Realistically im saying Winter 2007 as an achievable launch date. Winter casue its a Heavy Weight series so they increase profits during the Holidays. And those "loveable" boys at Lucas Arts are alllll about the benjamins.
Kotor 2 compared to Kotor 1
Influence replied to Colonel_Tycho's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Wow Taran Atar cleaned ur clock.... Condidering K2 was a SEQUEL... it makes sense that some of the things are similiar. It is not as if they made a completely divergent game that was a rehash, I mean the superior and original storyline of TSL alone should separate the two games. K1 was during the Jedi Civil war and many Jedi Existed and after in K2 they were almost extinguished and its ur job to take over the Sith or reestablish teh Jedi Order. Two Completely differetn things man. So what two of the Worlds were revisited. You could find similarities in any two games if you looked hard enough. In the Sesame Street Game The Count goes on the moon to find teh Number 4. In KOTOR Revan travels in Outer space he looks for teh 4 Star Maps!!!! REHASH.... Not to mention On the Moon the Count Jumps Really High casue of gravity... and guess what Revan has force jump... Wait a second call a Lawyer, I think we have copyright infringement on our hands! "And By teh way Marge, in case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic" -Homer Simpson -
well while we are on teh topic, can soemone describe what Jedi Knight Robes look like so i can lust over them?? Cause even though they were not flowing robes, The Blue Jedi Knight Robes in KOTOR I where pretty damn nice and i used them throughout the entire game. EDIT: Is their any place where i can do that reloading trick until I get knight or master robes?
I don't knwo but i think it would be damn near impossible to keep a character completely nuetral, I mean even a 1 force point lean could mean the difference between enlightenment and crush.
I see what ur saying, Telos, Dxun, and Dantooine were all kind of small, but Manaaan was jsut like Nar Shadaa only much cheerier. Korriban is kinda the same, but Dantoine was much better in K1 than K2. Kashyyk was great too, better than Dxun cause it was huge and had Bindo, teh computer, and Wookies!, and the Tatooine or whatever the sand world was was pretty neat and big to, but it was just large dessert. SO yes I can see how u thought the maps were larger and more interactive; I think that too. But Desptite the unappealing dark and gloomy aspects of Nar Shadaa it was the most interactive world and did what it was supposed to, make u feel cluttered by the city slums you were supposed to be trying to change. And Onderon was a pretty kick ass level, but it was not at all interactive the first time around, but everyoen has to admit the fighting on it to save queen Talia and stuff made it earn its right to be in the game. Dxun, if you look at it as an extension of Onderon was pretty decent too nothing near Kashyyk but at least it was a decent addition to Onderon. If u think of Dxun and Onderon as one planet its pretty complete. and Dantooine and Korriban were both a little dissappointing, they definately could have been made better, but that can bee attributed, at least in part, to the cuts.