Ordinary people in extrordinary circumstances, Lando and Wedge destroyed the 2nd Death Star, with out Han Luke never would have been able to destroy the 1st. Don't get me wrong obviuosly Han couldn't defeat Vader, but he cold play a hand in it. The perfect example of both choice and the ordinary becoming extrordinary in my mind can be taken from the LOTR. Isildur even though he was a Dunadan, is only a man (if you have ever read Tolkien then you know that Elves are the superior race in most ways) for just a moment managed to do what noone else could, cut the One Ring from the hand od Sauron. Then he had a choice, to destroy the ring, or as he ended up doing, letting it seduce him. The only thing that decieved him was the ring and the power it presented, he was not cut off or blinded to the other option. Also though a high King of Numenor, he in no way was Sauron's equal, or even close. Alot would say how can yu compare the EU to a classic like the LOTR, but if you settle for less then that's all you're going to get, and I'm afraid thats all we have