I'm too much of a snob when it comes to visual media to like much television pumps out.
I was looking forward to thew Chappell Show, but thats gone down the tube.
Dennis Leary? Ya its great how he totally raped Bill Hicks of his act.
I would actually go so far as to hate that idea.
I remember in cartoons they alway had an episode or two where the good guys had to team up with the bad guy to defeat something else and they always sucked .....bigtime.
He Man working with Skeletor
GI Joe working with Cobra
D.J. Snatchweasel working with MC Kewzhound
The premise was tired then
Depends, do you remember that show Dinosaucers or that other show Dinoriders?
How about Dink the Little Dinosaur?
Seriously was I the only one horribly frightened by that show Pinwheel
^^^Good Milk Chan impersonation there
Not to break with tradition, but honestly, these are my least favorite.
They're not bad or anything, just I guess I really liked the other stuff
Thats wierd, because Incesticide has always been my favorite.
Anyway I thought I'd really annoy my housemate and blare Mother by Danzig superloud
Its a pretty silly song, really
Yes you have come up with some very good suggestions for someone of your abilities, you should be very proud of yourself.
Whos the big winner today?
Eddo, thats who.
Don't get an STD while you're there, and remember you can bring back three months worth of prescription drugs hint: Xanax
Don't fall for any of that "cheap plastic surgery", you're sure to get an infection
Ya I remember that show, I think it spent a year on one of the major networks and then was on UPN or syndication afterwards.
For some reason it always reminded me of the Flash show that was on the air briefly