I find it interesting that in most everyother sport, if someone had substained as many concussions as Lindros, it would be impossible to get a doctor to clear them to play, but theres Eric again with that funny noise his skates make when he moves
Well, I used to be a big Winnipeg Jets, and Hartford fan, but alas they have gone the way of the buffalo.
I guess now its pretty much Philly, Chicago, and the Canucks
I guess its now that I realize how little competition there is for a good RPG this year.
I think it pretty well totally blows that an half-finished game won, but if theres a saving grace its that a good company got the award and will hopefully be able to turn this into future success. That is unless your future games suck, then I hate you.
That's ehhh a waste of a fine looking gal like Kelly.
What about screech
I played at a show at the Showcase Theater in L.A. w/ Screech's band.