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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. I find it interesting that in most everyother sport, if someone had substained as many concussions as Lindros, it would be impossible to get a doctor to clear them to play, but theres Eric again with that funny noise his skates make when he moves
  2. Something smells limey
  3. Well, I used to be a big Winnipeg Jets, and Hartford fan, but alas they have gone the way of the buffalo. I guess now its pretty much Philly, Chicago, and the Canucks
  4. I'm interested to see who becomes the Redskins of the NHL. You know a team that has, and will spend alot of money, but just can't get anything right.
  5. I was going to say, most people know by now Jesus was black
  6. It looks pretty good for Philly about now
  7. Bloc Party- Always New Depths Brown Skin Lady- Blackstarr
  8. I guess its now that I realize how little competition there is for a good RPG this year. I think it pretty well totally blows that an half-finished game won, but if theres a saving grace its that a good company got the award and will hopefully be able to turn this into future success. That is unless your future games suck, then I hate you.
  9. Well, against my better judgement I'll be joining ya'll on Sat.
  10. Excellent question
  11. That's ehhh a waste of a fine looking gal like Kelly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about screech <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I played at a show at the Showcase Theater in L.A. w/ Screech's band.
  12. Laozi


    So... What are you trying to say? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Reminds me of a pretty bad joke about a polish girl
  13. I bet you do 'cause its in the bible
  14. Laozi


    .....rectum????, nearly killed him
  15. Laozi


    Who hasn't done that?
  16. They should have went with some graphic "heavy petting"
  17. Laozi


  18. Calax, thats pretty low, tsk tsk stealing someone elses idea.
  19. Laozi


    Well this thread is spammed all to hell
  20. Laozi


    Ya, and even if, I'll just burn your eyes out with my cigarette
  21. Laozi


    Too bad, my avatar could kick all the other avatar's a$$e$
  22. You're losing me here
  23. Laozi


    I have some dreams that I believe are in black and white I guess you can find a better man, atleast according to the PJ song
  24. Already got a nirvana song, I don't know Alex Chilton
  25. You lose the thread....bigtime
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