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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. All that kinda goes without saying. Still, how hard can it be to remap the keyboard properly, taking conflicts into account and giving the user as big a chance as possible to make it work for him. We are talking a miniscule portion of develpment time, PC gamers still deserve that much. They must have known it stunk as they never allowed any reviewers near the PC port.
  2. I'm doing a mage in heavy armor with block+one handed, destruction, restoriation, illusion, sneak, archery and crafting 'I can do anything sort' of build. It's quite hard with no companions, so surprise it's not a power-build. Don't care though, I want to be able to do anything more than I want to be able breeze through my enemies.
  3. Levels will come slower, so it might be wise to decide which perks you want now so you can plan ahead. With one for each level though, there are still plenty left to spend on non essential skills.
  4. It would have been if it had been missing. It's not missing, so in a sense we are both arguing on an old assumption. Let's not forget that the inventory, shortcuts and UI, which are only just barely usable, ARE without a doubt the fault of console design though.
  5. Consolitis is a real condition. I know there is a tendency for people who notice the symptoms to get negative backlash from other PC users, probably out of a desire not to be completely associated with PC nerddom.
  6. Does anyone else feel like there is a screen missing. Why can't I see what my total armor and attack rating is, my resistance to magic, the modified damage of my spells. I don't know what blessing to pick at the temples because I don't know what they do. what disease am I carrying around right now ? To complicated for the console market ?
  7. Killed my trusty sidekick Sven, half by accident and half annoyance that he was constantly cramping my style, alerting the enemy and ruining my sneak crit shots. Now I have to sneak past most things.
  8. Fingers crossed for a UI overhaul, can't come soon enough.
  9. A simple job of delivering some jewelery became an epic trip where I discovered 3 new towns. Not every quest is like this though, I have completed plenty that were close or just around the corner. It does feel like the AI quest thing robs a me a little of the joy of exploration. It's more fun to find something yourself than to be led to it. I found the Shrine of Azura by accident, but there are loads of pilgrims who just happened to be on the way there in the game world. That kind of thing is fine, just not all the time.
  10. Yeah, you are really really short on avialable keys surrounding WASD and then you aren't allowed to rebind 'f' to something useful. You can't bind a spell either, you have to drop it in the favorites pool first then hotgroup it with CTRL+number keys, meaning that the favorites pool becomes a junk drawer for all the things you want and wanted to bind, and so not very usable by itself at all. There is no quick spell pool, the quck spell shortcut takes you to your spell library, not to an instant listing of all your spells. You can't dual wield, although the animations looked pretty cool, you would have to manually equip with 3 or 4 mouse clicks every time you wanted to switch to a dagger and sword. I could go on. It really is abysmal. Fortunately the game is good enough to put up with all that.
  11. Does anyone know how to work the console. I want to reclaim all those points I put into sword and shield, they just don't work with the shortcut system, and put them in two handed. I don't want to restart just for that.
  12. I Just heard some guy mention that there were spells and probably trainers at the mage colledge. I so need a destruction trainer, I can only manage single enemies without a companion. Stole a horse and happened upon an inn on the way.
  13. Stumbled on what must be the starting point for the Dark Brotherhood quests. So doing that next.
  14. Across the stream from starterville. The trader there has a quest pointing you straight to it.
  15. I don't get the complaint about difficulty though, I would die constantly if not for my trusty immortal henchman Sven taking the brunt of the assault. I'm lv7 and I don't have a skill above 25 because I'm having too much fun using bows, all kinds of magic, swords, shields, sneak and so on. Migth explain it.
  16. stuck in one of the combo locks. Can't go back, it's blocked. there are 6 triggers each with 3 possible settings and no way to confirm if you are on the rigth track. That's too many options to get it by trial and error. There is no cue either anywhere. Anyone did the mages guild initiation quests pleas spoil me. (fish, snake, bird combination)
  17. I wonder if the counter spells work in practice this time. They eat up a lot of mana fast. Just found the mage stronghold.
  18. It's good. Why didn't they make weapon sets though. I need 4 keys just to swap between sword and shield and dual spells. I imagine it's going to get to be quite a hassle once I build up a repertoire of spells.
  19. can't you put markers on the map ?
  20. Feels like I'm playing The Wither intro again, dragons, kings, running, silly tutorial. Mouse is a bit wonky, but I can probably compensate with the logitech applet. Of course you can't see the back of your character's head which you are going to be looking at 99% of in game time during character creation. That would be too easy.
  21. I can't change my password becacuse I used an old email for contact that I can't remember the password for. Now when they decide to force a password change in steam I'm gonna be in trouble.
  22. Tried everything. Even tried an ad hoc fix bundle from techies who couldn't get it to run on win 7. Now it's gone from the device manager, I don't even have an unidentified entry. Bahh. I'm getting a real sound card with win 7 support tomorrow.
  23. Scandinavian quisine is pretty lame if the criteria is that it has to be some god awful homespun dish that farmers used to eat 100 years ago. We are well aware of this and what we actually eat is the best world quisine has to offer.
  24. Well you killed the butterflies in my stomach
  25. Always the same when re installing. I can't for the life of me remember where I got the drivers for the integrated audio. MB manufacturer's drivers are a no go, they think I have the wrong OS installed ?. And yet I got it to work in my other win 7 installation. I don't suppose anyone knows where windows keeps its driver archive. Probably all encrypted and impossible to get to. grrr.
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