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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. A margin of error of around 10-20% translates to quite a bit you know.
  2. I see what you did there. Helle is so not hot, and this is not something as crude as simple ageism talking, but let me propose the prom queen of the 2011 election Johanne Schmidt Nielsen from the so far off to the left we will never get anything passed party.
  3. It's a bit like ragging on DA2 and forgetting that it was meant to be stupid and banal from the inception.
  4. Join the army, or do some mercenary work in Africa. It will put some hair on your chest.
  5. You only know that because of past reference not because it's a better system. I happen to know that a carton of milk weighs around 1 kg, so I know what I'm dealing with. A foot is what.. it's not even the length of a foot, or the average length of a stride. That would make sense. You might as well call it an 'elbow' for all the real world inference you can get from it.
  6. Well bear in mind that Mass Effect 2 is essentially a shooter with some minor RPG elements. Don't expect the world from those, enjoy it for what it is.
  7. Drive : doushebag hipster 80s retro crap. Fell asleep in the middle.
  8. They think up an accurate scoring system for rating a player's market value, and that's the plot. Seriously. That's it. Spoiler tags are gone, but you'll live.
  9. The game breaks if you research a base boss too early, don't remember the specifics. Different issue in UFO and terror from the deep.
  10. Anyone know what the status of the new Me Hehe, time to cut down on research expenses. Now I feel tempted to play this game again, although I've started new games before, I tend to drift towards X-Com 3. Maybe it is time to visit Cydonia again and visit some righteous retribution on the master brain
  11. Ohh allright, I have been playing devil's advocate, but I couldn't really commit.
  12. Strange choice of words. I don't think policing is supposed to entail acts of valor. On the flip side of the scale would it have been better if she had challenged him to a boxing match.. pistols at dawn ?
  13. Theres a lot of cameras, a small crowd gathering. The police probably felt outnumbered and that they had to get it overwith quickly, even if that meant taking him down the hard way. They failed to warn him though, although with all the yelling I'm not sure the message would have gotten through. It's kind of redundant talking about 'resisting arrest'. I mean isn't that the point of a sit in. You get pictures of the police being overzealous in clearing whatever it is you are occupying and your cause is advanced. What matters is how the police handle people who resist non violently.
  14. Big surprise, no one gives a rat's ass about Australian politics. America, however, everybody's got an opinion. Learn to live with it.
  15. Talked to my mother for about 30 mins, she doesn't believe in phones so things tend to pile up and then she will walk over and tell me about it. Apparently the CERND supercollider is the key to the gates of hell mentioned in revelations. I told her it was a good idea for a movie, maybe with Johnny Depp as the scientist who commits hybris and bad things result. Also feminist and gay rights activism within the protestant church has now reached intolerable levels.
  16. Twillight has kinda made vampires and warewolfs lame by association for the foreseeable future, unless the new Underworld film is awesome. If we are just fantasising, then yes, a sequel to VtM would be all kinds of awesome.
  17. were they pro or against gangster party. wasn't immediately clear.
  18. Well, yes. http://www.europarl....=GB&webTermId=7 In UK voting booths, typically bundled into municipal elections, that's how we do it here.The comission is hand picked by individual governments, that would be the international body part of the equation. I don't see how governments could hope to agree on ,say, debt relief to Greece in the EU parliament.
  19. It's an internatioal body, but it elects its own Parliament. For what it is its extremely democratic.
  20. Looks like it's designed to look good on a smart phone, and like a 13 year olds girl's myspace page if you are on a big screen.
  21. new skin is fugly. Goin' to bed now.
  22. What you call dangerous we would easily label a typical conservative candidate. There is the plan to extend health coverage, but it's still an essentially private market, some talk about the environment and green tek, but that has taken off in a big way in the last decade, it's a long time since that was just a money drain supported by various green parties. On security virtually indistinguishable from any given Republican. I mean the plan was always to leave Irak and Afghanistan when we were done. No change in the Guantanamo bay issue of questionable regality regarding prisoners of war deemed terrorist suspects. Status Quo in the Israel - Palestine question. Not that there have been much in the way of lemons with which to make lemonade. Israel is a strategic ally, no leverage is brought to bear to influence them toward a final settlement with Palestine, the margins of success are too low, so why bother trying.
  23. I'm surprised the whole wife debacle seems to have turned in his favor. It's positive on one hand that those kinds of attacks seem to have lost their bite, and on the other hand remember all that 'moral majority' crap. It seems to me there ought to be a price to pay when a family values holier than thou candidate doesn't live up to his name.
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