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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Another Picard. Was hoping for Data.
  2. When you look at the numbers for the different presidents it becomes obvious just how little policy matters in comparison to world economic fluctuations, and by inference how little credit or blame any president can take for those numbers. With the exception of the lack of market oversight and legislation which led to the crisis, although I doubt any president would have been savy enough to predict it, de-regulation and privatization trends clearly played a part.
  3. They gave it to Arafat and Perez, because they were trying to make peace. Not a bad idea at the time, just ridiculed by history. Hindsight is 20-20 and all that.
  4. I've heard crazy things like moon missions and base defense, but realistically it's just going to be the same game with two new classes.The ending is kinda meh, so I'm not thrilled to be playing towards the same end. I would much have prefered a new campaign.
  5. I recommend this song for your wedding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VxMDwYfxvQ Congratulations though. Not an anti gun song at all though. It's blues and very traditional, even the lyrics.
  6. Probably you never see mutants IRL. Even small radiactive pollution is very dangerous for future generations. Ukrainians want steal moneys from EU, nothing unusual. You get small levels of radiation every day from that big ball in the sky, not to mention cosmic radiation. The Fukushima water can't compete at all. Remember the world is 80% water.
  7. Actually most experts consider the irradiated cooling water seeping into the ocean to be of little significance. The ocean is really big. They are going to build a permanent ice capsule to quadrant off the ground water leakage long term. The building of the first Chernobyl sarcophagus was a quick fix, it's full of holes and estimated to last no more than 30 years. The EU ponied up the money for the follow up work which is expected to actually make the place safe.
  8. For more awesome that one might have missed. New season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J328SSYQOJs
  9. They got really bad and there's like 20 of them, but there are a few really good hellraiser movies.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sator_Square I was thinking there was no email, but some kind of word play going on. It kinda looks like sudoku.
  11. That reminds me. I'm supposed to look like I'm working furiously in case the higher ups happen by.
  12. Is that Bismark in the middle. lols. By the way you should be careful, the emperor doesn't have a sense of humor and will happily fine or imprison you over a painting.
  13. I'll wait for 2D. Gives me headaches, and it's a gimmick you get tired of pretty fast.
  14. One struggles to understand what goes on inside their heads. Blanket statements about religion or culture aren't enough, that's the easy trap to fall into. The solution of a simpleton. Meanwhile I guess some dangerous pests just have to be eradicated as best possible. I mean it's not like dialogue is even feasible.
  15. Point being that it's kinda cheap, as opposed to the already awesome that is in the books. I like Bilbo. Don't like much anything else about the new movies so far.
  16. I really hate the new characters. Why the bioware elf redhead, the orc warlord was bad enough.
  17. So your chance of getting killed by a pitbul is less than 1 in 100.000000. Of the things to be scared of that would be pretty low on the list.
  18. Maybe it's a draw. The King can't move except into a checked position but it isn't checked itself. That's what I think patt is anyway.
  19. Patt(sp?) is when you leave the opponents king no avenue to travel without moving into a checkmate outcome and the only piece you can move is your king. The others are boxed in or lost. It counts as a win. Stalemate doesn't obviously.
  20. Who even knows. I guess it's a success if they can create a media stir. That's all well and good if their foot soldiers come out of it more or less in one piece. If they were indented to be martyred then that's pretty sinister.
  21. They must be either very brave or very stupid, what with the recent history of activist getting prison sentences rather than the customary fines.
  22. They've made it mandatory here for doctors to recommend cheaper alternatives, provided they are effective, and not just write a prescription for the first thing that comes into their minds. When a patent expires the cost of drugs can plummet to as low as a few percent of the original price and there is quite often something already out there with a similar effect. This also keeps a lid on unsavory incentive schemes and back hand deals between pharmaceutical companies and doctors.
  23. Well do you think government would have any luck breaking up these cartels. How has that been going so far. Price fixing won't go away if the system is left alone.
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