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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. You don't need to talk in the present tense; Bush isn't president of America anymore.
  2. Thanks. It was nothing major. They just wanted to let me know that the shipment of tinfoil hats I ordered for you guys has finally arrived.
  3. Oh no, socialism is coming! To arms, to arms!
  4. Pidesco Yes .. But bioware is a forum i registered with years back and dont know my pw/user. Have sent letters and they dont reply. I CANT seem to get them to just clear the files out. All i want to do is talk to module builders. I have played RPG for 30 years. Have played every game you ever heard of. And i can get past the 'i dont give a **** for the customer' firewall they put up even though i have PAID foe BG BG2 TotsC Tob NwN NwN2 NwNMotB, NwNSoz. hmmmm? Joachim PS.. And where was i told that by joining obsidian.. i was to be 'handed off' to bioware? Why not just say.. 'go to bioware' ? Jesus.. All i wanted was a glass of water and i have to build the hoover dam to get it. cya ltr PPS.. If i said i had a HUGE custom module based on Fiests' 'Magician/Silverthorn'.. for Motb that compares with the OC.. watch how quick i would be IN Might I suggest you simply register a new account at the Bioware forums instead of ranting about it here?
  5. Are you enjoying socialism yet? When do you think you'll take up arms in response to Obama's obvious communist tendencies?
  6. Dude, vote conservative. I'm not a fan of the right-wing nutjobs by any means but when your government is that incompetent and have been in power long enough for it to start doing damage, vote 'em out! Seriously, the news stories coming out of Britain these days are starting to scare me. Then vote them back in next election when they've had a chance to clear their heads and purge the ****-ups. You don't want conservatives in power for any longer than absolutely necessary. Actually, this assumes your Labour party is mildly competent and can get it's act together after 3 years. I suspect that's too generous an assumption. You're boned. Enjoy 1984.
  7. Nothing will happen. Conficker has had multiple activation dates before (since February) and they've all involved simply updating the worm to better evade anti-virus companies. Even though it was activated again today, many of the computers in its net won't actually receive the update until it propagates to them days or weeks later. Think of it as more of a bot net than a virus.
  8. Vendor lock-in, dude. The difference between Microsoft and your MP3 maker is that Microsoft's vendor lock-in is at the very least midlly user friendly. (Or more app[propriately Apple/iTunes in this case.) Personally I only buy MP3 players these days that play song straight from folders/HD's, without any sort of playlist/control system. They're rare, though iTunes is also pretty decent if you have an iiPod.
  9. I think without addressing Bulock's very specific points about challenges unique to this particular activity ('real' CQC), you are jumping to much more generalised statements - in which case, the vectors of thought simply aren't meeting. For me his descriptions about those specific challenges are pretty convincing, unless you were simply expressing your wish for some new game that really tackles that issue in the face with a crowbar - in which case, fair enough. I think it's all mocap. This post was too diplomatic. In future, please express your reall thoughts. Sincerely, my facer..
  10. lol. And I lol because I was like 11 when I first posted on BIS, not just because I find your post amusing.
  11. I could probably write a Python script that does this for you. I've already built one that reads the metadata of all mp3s in a folder, so modifying it shouldn't be too difficult.
  12. Interestingly, Mandelbrot Sets are related to both neural nets and imaginary numbers, though each for entirely different reasons (complex systems vs complex arguments).
  13. Assuming that's 80ms between 'updates', I dunno... 60hz (a typical monitor update rate) is 60 refreshes per second. That's why over 60fps on is meaningless. That's 1 update every 17ms. So I think you'd want to get it down to below 30ms -- 15ms ideally. I mean 80ms in an MP game is pretty damn nice. But in that case your graphics update at a rate of like 0ms (instantly) so only the computations from other players are slightly delayed. In this case it'd be everything delayed. I think it would be more jittery than the same latency in an MP game.
  14. From other thread: Hello cloud gaming! http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0%2C28...343703%2C00.asp Epic article. It's already pretty much started with things like Quake Live, but the fact that they have working models of this service is really cool to me (computer science geek that I am). Really now, they're only limited by the world's Internet connections. And Scotland and South Korea just upgraded like, everyone, to something like 100mb or 1gb per second connections I don't see bandwidth being an issue for much longer (if it even is now). I guess there's not much point in me pushing for games to be ported to Linux and Mac anymore as this will make such efforts obsolete. The in-built uniformity and security a service like this would provide must make game developers cream their pants.
  15. Anyway, as DX showed, even if the combat isn't great, if the rest of the game is good, mediocre combat can be tolerated. Speak for yourself. A lot of people I've spoken to enjoyed DX1's combat.
  16. Hello cloud gaming! http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0%2C28...343703%2C00.asp Epic article. It's already pretty much started with things like Quake Live, but the fact that they have working models of this service is really cool to me (computer science geek that I am). Really now, they're only limited by the world's Internet connections. And Scotland and South Korea just upgraded like, everyone, to something like 100mb or 1gb per second connections I don't see bandwidth being an issue for much longer (if it even is now). I guess there's not much point in me pushing for games to be ported to Linux and Mac anymore as this will make such efforts obsolete. The in-built uniformity and security a service like this would provide must make game developers cream their pants.
  17. Id est: People used to think the square roots of negative numbers didn't exist. And thus, when it turned out you could do some useful things if you supposed they did, there was a dilemma. You see, if you were to propose the square roots of negative numbers did exist, people would look at you funny or possibly execute you for heresy, so instead they pretended they existed, as "imaginary" numbers and all was well!
  18. Your mum is imaginary. For real. I was just interested because we seem to have so many eductaed people on teh board. Maths is something I've come to late in life, but with a convert's enthusiasm. Don't give it a second thought. Imaginary (or rather, complex) numbers are basically an easy notation for a type of vector. If there's anything especially deeper to them then I've spent the past 6 years in the dark! Although note e^(i*@) = -1 when @ = pi+2kpi where k is an integer. Specifically e^(i*pi)+1=0. If you'd like to know some nifty ways of dealing with complex numbers, look up De Moivre's formula. You can do a lot with that, as it relates complex numbers, sin, cos, exponentials, arguments, and powers. We primarily used it for things like roots of unity and finding identities for integration.
  19. Your mum is imaginary.
  20. I think he'd definitely fit a few clinical definitions of insanity, but whatever you want to call it, he's not mentally stable. You're not really making sense. The skinjobs were pissed off with humans in the first place because 'their people' had been enslaved and they wanted revenge. They may be fickle but they're not moronic.
  21. Cavil may be insane, but the others are not. It doesn't fit at all well. "During Sam's ramblings while he's getting prepped for surgery, he says 'Back on Earth, the warning signs that we got? It looked different to each one of us. I saw a woman; Tory you saw a man. Funny, no-one - no-one else could see them. Galen, you thought you had a chip in your head-'." Maybe the writers are going to visit the virtual beings/angels after all.
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