Deus Ex: HR boss battles were out of place and devalued the game, and honestly so is this boss battle in Mirror's Edge. It's a good game that they sullied by adding it.
Thanks Serrano, I'll try again today.
Because when you guys **** up (which is often), you **** up the world around you. That's just what you do. That's why us non-US guys have to take an interest in which **** you're going to elect this time.
I'm playing Mirror's Edge at the moment and at the end of chapter 4 there is a boss that always knocks you over and then throws you off a building. To defeat him you have to 'disarm' him at exactly the right time. You have about a 1 second window of opportunity.
There is no alternative. If you cannot do this, you cannot proceed. Worse still, the game reloads BEFORE the unskippable cutscene every time you die, so reloading to try again becomes extremely boring.
It seems like such an obvious issue, how were devs stupid enough to let something like that pass?
Nice article:
I loved Opposing Force and Borderlands. I'm down for Borderlands 2. But mainly, it's just nice to see another independent studio doing well.
If Obsidian are giving them the engine that THEY coded, then of course Obsidian are doing programming. They're also going to continue doing programming to help Inexile maintain and adapt the engine.
What I find more interesting is that Obsidian will be helping out with design work.
Researchers create a silicon analogue of graphene called 'silicene'. Graphene but with a proper band gap? That's a huge breakthrough for transistors if so.
"Beant Singh was assassinated in a bomb blast at the secretariat complex in Chandigarh on August 31, 1995. The blast claimed the lives of 14 others including 3 Indian commandos. Beant Singh was accompanied by his close friend Ranjodh Singh Mann on the day of assassination."
While it is fitting that a mass-murderer (as Beant Singh does indeed seem to have been) got what was coming to him in a system that clearly lacked sufficient justice, I would note that Beant's murderer (Balwant right?) also took the lives of 14 other people.
Is that justifiable? It would seem that Balwant is himself a mass-murderer (perhaps on a much smaller scale).
Anyway, it's interesting (and sad) to hear about this situation - thanks for informing me.
To clarify: it's a disgrace to humanity that countries like India and the United States still perform the death penalty. It's a disgrace that all this has happened to the Sikh people. I just hope you're not suggesting that some sort of violent resistance is in order.
I think we touch on it in class. There are a few chapters on it in my textbook and I'll be doing chip design in later year subjects so I may as well give it a go now.
Thanks for the reminder
Remembering many a late night programming LISP for EMacs. List Processing my butt, it stands for Lots of Idiotic Single Parentheses.
For a nice challenge (and if you love old HP calculators), try Forth. First commercial programming language I purchased for my C64 way back (came in a nice cartridge).
Haskell is so much better in that sense. All the power of LISP and more, without the parentheses.
Here is an example of quick sort in Haskell:
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [x] ++ (quicksort greater)
lesser = filter (< x) xs
greater = filter (>= x) xs
Or with list comprehensions instead:
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort [y | y <- xs, y <= x] ++ [x] ++ quicksort [y | y <- xs, y > x]
Will have to try it one day when I'm not overloaded. I've heard good things about it.
For the programmers and mathematicians out there, it's worth taking a crack at Project Euler to polish your skills and try some new things.
I'm personally using it to master multiple languages - I'm going through all the problems in each language I'm interested in learning (Haskell, Java, Python, C++ at the moment).
Trying the problems in Haskell has obviously been the most eye-opening since every programme is a mathematical proof and there are no side effects.
You guys know of any other cool things like this?
Brian Fargo has now created a website for the 'kicking it forward' concept:
The Banner Saga devs have pledged to 'kick it forward'. Hopefully Double Fine does too.
Ahh, so it's almost like having a phone in your pocket that tingles, untill you touch it. Pure genious.
But I don't think we can predict what uses can be found for this. Especially if the interaction can be made two-way (you can touch your tattoo in some way to manipulate your phone or some other device). It's like LASER or internetworked networks, but maybe not as life-changing.
The US dollar has inflated 41.8% since 1997, thus it would cost $4,255,383.18 USD today. That said, other aspects of development might be more, or less, expensive today. I'm going to go with the programming side of things being LESS expensive today.