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Saw your post, really loved the theory. I sent a tweet to MCA about it, he answered me: https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/657829061956255744 @ChrisAvellone "@fontesdosaber I would play this game by point #5." Imagine a fallout spin off in this setting with MCA as the Lead. Cool.
The Great Game Giveaway: Tuesday Edition
RodWarrior replied to ShadySands's topic in Computer and Console
Guys, I really want Capitalism Lab, so if any of you have a copy of it to give away... Remember me!!!- 487 replies
It's physically impossible for every game to be the best experience ever. In fact, only 1 game could ever have the best experience ever. I disagree. Primarily because time is a progressive vector construct on which our personal experiences occur in a chronological order, all our experiences do not occur on a memory singularity but in a memory stream. At various points on that stream we may judge 'bests' differently as our experiences accumulate. Think of all the games that make up the overall gamespace, those that we have not played may be regarded as Schrodinger's Games (as with F4) which exist in a state of quality flux; they may or may not be better than previous games and while they may or may not have reputations associated with them it is only by opening the box and playing them can you make the judgement of which is best yourself. As such, until played they do not exist in the subjective opinionspace of what is one's personal 'best' rated and indeed it would be perfectly possible- if distinctly edge case scenario- to have every single game in existence be the 'best' at a certain point if you played them, sequentially, in ascending order of quality. ie, at any given point the last game you played would be best and stay so up until you played the next. Or alternatively, you might have multiple bouts of amnesia... In other words while there may be only one best game ever, at a given time and for a given person, that assignation is fluid and dynamic and over a set time course there may well be multiple best games of all time at given, discrete, instances on that time course. The key word here is: EVER. The best game EVER is the best game, period. It doesn't matter if you compare it to games from the past or future. It's the best game. EVER. So, I must agree with Keyrock here. --- On topic, Fallout + Skyrim + Skyrim or Better Character Creation (NO MORE "EVERYBODY IS F**** UGLY AND LOOK LIKE A MORON, DON'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO" CC of FO3 and NV) + Better Graphics + MODS = SO MUCH WIN
Update 1.06 is Live
RodWarrior replied to BAdler's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
Nice! -
Guys, I made a SweetFX mod! You can download it here: https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/rodwarrior-as-good-as-it-gets-sweetfx Like it, if you feel like it's good! :D
Update #96: The Road to Eternity
RodWarrior replied to BAdler's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
Hah!!!!!!!!! My steam started to load an update to eternity and I was like "WHY?" THIS IS WHY!!! \o/- 57 replies
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Anyone want to play now?
Not a picture, but a video: GTA V mission with sorophx (Obsidian Crew)
THIS IS IT!!!!!!!! It's my first try at using the editor, so I know some things are "RAW", but I liked it anyway! Thanks to Soro! --- Shadeling: Yes, you can! It depends on what you do to them. And from someone who loves SR: GTA Online it's something from the other world.
I'm uploading a video made with rockstar editor of me and sorophx stealing a chopper from a base, in a mission. It's already in 25%, so I think It'll be up soon enough. I'll put the link in here once it's done!
I should be able to publish to the crew, but I dont think i can. I don't have permission enough. Edit: Forget it, just did it! Now you can edit it if you want.
Hey Guys! I'm on the crew! Also, I have a Small proposition to make: I know the name of the crew is Obsidian Ninjas, but I made a really cool Emblem, and would like to share. If you guys want to use it, It would be cool: I'm going to play now, if you guys want to join me! My rockstar sc and steam id are the same: RodWarrior
I know this is probably not a game most of you will play, but, just in case, I'm opening this thread so people that want to comment on the game or play it together can joing each other! Feel free to chat about the game, put screens and send your data if you wish to play online. Also, maybe if enough people want to play together, we should make a crew or something? ---- April 14 is the official launch! :D Just 1 day left!
Hello, Guys! I'm here to show an amazing kickstarter to one of my favorite tools on the internet! Fábrica de Heróis (aka. Hero Factory) Here is the page: https://www.catarse.me/pt/fh16 And here is all the text translated to english: http://fabricadeherois.com.br/fabricadeherois/catarse/texto_ing.html Maybe you never heard about it, so lets make this simple: It's like "Hero Machine", but with better visual and tools! Here we have a gallery with a lot of amazing creations: http://fh-oficial.deviantart.com/gallery/ And some images, if you click on the spoilers: If you want to see it for yourself, its here: http://fabricadeherois.blogspot.com.br/p/fabrica-de-herois-2014.html The program has been free for a long time, with an offline version being given to users that donate. The crowdfunding it's for a new version, with better graphics and more amazing tools! Without the money, the creator cannot continue working with the program, so I please beg you to take a look for yourselves! The crowdfunding is in "catarse", a "Brazilian Kickstarter". With 1 dollar being 3 Reais, you can help so much with little money! Please, consider donating!!! :D
BF4 - RodWarriorBR (Origin ID) CHILVARY - RodWarrior (Steam ID) PS: I Don't have any other game to play co-op, so i aceppt donations hahahahaha
YOU SIR, JUST MADE MY DAY. Not that I agree that the game is filth, but DAMN THIS WAS FUNNY!
Am I the only one here that think they should go the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning way in combat? I mean, if you want me to fight in 3rd person, make it a little more than click this and that. Just embrace this casual thing and make it really fun. Put some different styles and skills and thats it. Just dont give me this MMO combat and call it tactical because i can pause... If you want a real tactical combat, it would be better if you have a lot of options, not just walk here and attack him in the same way until he dies... Other way to go would be turn based but like xcom. I dream of a fantasy game with xcom combat. Anyway...
I just don't want the romance to be forced a la ME3. "Thanks for the help, Iron Bull!" "Oh, You are WELCOME, Inquisitor <3 <3 <3" "Ok, then?" "YES, OK. LET'S LAY DOWN AND I WILL GIVE YOU PLEASURE. RESPECTFULLY" "I'm just beeing grateful, you know." "YOU WILL BE GRATEFUL. COME ON HERE" "NO, WAIT. I DONT--" "OH YES"
Mass Effect 4 Thoughts and opinions
RodWarrior replied to DarthDeven's topic in Computer and Console
Yes, if I like DA:I. Wich is very likely But to be honest I'll probably play it anyway, cause i really love the ME lore. 2 and 3 we don't have enough info... -
DarthDeven, about the elevators, let me explain: really loved the banter and news, but really hated when they didn't have anything to say and it took 15+ sec to reach the destination. Btw I totally agree with your ME1 opinions. And just to talk a bit more about stuff: - Really, really hated the companions zaeed dialogue. YUNO TALK TO ME LIKE A REAL PERSON?? - Really hated the "more cutscenes, less player choice" that happened in ME3. It was seriously my biggest problem with the game, and I really almost didn't finished because of this! - Minor problem: YUNO LET ME CHOOSE MY GRAPHICAL OPTIONS????
1) Character development as in skills and level up I agree. 1a) I disagree. If you compare to even IE games you see that it have a lot of C&C and dialogue moves forward. I mean, it's not all the time, but really, it never is in any game. "False choice" is part of branching dialogue, no matter what. It's Called giving you a chance of RPing, even if the conversation have to move on in a specific way. 1b) True. 2) I actually liked the beginning of the first and third game on the first time I played. After that, not so much... But I think it did a good enough job. The ending of the first 2 games are very well done, giving a nice closing feeling but leaving it open for the next one. The beginning of 2 was the dullest to me, with all the "Sheppard must die and you must go with cerberus **** if you killed them in every chance you had in the other game. But the story must go on, so... forgivable. The ME3 ending, well... 2a) See above: 2b) I agree about Tuchanka. The Krogans are a really special part of the ME story. 2c) I don't think ME2 was the villain. I think it was the way they present the story on ME3, very linear and interaction-lite. I mean, Sheppard talks for the most part without your input. That's lame. It almost became a cut scene game, with no choice at all. 3) I didn't. 3a) I really disagree. I think ME1 was my favorite, except for the ****ing elevators. ME3 scenarios felt like corridors with only one thing of interest. ME1 had the best feeling for roaming around and getting quests. 3b) I didn't. It was just fetching quests and you couldn't even ask about the motivations or the mission itself. "Hey, this guy forgot his wallet in reaper space. I'm a nice guy, so let's go get it! I won't even tell him, 'cause the surprise will be worth it!" 3c) Vega feel very out of place in my opinion, compared to the other companions, even the companions of other games. Allers almost didn't have anything to share, just her love. Meh. 3d) WHY THE HELL THEY PUT MP IN THE GAME? 3e) I agree about Javik, disagree about day 1 dlc. My favorite ME is 1, 'cause of the feeling i had when playing for the first time. It was awesome. ME2 was a better game overall, even if i didn't like the direction they took (less RPG more GoW). ME3 made me really fight for finishing it because of the whole "play itself" narrative. It was the biggest disappointment I had with it. Anyway, sorry to use your post as the base for mine
Yep, there's that. I mean, in the setting in question, I don't think people would be controlling their behaviour thinking about what is good or evil. They would be adjusting to whatever their divinity commands. But the truth is: Your behaviour would be totally attached to your god's will. People in general would be a lot more faithful to their beliefs, and that would change the whole dynamic of society in this setting. Anyway, that's only my way of seeing things.
Album for my Modded Skyrim Pics http://rodwarrior.imgur.com And the images:
Come on, Bryy... That's not true! I mean, think about it... If you are a 100% certain that doing evil things makes you go to a place where you'll be tortured and suffer for all eternity, you really wouldn't think 2,3,4,99 times before making something even remotely evil? It's not about "appease some dude". It's about going to the worst possible place for all the eternity. Come on, dude. This would totally affect your way of living.
Dragon Age: Inquisition vs. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
RodWarrior replied to ktchong's topic in Computer and Console
Yeah, I understand that. But Ashley actually seens interested in Shepard from the start. I mean, Kaidan, WTF? The problem I have with bissexual characters is that they are not written this way. They are written as gay or straight, but when it comes to romance your character can be of either sex, and that is totally weird. I mean, if the character shows interest in both from the start, ok. But it's actually "Hey, i'm totally straight/gay. Unless you, the protagonist of the same/opposite sex as me wish to romance me. In that case, I'm bissexual."- 256 replies
- Dragon Age
- The Witcher
(and 2 more)
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