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Everything posted by Ganrich

  1. It's a new trilogy. I should have said trilogy instead of series. Well played.
  2. Weird timing of it, then, if the bolded is one of the main reasons for it. If the forums were going to be shut down due to negativity and relentless abuse toward BioWare, they should have done so after ME3's release. They are preparing for Andromeda Backlash That's definitely not their modus operandi. History shows that the first two ME games in a series are solid, and then they just vomit out a 3rd game with a story far below their already mediocre standards. So, if this were the case the forums would remain intact until at least a handful of years from now.
  3. Next week? Meh. How about tonight?http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/breaking-dnc-liberals-trying-arrest-hillary-clinton/ I doubt anything will come of it, but we can hope. This trash fire of an election cycle is terrifyingly entertaining. Waiting at the edge of my seat for more leaks.
  4. Same thing happened with me and Stellaris. I had to force myself to stop. Just gotta upgrade one more thing, and then one more, and another, and a day later...
  5. Sounds like Josh is going for the DAO system for AI. I could be wrong. IF they can hit that mark then it is a good thing. The AI scripts were the most positive innovation of DAO, IMHO. Also, yes to slowing combat down a bit. It will improve things a great deal.
  6. It has nothing to do with whether or not their is flesh under the armor or not. It was purely an art design thing. At least for me. Just did a PST play through a month or so back and it is fresh on the mind. Also, I think Devil is a bit more like HK47 than Vhailor, and HK was always Modron Cube 2.0 with a side of evil to me. Also, on an unrelated PST observation, Morte and Bob the Skull have to be related.
  7. I felt the same when I first read about/saw the companion. Sadly, it won't be voiced by Keith David. "Justice is not blind! I... am her eyes."
  8. https://youtu.be/alJI5DRwDWE
  9. Sounds like the usual slacking that goes on. Not sure how popular it is here in Toronto. Haven't seen people wandering around any more than usual Yeah, but this is a little more conspicuous. My work place has some production requirements, and there were definitely ramifications this week because of it. @WDeranged - possibly. It is causing some issues with production numbers, like I said.
  10. I think there are some 19 checks in Twin Elms. Resolve, and maybe perception (could be int). Can't remember if they do anything spectacular. I'm just getting back into the game, again. My memory is fuzzy. Work being what it is. Those checks are the highest I've seen.
  11. Is it sad because they're not enjoying the videogames that you consider serious and acceptable? No, it's sad because the aren't doing their job and instead they are walking around on their phones. It's sad because a cell phone game has overridden any sense of responsibility. It will be more sad when they get fired, and all the ramifications that will entail.
  12. Yeah, there are 40 year old men chasing Pokemon around my work. It's kinda sad.
  13. All id's stuff has been Opengl under Cramack, and they have never given much more love to Linux than that in the past. It was always up to Linux gurus to get the games working. So, I'm not surprised.
  14. OK. I have a second at work. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793 Scroll down to section F. Negligence nor intent matter. The only caveat is proof of hacking which they seem to have very little if any. The security on the server was so poor that any hacker worth their salt wouldn't leave a trace. At least from what I have read.
  15. Thank god. It really should be an option in Tyranny. They "don't want me to worry about it", but I like having to. I'd be fine if it was off when first starting the game, and I could turn it on in the options menu. I hate it being axed because some players can't be bothered to think.
  16. I'm pretty sure that intent is inconsequential when it comes to breaking national security protocols. In most cases of law, you would be correct, but when you leak classified information intent doesn't matter. I'm leaving for work so I can't find a source to back that up, but I have read it before.
  17. I would add an ability blackout cool down to successful interrupts, and perhaps something like DnD spellcraft to the Skills to allow players to know what they are shutting down by interrupting an enemy. This would post what's being cast above the head of enemies and/or post it in the combat log.
  18. The soundtrack is probably my favorite part of the game. I really enjoyed PoE as well. I've said it before (a few times, honestly), and I will say it again, Justin Bell hit a home run with the music in PoE.
  19. As an avid fan of Uncharted my issue with 4 was pacing. It was incredibly slow for an Uncharted. On the plus side that was the last game somewhat keeping me in the console world. Everything else is multiplatform or not of interest to me.
  20. Martin wrote several short stories starring a knight named Duncan and Aegon Targaryen, but I don't know how exactly they relate time-wise to the main books/show.It's about 70 years prior to Robert's rebellion. Dunc escorts Master Aemon and Brynden Rivers (the guy in the tree that was teaching Bran) to the wall in one iirc. Edit: Just looked it up to be sure, and it is around 90 years before the War of the Five Kings in the books/show. Robert's Rebellion was 15ish years prior which means Dunk and Egg's stories occurred a little more than 70 years prior.
  21. All who would confirm are dead though, those who can and are alive won't. He doesnt have to be confirmed as King on Iron Throne, but he still is last Baratheon, so he can be used as ally Another interesting fact is House Baratheon was started with Orys Baratheon. He was rumored to be the bastard brother of Aegon the Conqueror. He married the daughter of the last Durrandon who were also called the Storm Kings (who were the Lord's of Storm's End prior). It is possible that Gendry could reset House Baratheon by the story's end and have some symmetry.
  22. @Chilloutman - Yes, it could be Tyrion, but that is what she expects which is why I don't think it's him. Tyrion actually does the least to harm his family of all the major Lannisters save maybe Jaime (excluding Kevan, Lancel, Mercella, and Tommen). He says multiple times that he loves his family. He obviously didn't care for Joff, but he would discipline him because no one else would. He now loaths Cercei, but I don't think he would kill her. The prophecy said Volanqar (sp?) which is Valarian for "little brother/monster" IIRC. Which is why she assumes it is Tyrion that will do the deed. However, the books (and I believe the show as well) have pointed out that Jaime came right after her clutching her heel during their birth. So, he is very possible as well. An interesting point on the "Prince that was promised" prophecy... In the books, Maester Aemon tells Sam they were blind to the prophecy by assuming it was a boy, but the word for "prince" in Valarian doesn't denote gender, and it could be the Princess that was promised. If this same genderless language applied to the Volanqar then it could be Cercei's potential killer is female, and Arya Stark has Cercei's name on a certain list. One name she just scratched out in this finale. Is Cercei next? Arya is definitely a tomboy, and a bit monsterous. Targ's were also known to be polygamous in the past, and had multiple wives. It could be that Jon is a child of Raegar's second wife (Lyanna) which would put him ahead of Dany for rule of succession. It makes no matter Robert's victory changed the dynasty of the Iron Throne from Targ to Baratheon. Targ heirs can only claim via conquest. However, given the current climate... I doubt Gendry would be able to claim without some conquest either. @Nonek - Entirely possible, but she has that prophecy about her death. She also isn't smart enough to stay alive like Varys, Littlefinger, Tyrion, and a few others. She also doesn't have a power base of loyal Lords behind her like Jon. She is up the creek without a paddle and she is too stupid to see the forest for the trees. @Rosbjerg - technically Tobbo Mott (The blacksmith that Gendry was apprenticing under) and Varys both know, and are still alive I do believe. However, I don't think they have enough pull in this society, or friends with that kind of pull, to matter. It's possible a few Gold Cloaks that failed killing him would be in the know, but they are less relevant. I'm sure Littlefinger is aware as well.
  23. Technically, the Vale is still standing even if being manipulated by Littlefinger. Otherwise I agree. I wonder if Dany will start in the south and move north meet a northern army at the neck, and they kneel. Similar to Aegon the Conqueror. Also, the marriage conversation between Dany and Tyrion has to be some foreshadowing. The Kingdom isn't ripe for young males of noble birth to wed a Queen. Theon's out, Euron would go against the deal made with Theon and Yara, given Gendry's status as I posted about means he is an unlikely possibility, and that's about it. Dorne has no sons, Tyrell's are all gone, Jaime isn't likely, sweet Robin LOL, and we are about dry. That leaves Jon Snow. Targ's sibling marriages are mentioned a great deal in the books, and I think a few times on the show... So I can't discount it that "happy ending" fans may get their wish.
  24. I think if she goes too far that he may just snap. However, he is now out of the King's Guard, and as such is the heir to Casterly Rock. So, he could make that claim, and go home and leave her to her mess. I had an interesting thought that hasn't been discussed here. Westerosi rule of succession goes: male children oldest to youngest, then brothers, then daughters, then bastards (males then females). Correct me if I am wrong. Technically, if I am not mistaken... Gendry has the rightful claim. Cercei might have another storm on her hands if the right people get their hands on Gendry and know who he is.
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