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Everything posted by Ineth

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDMETLBu0kA
  2. Civilisation and Europa Universalis were both originally board games, and fairly well known. It's McIntosh anyway, he'll be hyperbolising same as always. I imagine things like Small World and the like as well. Anything that involves expanding an empire and controlling territory probably falls under "colonialism" as far as McIntosh is concerned. Risk too.
  3. Is McIntosh bored with video games and moving on to other targets?
  4. So you're saying Trump is not naturally blond??? While on the topic, a hilarious photoshop... original: shopped:
  5. How is any sane person not a Capitalist under that broad definition?
  6. Afaik, yes. In some universities, yes - but not all of them. (And I think not even the majority of them.) The Supreme Court upheld it as legal for universities to do this, but of course not mandatory. Sort of. It's complicated though. It's not meant as some "poetic justice" reversal of harm that was experienced by previous generations, in the current generation. The idea is, rather, that past injustices still have residual effects on the current generation of minorities, and that these disadvantages experienced today should be counterbalanced with artificial advantages granted today. Of course there are a host of moral dilemmas to go along with that, most of all the problematic nature of treating (internally diverse) groups of people based on properties which apply to the group on average. I think everyone can agree that it's not a clean solution. But supporters believe that the social and moral cost is less than the benefit. Of course, the more the effect of past injustices fades, the less justifiable affirmative action becomes. Is it still justified today? I don't know.
  7. The way I would phrase it, is he's one of the less terrible ones.
  8. Well, it is true that the stakes are different for her since she's the front-runner and "party establishment" candidate. All she had to do to "win" the debate, was to avoid making any catastrophic mistakes. Whereas her rivals are outsiders who would have needed to really stand out in the debate, in order to even establish themselves as a serious contender. Since that didn't happen and she didn't make a catastrophic mistake, she won by default, in a sense. But hey, the contenders will get another chance in the next debate.
  9. Well will they? :D
  10. She does keep bringing it up herself, though. Cooper: How would your presidency be different from a third Obama term? Clinton: I'm a woman! Cooper: Why should the Dems rally behind an establishment insider like you? Clinton: I'm a woman! (Well of course those weren't the exact words, but that's what her answers boiled down to... )
  11. Sommers demolishes the central claim of the UN cyber-violence report (and the "professional" news outlets who have parroted it without fact-checking): (PS: It's only 6 minutes, so no excuse not to watch it!)
  12. She had the best debating skills out of the lot on a technical level, but gawd she's so unlikeable. They say opposites attract - that would explain how she ended up married to someone so naturally likeable that I can't help but think of his presidency fondly, despite some of his bad policies and inglorious departure.
  13. Not for most of the oppression, but for some of it, yes - at least in the case of Mao. Atheism was declared mandatory, religious congregations were made illegal, and members of such congregations who kept meeting in secret, were relentlessly persecuted by the police state. Ah. When reading it I broke down the sentence to religion has served as the dominant ideological apparatus for explicitly oppressive institutions But I see now that it can just as well be read as religion has served as the dominant ideological apparatus for [some] explicitly oppressive institutions
  14. Are you sure? Hitler, Stalin & Mao didn't use religion as their ideological apparatus (in fact the latter two used atheism as part of theirs), yet their institutions were plenty oppressive.
  15. Columbus clearly violated the Prime Directive.
  16. http://thefederalist.com/2015/10/13/anita-sarkeesian-wants-women-to-have-their-cake-and-eat-men-too/
  17. CNN seems to share that expectation, and is setting the debate up differently than the GOP one because of it: At CNN, a double standard for Dem, GOP debates In an endearing kind of way?
  18. Get your bingo cards ready, everyone!
  19. So, is Saving Private Ryan In Space The Martian worth seeing? (Haven't read the book.)
  20. It's probably possible with the "ForceAdvanceQuest" cheat code which is added by the IE Mod.
  21. US policy on these things is firmly dictated by the corporate content-producer lobby, so I expected it to be bad. But it's still disappointing to see how bad it is in detail.
  22. I wonder when they developed that part of the White March Part 1 expansion. Maybe it was early on, when the Firedorn controversy was still fresh - and they didn't consider that by the time the expansion would be released, that controversy would already seem like ancient history. Nice catch though, regarding the dragons. I remember now that the "dragons can change sex" lore was introduced in some backer update on dragons way back when, but I had completely forgotten it and would have never made that connection.
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