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Everything posted by majestic

  1. Uh-huh. U so awsmoe d00d. Pro-tip d00d, liek, haed oevr to teh Pliars of Etnerity reddit and see what a real Pillars of Eternity circlejerk looks like.
  2. I just wish GRRM would finish The Winds of Winter so I won't get spoilered to death next year. *dread* Really? I'd rather dread watching Voyager again. VOY never got past being mediocre even when it had seasons with fairly good episodes (e.g. 4 and 5) because there are a LOT of stinker episodes and it features the single worst Star Trek episode ever made: Threshold. Writing Janeway as if she's suffering from multiple personality disorder without anyone in Starfleet noticing didn't help either. Say, what was the topic again?
  3. Oh, don't worry. I met Volo 15 years ago and he hasn't changed a bit so I just popped in to have a quick jab for old time's sake. Eh... to actually contribute something sort of on-topic, I think that both sides of the argument are correct in their own way. Me, for instance, I played a hundred hours of Morrowind hoping it would finally become something I liked down the road. It just didn't. I also watched the entire run of Andromada hoping it would at some point find its way back to the cheesy but thoughtful goodness I loved during its first and a half seasons. It just never did, but I am like that. I like finishing TV shows and games that I started for some reason. But I also know a good deal of people who don't. They stop watching a TV show once it goes bad and they stop playing a game they don't like even if it comes with recommendations and is part of a series they enjoyed without ever looking back. Every now and then I envy them.
  4. Fare thee well, noble soul. Sad to say it but I lost contact with him after he closed his Coffee Shop board. I'm sitting here and remembering the good "old" times when he used to be the calm center of the flame chaos in YOP (and later on his own forum) and yeah, I'll be missing him. =(
  5. That's the worst part of today's Uni courses. Java, Java and then some more... Java. I'm not sure if it is really a good entry language (well, I started coding in COBOL...).
  6. Some of these points apply to standard and idividual software application too. I do have the advantege of learning that the hard way in Secondary College already. We had to create 3 seperate one-year spanning projects (last three grades in a five-year school) - the first was an underdesigned mess, in the second one we tested extreme programming (which is IMO a tad overrated, but highly interesting nonetheless) and the last one was an overdesigned madness. It wasn't the most pleasant experience (as our school worked closely with real world companies there were deadlines to meet), but certainly educational.
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