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Everything posted by majestic

  1. Local street prices are in: the one available RX 9070 XT model (the XFX Mercury OC) costs 821€, and while the RTX 5070 TI goes for a significant premium at ~1000€, the RTX 4070 TI Super being available for ~850€ means both of those cards are in a bit of a tough spot with that pricing. Although RTX 4000 series cards are price trending upwards pretty fast right now and the 4070 TI Super is seemingly going out of stock. Dunno if they're generally running low or if people who held out on upgrading for the 5000 series are now buying last gen.
  2. TL;DW: Pure rasterization performance sits, as expected, somewhere between the 4070 TI Super and the 5070 TI, with some outliers where even the 5070 is better and others where it encroaches on nVidia's 80ies models. In RT, at least in titles where RT matters and visually pays off to use, AMD has caught up to, uhm, the 3000 series, posting a pretty good generational improvement. Relative scaling at 4K is hurt by the GDDR6 memory, the 9070 XT tends to proportionally get better the lower the resolutions get. Steve has included FPS per $MSRP charts that don't really mean anything as the 5070 TI can't be found at MSRP and we have no idea if the 9070 XT will be, but the results are generally in favor of AMD, as expected, since they put the 9070 XT at 80% of the RTX 5070 TI's MSRP (for anywhere between 80% to 102% of the 5070 TI's rasterization performance, much less in RT, of course). Yeah, so, uhm, as much es every tech channel seems to like the card, that's probably wishful thinking. I don't think these cards are really going to make a dent in nVidia's market share, but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.
  3. TL;DW: Ballpark of the usual 10-30% faster than the not-super 4070, in line with, well, every other nVidia release this generation. Steve's insinuations throughout the video would put AMD's 9070 XT somewhere in the ballpark of the 9700 XT, right where I "extrapolated" (lol) it to be from AMD's marketing claims. Which, assuming it is available for the MSRP and doesn't die whenever you turn on RT, might be decent value compared to the 5070 TI, but probably not good enough to dissuade anyone from buying nVidia.
  4. You put too much stock in our ability to remove our collective heads from our asses, really. But yeah, would be nice to see.
  5. Hot take: I had more fun with Veilguard - gameplay wise, I mean. Both the combat and the parcouring feels weightier and better in Veilguard than it does in Awoved, where everything is floaty and weightless.
  6. Sunrise? Oh my. Does it look nearly as good as Love Live!? Is it worth watching? On average, I mean. I watched a bit of the newer DC animated universe stuff and thought it was fine (Gotham by Gaslight was a novel concept, at least), I guess I could watch some more Batmany stuff.
  7. Uhm, so, extrapolating the 9070 XT performance based on AMD's own claims it will land roughly at the level of an RX 9700 XT non-second-X, with better RT performance. Makes sense, since the name's almost the same. MSRP - if it holds, that is - would put it at the same street price as the 9700 XT too, at least in Central Europe. And as always, a useless upsell card in the 9070 that no one will buy until AMD drops its price to 500$ or lower. Well, at least they're not trying to sell it for 650 and 700 respectively. Don't think it'll make much of a difference though - 4070 Ti Supers aren't much more expensive, at least if you're happy with buying a cheapo Palit card, which regularily go for ~850€ and will probably have the same performance (and better RT, presumably). Eh. Hey, Intel, where's the B770/B780? Come on.
  8. The reason why you can't get any 9800X3Ds is because Der8auer is hogging them for resale.
  9. AMD already said in their own marketing materials that it's just going to compete with the RTX 4070 TI (Super), so that's a bust right out of the gate, unless it also has 4070 TI Super levels of RT performance. Which seems rather unlikely.
  10. To be fair to poster guy, the movies all look the same as well, and from what I've gathered, they're also all a bit samey. Like I mentioned before I watched Weathering With You a while back, and it left me not wanting to watch a whole lot more of his films.
  11. TL;DW: RTX 5000 cards will randomly be missing rendering pipelines. Kills ~5% performance (or maybe more), so if you happen to get an affected 5070 TI, it's basically a 4070 TI Super in terms of performance. Good job nVidia. Ey, Intel, where's the B770/780? Hurry up.
  12. We have 25 more years of experience with this situation. You can bet your ass powerful lobby groups will push the conservatives towards working with the AfD, and eventually, the conservatives are going to give in. It happened back in 1933, it happend in 2000, 2017 and almost in 2025 here in Austria and it will happen in Germany, because at the end of the day, Merz can yell "it is time to go back to politics that benefit the majority of Germans again!" as much as he wants, but both the CDU/CSU and Merz in particular are not up to the task. You can't be bought and paid for by the new monyed nobility and make politics for the majority. There's a reason large and powerful corporations support the CDU as much as they do, and a reason why they're heaping money onto the AfD. A CDU-lead government isn't going to help the situation in Germany at all, because - as you already noted - it is by far and large their fault that you're in this situation in the first place. When I look at the more prominent figures of the CDU and CSU, I feel like throwing up. Merz is a multi-millionaire raking in more and more millions every year and considers himself to be a part of the middle class, Philipp Amthor is dangerous and has highly unsavory connections to shady foreign companies and Jens Spahn is as incompetent as he is corrupt. Eh, and I really don't want to talk about Söder, or any of the talking heads out of Bavaria. Where have the times gone when the weirdest thing coming out of Bavaria was a quaint little fellow talking about how much time you are going to save when you board the railway station in Munich. In a way you're lucky that your social democrats stopped being social democrats with Gerhard Schröder and simply became a vehicle to carry on the CDU agenda even without the CDU, which means as long as the SPD has enough votes to form a government with the CDU that will be a more acceptable version - mark my words, once that is no longer possible, or there's a move back to more traditional social democratic values in the SPD, that'll change. In a way, it is not. Having the FDP drop out of the Bundestag while BSW gets in would have put Merz in a fantastically problematic situation insofar as that he would have had to include the CSU's go-to punching back, the Grüne, in his coalition (Hell would freeze over before they'd work with Sarah Wagenknecht or Die Linke), or look directly towards working with the AfD. It would have unmasked him a lot sooner, because it would have been really easy to claim that they tried to make it work with the SPD and the Greens, but just couldn't. At least Christian Lindner got what he deserved, that underachieving little weasle. Bye bye, and hopefully you Germans aren't going to elect the FDP back in like it happend in 2017. The sooner this party of CDU pilot fishes burns in hell the better for everyone.
  13. It Takes Two, with my nephew. Game's kinda fun, the story is... uh... yeah, somehow I doubt having to coop through a magical episode of a weird book with a Spanish accent is going to save any marriages, but I guess stranger things have happened. Co-oping isn't so bad because it's been pretty easy so far. Some sections drag on a bit too long, and some puzzles are more fun than others, I guess, but overall, it's a co-op game I play with a 12-year-old and it is not making me want to pull my hair out, which is quite an achievement.
  14. You silly leftists and your Trump derangement syndrome. /thread
  15. Like it happened with Iron Sky. Sure, no Moon Nazis (yet), but everything else did come true, just much worse than in the satire was.
  16. I once made fun of George W. Bush saying: "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." I once made fun of George Lucas making the prequel trilogies. I was once a fool...
  17. This is going to be hilariously useless, but I just cannot stop myself. Please name the element(s) in Veilguard that make it exclude straight males. Provide specific examples and give a proper contextual reading for those. Bonus points if you can make it about excluding straight white males. Posting a video from a self-proclaimed Russian sounding melodramatic c*nt (his own words, not mine) like Gorth gorthed into the discussion a while back does not count, so don't even try to post something with an Info Wars level of objectivity and integrity as proof, we've had enough of that nonsense back when a not very sharp one skarped in the politics thread. Is that a rhetorical question? Dragon Age: Veilguard is basically a medieval high magic fantasy version of Star Wars: Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor. Both of which were commercial successes for Electronic Arts.
  18. She at least doesn't give you a five minute verbal lashing about how much of a failure you are if you are light side. 's a pretty cool moment though. "You have failed me. Completely and utterly.", "To have the Jedi Masters brought low by such a failure, there is no victory in that. You have not heard a thing I have taught, and for all I have said, you have never learned to listen." and "Stay here and die, apprentice, among the wreckage of all that remains of the Jedi. It is a fitting grave until the Sith come to end you. To end everything."
  19. Surpsingly enough, yes. With some exceptions like the tempering system (tempering is great, the RNG of it that can destroy equipment worth a lot, well, not so much), the core gameplay and "endgame" of Diablo 4 are pretty solid, the best the game series and ARPGs are outside of Diablo 2 (and possibly Grim Dawn), but the seasonal mechanics are lacking, more often than not. I just recently learned that there's an odd and an even team at Blizzard working on seaons in parallel, which explains a lot. The odd team is clearly worse at creating fun seasons than the even one, as all the really good seasons were even numbered. The current one is season seven. That I can't stop myself from grinding out the seasonal objectives because they used to have a hidden achievement, well, that's hardly the fault of the game.
  20. That would be true, but computers cannot really generate truly random numbers, as such there's always a mathematical function involved - and there are better or worse ones at generating numbers. If whatever Owlcat used is pretty bad - and it would seem to be, going by my experience as well - it is neither weird nor improbable. You'd need specialized hardware for truly random numbers.
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