This is a bit off topic, but what you described isn't exactly in character for what being a Sith Assassin would entail. They aren't thieves, they aren't killers for no apparent reason. They aren't thugs-for-hire. They do the bidding of their master.
And I doubt a Sith Lord would say "gee, um, you know Darth Jimmy, I'm lacking in the diamond rings and flatscreen TV department. Could you do me a favor and sneak into someone's house to steal their shizzat for me? Thanks a bunch."
I think you misunderstood the meaning of what i said. I was merely giving a scenario. Besides what if you're master asked you to go and get a few crystal a archeologist found.
You could:
Lightside- ask for them and offer to pay.
Darksids- do as I said and steal them but to earn some xtra credits you could kill them all and take everything and sell it.