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Everything posted by DGwar

  1. yay. now i can kill people on battlefield 2 and technically it's sponserd by this wonderful group of people with ADHD
  2. thanx u r the first to have a normal answer...
  3. nevermind.... if no body will take me serious than stop talking.
  4. no i mean RTS!! ghost will be sweet though.
  5. i meant Rts but i hit the wrong key.(they are pretty close.)
  6. OMFG!!! Starcraft=the sweetest FPS of all time. Made by Blizzard. orund the same time as Warcraft. i think warcraft 2 is more accurate in the time though.
  7. Hey if anybody has info on The next Starcraft RTS they would become almighty in my eyes! i need to know more about it!!
  8. I think all RPGs should take a page out of Morrowinds book,(and gauntlets) and be more like an fps/hack n' slash. that is all. (for now)
  9. gotta love KOTOR, Eh Fionavar? i just want to be able to be differen't races. and have a lot of costomability with the ship, other characters and etc. also an HK47 quest that i can follow all the way through.(:grumble:) you get the drift?
  10. This is unprecidented. no influence... i am upset.
  11. DGwar

    Oh crud!

    ahhhhhh. no. it is fixed and not a space station.
  12. I'm listening to the halo2 soundtrack. I like the music it makes me better!
  13. DGwar

    Oh crud!

  14. DGwar


    i hate you!
  15. DGwar

    Oh crud!

    it is an electronic component used to test out circuits u idiot! I broke the power regulator.
  16. DGwar


    we are going to do a 15lb super wedge!
  17. DGwar

    Oh crud!

    GOOD NEWS I only fried a $1.50 chip! YES i will not die!
  18. DGwar


    It is a warthog playing paintball.
  19. DGwar


    Hum...there is definatly potential in the dynamite idea.................HOLD ON......what in the world am i firggin saying???!!! YOURE ALL SOO IINSANE THAT YOU SHOULD JUST SHOOT YOURSELF NOW AND SAVE THE WORLD THE TROUBLE....uhm/.......yeh......seriously I know a really REALLy......reallly good phyciatrist.....go see her....shell take your pain away.....................
  20. DGwar

    Oh crud!

    yeah i broke one with a whole lot of gadgets on it and its worth around 300 bucks....OM MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love always, -A dead man
  21. DGwar

    Oh crud!

    How do you fix a 300 dollar breadboard? I was sittng here doing nothing. serfing the web in class and my board went pop! Now i'm gonna die cause mr. b is going to shoot me in the head with a magnet. HELP ME THE CHIP ALONE COST $50!!!!!
  22. DGwar


    Not mechs battlebots you fools!
  23. DGwar


    so how many of you actually read the rules?
  24. DGwar


    go here before replying www.battlebotsiq.org then http://www.robotcombat.com/marketplace_motorsmisc.html
  25. DGwar


    I am in an engineering and design class and we are doing battlebots. My group and i have entered into the 15lbs class and we are lost and helpless(well they are) If you have any suggestions or helpful hints please post or pm me. thanx much DG
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