OMFG!!! Starcraft=the sweetest FPS of all time. Made by Blizzard. orund the same time as Warcraft. i think warcraft 2 is more accurate in the time though.
gotta love KOTOR, Eh Fionavar?
i just want to be able to be differen't races. and have a lot of costomability with the ship, other characters and etc.
also an HK47 quest that i can follow all the way through.(:grumble:)
you get the drift?
Hum...there is definatly potential in the dynamite idea.................HOLD ON......what in the world am i firggin saying???!!! YOURE ALL SOO IINSANE THAT YOU SHOULD JUST SHOOT YOURSELF NOW AND SAVE THE WORLD THE TROUBLE....uhm/.......yeh......seriously I know a really REALLy......reallly good phyciatrist.....go see take your pain away.....................
yeah i broke one with a whole lot of gadgets on it and its worth around 300 bucks....OM MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love always,
-A dead man
How do you fix a 300 dollar breadboard? I was sittng here doing nothing. serfing the web in class and my board went pop! Now i'm gonna die cause mr. b is going to shoot me in the head with a magnet. HELP ME THE CHIP ALONE COST $50!!!!!
I am in an engineering and design class and we are doing battlebots. My group and i have entered into the 15lbs class and we are lost and helpless(well they are) If you have any suggestions or helpful hints please post or pm me.
thanx much